John Mearsheimer Ukraine Salon

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The Biden Administration is engulfed in a staggeringly expensive folly in Ukraine with no forseeable good outcomes. The Committee hosted University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer the week after the Russian invasion fourteen months ago. That zoom salon had 1,136,000 views. The Committee has invited John to return -- this time in person.

John will argue twin themes: First, we are in a war where both sides – Ukraine and the West versus Russia – see the other as an existential threat. That makes a workable peace agreement beyond reach. The best possible outcome is a frozen conflict that is likely to have a variety of terrible consequences. The worst possible outcome is a nuclear war, which is unlikely but cannot be ruled out. Second, Russia is going to win the war, although it is not going to decisively defeat Ukraine. It will end up, however, conquering a large swath of Ukrainian territory and making it part of Russia, while at the same time turning Ukraine into a dysfunctional rump state.

The Committee would not be holding this salon over Ukraine if we had been faithful to constitutional processes. The systematic provision of $113 billion in military assistance to Ukraine in its war with Russia makes the United States a co-belligerent requiring a congressional declaration. But no co-belligerency declaration has been initiated by Congress nor sought by President Joe Biden. If Congress were required to vote, it would balk at co-belligerency as it balked in 2013 when President Barack Obama asked for a declaration of war against Syria and as it balked in 1999 when President Bill Clinton asked for a declaration of war against Serbia.

America is so out of touch with world reality


Is awful he has to apologize before he even starts, Americans are out of control


everyone knows “democratic values and freedom” means rules based order which means hegemony. nothing to do with the democratic material interests of people … everyone knows this.😊


America gov is largely dictated by weapon makers which have huge revenue in play, especially when Democrats are in control. Weapon makers have 1Trillion USD in revenue and can easily spend $20 billions to buy all articles in democrat-controlled media.


So much respect for JM. I was saying most of the same things, since 1999. But he just says it again and again, and again, clearly, as publicly as possible. Never underestimate how important that is.


The Partnership for Peace (PfP) was formulated in the first Clinton Administration by AMB Chas Freeman and SecDef William Perry as a method of addressing the security concerns of the newly independent former Warsaw Pact countries (especially Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary) and … Russia. Addressing Russia’s legitimate security concerns in the post-Soviet era was a major consideration driving the PfP. The PfP was strongly supported by Clinton’s first Secretary of State, Warren Christopher. At that time, there was no appetite for expanding NATO in the Clinton administration. Russia was OK with the PfP.

Facing domestic challenges and seeking to appease domestic constituencies in his second term, Clinton replaced Christopher with the ultra-hawkish, Russia hating Madeline Albright. She, along with Sandy Burger, Strobe Talbot, and Zbigniew Brzezinski worked to trash the PfP and box in Russia by expanding NATO while Russia was a basket case. Brzezinski went so far to write a book (“The Grand Chessboard”) explaining that in order to keep Russia weak and submissive, it was necessary to peel away Ukraine from Russia’s sphere of influence. The idea was to expand NATO into former Warsaw pact countries so as to encircle Russia geographically and constrain it geopolitically. The Clinton Administration went so far as to intervene in the 1997 Russian election to get Boris Yeltsin, who was a submissive, drunken fool, re-elected Russian president.

Clinton, Albright, Burger, Talbot, and Brzezinski are the people who kicked and humiliated Russia when it was down which directly resulted in the present war in Ukraine. There are many other people who subsequently made the problem worse, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Robert Kagan, Elliot Cohen, Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinkin, William Burns, Samantha Power, Mike Pompeo, Michael Mc Faul, et. al.

If you want to know who got us into this dangerous predicament, those are the people.


John is very conservative in his 2 to 1 casualty rate. Others say 7 to 1 dead. Terrible.


I am Russian and have been following this conflict very closely since 2014 and know all the details very well. I was totally blown away by the level of understanding of this conflict by the speaker, especially by his understanding of the Russian motives and reasoning. Honestly, I thought there are no people in the West who would have the desire and intellect to figure out what is really going on there. That is so refreshing and reassuring.


The hyperviolence, when US Empire is torn apart by it's contradictions, will stupendous. There is no social or cultural glue that holds these corporate fiefdoms all over the country together.


The painting behind the speaker needs levelling!


Man, I've run up against a brick wall with so many people trying to get them to understand the first point JM makes - that Russia actually feels threatened. It's not difficult to understand, but people are so conditioned to hate and distrust anything Russian that if Putin says "2 +2 = 4, " half of Americans will call it Russian propaganda and say the real answer is 5. That's not to say, of course, that Putin should just be trusted without a second thought, but the average person doesn't even have to take his word for it to know that it all makes a lot of sense from the Russian perspective. Besides, what would happen if this is how all our officials thought? When nations declare their red lines in clear terms only to have them dismissed as outright lies, this greatly increases the risk of conflict and even all out war.


The best part was when Ray McGovern got a chance to ask Dr Mearsheimer ...
_"WHAT WERE RUSSIA'S OTHER OPTIONS"_ ... to which, Mearsheimer admitted _THERE WERE NONE_


It's sad to see an American academic kiss the butt of Russia, especially after the Russian army was destroyed at the gates of Kiev.

Ukraine will eventually join NATO just as Finland.


This is just great, thanks & keep the great info coming!


I ADMIRE HIS THINKING and HIS WORK! Love and Respect to John Mearsheimer. Live FOREVER beautiful MAN.


Thank god, another JM talk. Just when i thought YouTube was getting stale


John Mearsheimer finally says a honest and truthful satement "I am not speaking the truth".


Thanks, you break a leg John. World greatest realistic. Piia from Finland


Like everybody else, I too have my favourite channel presenters and this eminent professor JM is certainly one of them. The moment I see him and prior to his speech delivery, I usually tick the like button -- for I always know in advance that my world knowledge will be broadened and deepened further.

JM like Jeffrey Sachs, Noam Chomsky, ... is the voice of wisdom, truthfulness, justice and peace!

Wishing all peace-cum-justice loving campaigners a healthy, happy longevity!


Bislang habe ich noch von keinem anderen Menschen eine so exakte und obejektive Beurteilung der derzeit aktuellen Lage gehört wie diese. Mearsheimer zeigt deutlich auf, dass die NATO an einem Wendepunkt steht, genauso wie die EU. Ich persönlich würde in der Einschätzung der Ursachen der Lage weiter zurück gehen; für mich begann sich die Einstellung zu Russland und zu Putin zu ändern, als dieser der Ausplünderung seines Landes nach der Ära Yelzin ein Ende setzte.
