What is the Nebra Sky Disk of Germany? And why it's cool.

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Our European ancestors had a vast trade network as well as a fascination with the stars and the the night-time sky. In this video, we look at one artifact - the Nebra Sky Disk - which brings together ancient European trade and prehistoric astronomy into a single device, the oldest physical depiction of the sky's bodies known to humankind. And it was done so with purpose in religion, royal rite, politics and farming in what may have been a relic of immense power and prestige for a ruling dynasty now lost to our historians.

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These Unetice coulture were getae dacian, mostly I2 haplogroup.
This haplogroup is the only european native haplogroup and means romanian and albanian ( thracian celt).
These people spoke vulgar latin, romanian language that is and they are the megalith builders of ancient europe.


That is technology (which I think is a greatly misunderstood and abused word in our time) at its finest.
No moving parts, no external power source but direct interface with a trained human intellect. Brilliant
Thank you for this. I had not heard of this object before.
Yet one more proof that ancient people were not all mindless barbarians.


What a wonderful find. Too bad archaeologists didn’t get there first.

Looters suck.


Makes you realise the chance of discovery.... and the punishment means as per 'Spainish' sunken treasure non has been discovered since the last vast declared cache was why!


The prehistoric Solar Cross is one of the oldest known symbols, found in numerous cultures and traditions across the globe, also called the Wheel Cross, Sun Cross, Pagan Cross, and Odin's Cross, it is often used to represent the Sun and to mark time.
The X in the Sky Disk does the same, but is much earlier. The X precedes the Cross, the X is the oldest symbol we have found, being 73, 000 years old and discovered in Blombos Cave.
The X and the Cross both also represent the Sun-divinity.
The Chi-Rho was the symbol of the Varangian Guard of Byzantium, it is a combination of two symbols and it means Jesus-Christ, as in there are other Christs, other Sun-divinities.


2:55 I remember a line from the Cambridge University Freshers' Guide saying it can be cold in winter because there are no mountains between here and Siberia, which if you allow a bit of bending of the line, it is true if you go east, skipping to the north of the highlands in central Germany and then to the south of the Ural Mountains.


2:11 those spirals are dacian bracelets.


I'm just learning about this sky disk, I find it fascinating but one thing trips me up. Everyone pronounces it differently. When I first read about it, the way you pronounce it at the start (haven't finished the video yet) is how I imagined it, but as I started watching videos, I'm hearing it spoken more like Zebra (an ee sound like seen or bean.)

How can I find the correct pronunciation? D:


Never underestimate the power of knowing time, this culture managed to source materials from all of it's surroundings.


You’re so unique love your podcast ✨👏👍🏼


Damcaniaeth arbennig a gwideo gwych iawn, Ben!!! Diolch yn fawr am ddysgu y gair ' gwideo', hefyd 👏👏👏


The boat is the path of Vega on the winter solstice.


I am very curious what’s your take on the Varna civilisation, the golden treasure (allegedly oldest processed gold discovered) found at the Varna Necropolis and some scientists claims that the proportions of some of the objects have to do with astrology just like that disk does.

Thank you for the awesome content!


Its not the oldest known depiction but depiction on an object.
Magura cave callendar from Bulgaria is much older and much more detailed.
Also, did you see what was the DNA of Unetice coulture?
Romanian and albanese ancient european I2 haplogroup mixed with early R1b indoeuropeans.
Celts, like dacians and basically thracians.
The spiral bracelets are like the dacian bracelets but not as impressive.


sAulė. Luckily it means nothing then pronounced your way. Pope 0, Ben 1
