Israel Strikes Syrian Trucks Heading for Lebanon

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Officials say the vehicles were transporting weapons to the militant group Hezbollah.
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Good job Israel, keep up the good work. we're praying for your protection, and acknowledge that the perfect will of God is brought about for those who love, and obey Him. That doesn't mean we get what we want, it means that God get's what He wants, and because we love Him, we are equally happy to suffer if need be, that He be Glorified.


It's useless to fight against Israel, as we knew from the times of Balaam and Balak.You will only get yourself into trouble and like it or not there is no Muslim country that can defeat Israel.Read the Bible for your information


why don't they wait till the hezbollah get them, then strike both the trucks and hezbollah at the same time?


because other reports are saying the attacks were carried out on a military facility on the outskirts of damascus. not quite as big of a deal to attack hezbollah inside of syria than it is to attack syrian military facilities themselves. remember what the iranian government stated just a few days ago? "an attack on syria is an attack on us". by the way, iran and north korea signed a pact at the end of last year. it's alliance dynamics which could trigger a much wider conflict


You are seriously brainwashed. I don't know what they teach you in your community by you are only hurting your self. You need to think on your own. I'm an educated person and I question everything, even what I was taught it school or by my parents. I'm not brainwashed. Besides, its not healthy to be so hateful and to wish that your own people would be hurt. I love all jews, orthodox and secular, they are all my people no matter what they believe. which group do you belong to?


They indeed have very unstable leaders, but time will teach us more about the leaders. An attack on Iran will be a matter of life and death for both Israel and Iran if Iran has nuclear missiles and willing to use it. I think that the destruction of Iraq's nuclear power paid off after all, it could be very ugly in the gulf war if we wouldn't do it. The coalition forces even thanked Israel for doing that. So yea it paid off.


Afghanistan was a b.s war, but I don't think Iraq was. Saddam was brutal dictator, even though there was more stability in his country than after his fall. I was in Israel when he sent tilim, it wasn't' a fun experience. You don't need to apologize to the anti-semetic people on youtube, they'll be like this even if we leave Israel. Anti- semitisim existed also when we didn't live there. Some people are just sick. by the way, did you vote in the election?


I don't really know, nobody actually knows why its going through Syria, possibly to storage their missile arenal in Lebanon because of the civil war. Iranians will always arm Hezbollah, but Syria almost armed Hezbollah with the very advanced Russian SA 17. Hezbollah is very easily pulls the trigger, thats the reason we won't let them have those systems. Skad missiles in the Lebanon can start a war. Their leaders are too unstable to have it. SA 17 can be used offensivly, its a 50 km range mobile.


about what you said of the attack agreed, it was illegal, not condoneable no matter what the Israelis come up with, that convoy was inside Syrian territory when it was attacked, this nulifies all claims that it was headed for Hezbollah as mere imagination and paranoia.
The attack on the military facility, claimed by the US as another target has nothing with do with hezbollah and is an obvious attack on Assad's forces in the FSA's favour, illegal intervention.


I personally think it's understandeable for the Jews to have a state where they are the majority even because of the unique persecution they were victims of in Europe.
But not until they allow, full right of return, residence, comingling, freedom of marriage, freedom of any kind of racism to the palestinian people.

It's not a problem if they're the majority it doesn't matter if it's not an islamic state, there are many islamic states, but give the palestinians full rights and let them return.


"Its against God". wow, do you represent God? A spiritual person does not swear and respects other people's opinions. I read the Torah in Hebrew. Modern Israel doesn't follow the Torah, its a nice book but you can't take it too seriously, after all women were stoned in biblical times....Jewish people have historical ties to the land, that is what matters. The Messia is a concept, just like 2012 was, don't take it so seriously.


so, you are Israeli, that's why you know what you are talking about. Obviously Israel wants to control the airspace in Lebanon. This is their strength when they fight the Hezballa. I guess you know the Hezballa did the attack in Bulagaria. what do you think about the Iranian nukes and the fall of the Assad regime?


I'll take that as a compliment. I've never heard of internet Jewish agents, and if they existed they would never say that the Americans did 9/11. Try to think logically. When you think with hate and anger you'll never understand anything.


the mossad sent drones into the twin towers? right. Only Americans had access to their own airports, their airspace.... You obviously didn't study the events of that day. I suggest that you do your homework before you write comments.


Listen to pilotsfor911truth. They say it was not passenger planes. Also there had pods attached... No foreign agency or terrorist group could have done a 9/11. By the way, I love the 'porn scanners' in your airports.


Mr. Portugal, the days of Imperialism are over. You can not decide which country will or will not exist.Israel did not attack Syria, they are preventing transfer of weapons to Lebanon. Its simple.


haha true that, and I guess Iran was bluffing when they said "an attack on Syria is considered an attack on Iran and Iran’s allies"...Now they warn of "grave consequences" if Israel does it again :)


Israel Gov doesnt listen to its people any better than our Gov listens to US ~~I am awake~~Truth and Love is a Narrow Path But it is also the Sword of God ya gotta get you facts Straight .


I don't really know what to think of the fall of Assad, the civil war in Syria is too twisted and too blurry. Can't say anything right now, when this madness ends we will know.


you seem like the only person here who knows what he's talking about. why is all of this going through Syria? you'd think the Iranians would find another route.
