Rings of Power Season 2 FINALE BREAKDOWN

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To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!

Gandalf Balrog - Felix Englund
Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil - Ted Nasmith
The Dwarves Delve Too Deep - Ted Nasmith
Manwe - Ralph Damiani
Wizards, the Istari - Ivan Cavini
Glorfindel's arrival - Ralph Damiani
Tol himling - Felix Englund
Gandalf The Grey - John Howe
Khamu - Anato Finnstark
Witch-King - Anato Finnstark
The Council of Elrond - Alan Lee
The Witch King - John Howe
Saruman The Ringmaker - Ralph Damiani
Gandalf - Jenny Dolfen
Frodo - Jenny Dolfen
Scouring of the shire - Ivan Cavini
Frodo Departs - Ralph Damiani
Forest farm - Felix Englund
Numenor Atlantis - Pete Amachree
dwarves - merlkir
Narsil - Daniel Dougherty
Thus Came Aragorn - Ted Nasmith
Anduril Flame of the West - Artigas
Celebrimbor in the dungeons - anotherstranger_me
Celebrimbor - anotherstranger_me
Celebrimbor - Marya Filatova
Celebrimbor's death - peet
Sauron - Jerry Vanderstelt
The Shadow of Sauron - Ted Nasmith
Feanor and the silmarils - Bella Bergolts
Thangorodrim - Jonathan Guzi
death of feanor - Jenny Dolfen
Gwindor's Death - Peter Xavier Price
Túrin Turambar - Alan Lee
Aragorn - Daniel Dougherty
Day Shall Come Again - Abe Papakhian
Forging the One Ring - Marko Manev
Pelargir - Lída_Holubová
Sauron - Shadow of War
Mouth of Sauron - Janka Latečková
The Messenger - Ralph Damiani
Galadriel - Alystraea
Every snake changes its skin - skullb*st*rd
Dark valley - Felix Englund
Riders at The Ford - Ted Nasmith
Galadriel - Marya Filatova
weathertop - CK Goksoy
Aragorn and Morgul knife - Matthew Stewart
Boromir - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Battle of Fornost - Joona Kujanen
Father (Denethor) - Catherine Chmiel
Manwe - steamey
Morgoth Punishes Hurin - Ted Nasmith
Amon Rudh - Felix Englund
A royal wedding in numenor - Matej Cadil
The Eagles of Manwë stand guard over a Númenórean coastal town - Pete Amachree
Numenor - Šárka Škorpíková
Sauron forging the ring - Alan Lee
The Blue Wizards Journeying East - Ted Nasmith
Gandalf at the Doors of Durin moria - Dzmitry Yakhouski
saruman - Dzmitry Yakhouski
Radagast and Saruman - Ralph Damiani
The Shire - Šárka Škorpíková
The blue wizards - Turner Mohan
Rivendell - Jerry Vanderstelt
sauron army - weta
Sauron the deceiver - skullb*st*rd
Ar-pharazon - steamey
Sauron before Ar-Pharazon - Anke Eissmann

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Everyone: Yeah that guy is totally Gandalf...
(15 Episodes later)
Amazon: Surprise! It was actually Gandalf all along!


Recovering from Adar stabbing you is apparently super easy, barely an inconvenience


All of this show seemed underpopulated. like where are all the people. Every fight scene is like between 20 people.


How was Arondir suddenly completely fine after being seriously injured last episode?


"You're a wizard Gandalf"
- Rubeus Bombadil


The elves pump up shouting at the end felt out of character to me, or something culturally weird. Seemed a very mortal move when they’re always singing in the books and we just had the Tom song. I was really hoping they’d break into some soft Elven tune that would crescendo into a united resolve to keep going.


Middle Earth population: 50 Elfs, 10 orcs, 20 Hobbits, 2 wizards, 60 dwarfs, 20 normal men, 40 Numenorians backing up the king and 20 backing up the queen. Sauron could have forged few more rings and controll all middle Earth


The Gandalf reveal thing to me feels like somebody winding up a really predictable "knock knock" joke for 15 hours and then expecting everyone to laugh when the punchline comes. A wasted opportunity imo.


they killed off the best character in this show. RIP Adar. Hope I could know your elven name one day.


This show is 100% going to keep the Hobbits so they can do the “origin of the Shire”


I think for the scene when Sauron changing forms, it would’ve been funnier if it was just Charlie Vickers dressed as Galadriel and Celebrimbor 😂


Can we talk about how Arondir and Vorohil were really severely injured in episode 7 and were completely fine at the end???


So “Gandalf” went all that way to get a name and a new stick and we find out that Tom bombadil is actually Olivander from Harry Potter. Ok.


I’m still too cut up about the Hero of Mordor, Waldreg, being killed to mourn Glug but my thoughts and prayers to Glugs now fatherless child.


So the dark wizard shows up to the village, gets mad, throws a bunch of rocks and leaves. Great writing


Charlie Vickers is a great casting for Sauron. Very difficult to nail grace and beauty, yet he has a fierce rage in in his stare, when angered. He really grew on me in S2


So the balrog got woken up and literally just killed the king because he woke him up and then after that was like okay time for bed again…come on prime


My wild guess for how Sauron ends up in Numenor again is that our favorite boy Kemen will insist against the advice of the elves on bringing him to his father to "show his quality" and cause the utter distruction of his homeland.


Whhhyyyy would they gloss over the arrival of the Dwarven army, especially after wasting time and money on that pointless cavalry charge in episode 7? The Dwarves showing up to save the Elves in the nick of time could have been one of the best moments of the season. Someone in the writers’ room has their priorities completely back to front.


Erondir is like that employee didn't read the email firing him and just keep showing up to work
