John Lennox on DNA and language

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A clip from John Lennox at the God, Science and the Big Questions forum at Biola University, 2015.
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Lennox= Brilliant! Believers and atheists believe in something untestable, unproven, and eternal! The quantum vacuum, is not "Nothing" there is energy and laws present!


3.5 billion letters to an individual unique code and then ABBA YAHWEH Whom we derisively and merely call God; The Intelligent Eternal Designer, then literally broke the mould right after creating each of Us. Proving not only Specificity but also deliberate intricacy. Yet here we are, in the 21st Century still choosing to conform and compare to each other and retrogressively still debating on Our True Origins. While We are from ONE and will surely return to The Eternal ONE Creator| Divine Agape Love♥️✨ even if we try to artificially make gods out of ourselves; we were already innately made and declared to be by The Eternal Sovereign ONE♥️✨
(Refer to The Holy Book of Psalms 82:6 if you Kind Reader may; also for those who choose to truly seek out The Truth and not merely look to dispute it)


Brilliant, DNA Language is loud and clear ! Jesus is the Living Word !


So Lennox doesn understand the process of DNA and how it came into being so it must he God! Why doesnt Lennox got to school and study the subject and find the answer! This video should be retitled. This is John Lennox he doesn't understand how DNA came about or why it seems orgainiswd etc so can someone please explain it to him!


It's only through faith from the heart in Jesus Christ and His Blood that saves sinners. It is not their deeds that save sinners.

there's nothing else that saves sinners.


He was doing so well up until he tried to use the watchmaker argument.


Jesus Christ is the Blood atonement for our sins, our faith must be in that Blood of Jesus Christ
It's all about the Blood of Christ,

who Jesus Christ is, He is the Lamb of God that takes sin away from men, He is the Lord that saves sinners that trust in Him and His Blood

What Jesus Christ did, He did on the cross, bled and resurrected from the dead on the third day

When we by faith receive that Blood, trusting the Blood of Jesus Christ, we are eternally saved in Christ


DNA isn't a language though. There's no sentience involved in it.


God bless you and your loved ones Professor Lennox. Thank you for doing Christ's will, and feeding his lambs and sheep


The origin of information is never a material process.


Quantum Physics has shown that Reality is based on Probabilities.

A statistical impossibility is defined as *_“a probability that is so low as to not be worthy of mentioning. Sometimes it is quoted as 1/10^50 although the cutoff is inherently arbitrary. Although not truly impossible the probability is low enough so as to not bear mention in a Rational, Reasonable argument."_* The probability of finding one particular atom out of all of the atoms in the universe has been estimated to be 1/10^80. The probability of a functional 150 amino acid protein chain forming by chance is 1/10^164. It has been calculated that the probability of DNA forming by chance is 1/10^119, 000. The probability of random chance protein-protein linkages in a cell is 1/10^79, 000, 000, 000. Based on just these three cellular components, it would be far more *Rational and Reasonable* to conclude that the cell was not formed by undirected random natural processes. Note: Abiogenesis Hypothesis posits that un-directed random natural processes, i.e. random chance formation, of molecules led to living organisms. Natural selection has no effect on individual atoms and molecules on the micro scale in a prebiotic environment. (*For reference, peptides/proteins can vary in size from 3 amino acid chains to 34, 000 amino acid chains. Some scientists consider 300-400 amino acid protein chains to be the average size. There are 42, 000, 000 protein molecules in just one (1) simple cell, each protein requiring precise assembly. There are approx. 30, 000, 000, 000, 000 cells in the human body.) Furthermore, of all the physical laws and constants, just the Cosmological Constant alone is tuned to a level of 1/10^120; not to mention the fine-tuning of the Mass-Energy distribution of early universe which is 1/ 10^10^123. Therefore, in the fine-tuning argument, it would be more *Rational and Reasonable* to conclude that the multi-verse is not the correct answer while trying to determine the origin of the universe.

A "Miracle" is considered to be an event with a probability of occurrence of 1/10^6. Abiogenesis, RNA World Hypothesis, and Multiverse would all far, far, far exceed any "Miracle". Yet, these extremely *Irrational and Unreasonable* hypotheses are what many of the world’s top scientists _‘must’_ believe in and promote because of a prior commitment to a strictly arbitrary, subjective, biased, narrow, limiting, materialistic ideology / worldview.

Every idea, number, concept, thought, theory, mathematical equation, abstraction, qualia, Information, etc. existing within and expressed by anyone is "Immaterial" or "Non-material". The very idea or concept of "Materialism" is an immaterial entity and by it's own definition does not exist. Modern science seems to be stuck in archaic, subjective, biased ideologies that have inadequately attempted to define the "nature of reality" or the "reality of nature" for millenia. A Paradigm Shift in ‘Science’ is needed for humanity to advance. A major part of this Science Paradigm Shift would be the formal acknowledgment by the scientific community of the existence of "Immaterial" or "Non-material" entities as verified and confirmed by discoveries in Quantum Physics.


No they don't. Thats the good thing about science sir, they don't claim to know everything. You do! The reason humanity has advanced is because science changes and theology doesn't. Science is why we have medicine and agriculture. Dont be afraid to ask. Its how we learn!


DNA code can be equated to a type of computer language. DNA code is more complex than regular computer language in that it is not binary (based on 0 and 1). It is quaternary (based on A T C G). And, as with every known language in existence, confirmed through scientific experiment and observation, is the product of only one thing ... mind/ consciouness /intelligence. ...

_"The discovery of the structure of DNA transformed biology profoundly, catalysing the sequencing of the human genome and engendering a new view of biology as an INFORMATION SCIENCE. Two features of DNA structure account for much of its remarkable impact on science: its DIGITAL nature and its complementarity, whereby one strand of the helix binds perfectly with its partner. DNA has two types of DIGITAL INFORMATION — the genes that ENCODE proteins, which are the MOLECULAR MACHINES of life, and the GENE REGULATORY NETWORKS that specify the behaviour of the genes."_ (Source: Nature Journal, Nature com)

_"Language: ALL DIGITAL communications require a formal language, which in this context consists of all the information that the sender and receiver of the digital communication must both possess, in advance, in order for the communication to be successful."_ (Wikipedia: Digital Data)

*”The instructions in a gene that tell the cell how to make a specific protein. A, C, G, and T are the "letters" of the DNA code; they stand for the chemicals adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T), respectively, that make up the nucleotide bases of DNA. Each gene's code combines the four chemicals in various ways to spell out three-letter "words" that specify which amino acid is needed at every step in making a protein.”* ( “Genetic Code - National Human Genome Research Institute” Genome . gov)

*_”Genetic code is the term we use for the way that the four bases of DNA--the A, C, G, and Ts--are strung together in a way that the cellular machinery, the ribosome, can read them and turn them into a protein. In the genetic code, each three nucleotides in a row count as a triplet and code for a single amino acid. So each sequence of three codes for an amino acid. And proteins are made up of sometimes hundreds of amino acids. So the code that would make one protein could have hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of triplets contained in it.”_* (Lawrence C. Brody, Ph.D., Genome dot gov)

Modern scientific discoveries in Genetics (i.e. biology) have shown that functional / coded / digital Information (i.e. DNA code) is at the core of ALL Biological Systems. Without functional / coded / digital information, there is NO biology. The only known source (i.e. cause) in the universe that has been Observed in nature to be capable of producing functional / coded / digital information, such as that found even in the most primitive biological systems, is mind / consciousness / intelligence.


I'm not sure if I should laugh or be disturbed hearing what he said. An Oxford mathematician with 3 PhD's has little to no understanding of elementary biology. Is this what a religion does to a brilliant mind?


It takes to much blind faith to be an atheist. LoL The entire universe literally screams at modern man their is a God.


Ah ah come on John darling when are you going to tell us about all the money you made from the God thing John now please please


God of the gaps argument, i dont know where DNA comes from so God did it. First u need to demonstrate with evidence, not because u like that conclusion, that DNA was design, then u need to demonstrate that it was design by god and not for example aliens, and at the end because u like Jesus so much demonstrate that this god was Jesus. Dont pretend that u know what u dont know, u where teached that there is a God and that u Will live 4ever and u like it thats it, until some evidence im on the real world


Lennox should stick to mathematics because it’s clear he doesn’t understand even 8th grade biology.
