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This video presents the ideas of emergence, phase transitions, and strong vs. weak emergence.

According to Wikipedia, emergence is conceived as a process whereby larger entities, patterns, and regularities arise through interactions among smaller or simpler entities that themselves do not exhibit such properties.
In the previous section we discussed how synergistic relations give rise to the phenomena of two or more elements having a greater combined output or effect than the simple product of each in isolation. This process where by the interaction between elements gives rise to something that is greater than the sum of their parts is called emergence.
So where as when we were talking about synergies we simply said that the combined effect was greater than its parts in isolation. The concept of emergence though implies that what is created out of these synergic relations is not just quantitatively different it is in fact qualitatively different. That is to say none of the elements that contribute to the emergence of this new phenomena have its qualities when taken in isolation.
There are many examples of this but maybe the simples is the example of water, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, neither of these two elements that make up the system have the property or quality of wetness, but when we combine them we get a substance called water that has the quality of being wet, this property of wetness has emerged out of the interaction of the systems elements and it only exists on the systems level.
Another often sited example of emergence is the phenomena of life, biological systems such as a plant cell consist of a set of inanimate molecules none of which in isolation have the property of life, but it is the particular way that these elements are arrange into structures and processes that enable the emergent phenomena of the living system as an entirety.
Our world is full of examples of emergence that we could site, from ant colonies to galaxies and cultures, but all of these are types of structures, where as emergence is really a process, these systems are then the product of a the process of emergence that has play out to create two qualitatively different levels to the system.
Emergence then is a process through which systems develop or we might say grow. During this process unassociated elements interact, synchronize to form synergies and out of this emerges some new and novel phenomena that previously did not exist.
In order to create some qualitatively different and new phenomena the system must go through what we call a phase transition. A phase transition is an often rapid or accelerated period during the process of a systems development, either side of which the fundamental parameters with which we describe the system change qualitatively.
Again there are lots of examples of this such a the phase transition between solid and liquid that a substance goes through when heated, but maybe the most dramatic example is the metamorphose of a butterfly from being a caterpillar to a mature adult. Not only dose the system’s morphology change but the whole set of parameters that we define it with are so drastically altered prior and post the phase transition that we give the creature a whole new names.

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Рекомендации по теме

Good intro video. George Ellis and Nancy Murphy are big proponents of emergence as the best explanation for consciousness. Ellis has a video on it that is interesting.


I remember when Michael Behe made a similar argument for strong emergence in biology. Irreducible complexity is a valuable concept right up until it hits "the third rail, " of scientific orthodoxy, namely evolutionary theory.


Thank you for this - I spent ages trying to figure out what this meant and in 6 minutes I got it from your Video :) Brilliant


Although well-intentionned and of general interest, in a systems science perspective, it unfortunately brings confusing definitions and statements, and some assertions that are fundamentally flawed. Properties, qualities, behavior, phase transitions are mixed up; predictability and traceability are misunderstood in the context of emergence and complex systems.


Great informative video as usual, system theory is just one part of the scientific future


Maybe a naive question, but it strikes me that a 'strong emergence' qualifies in that sense as a product of 2nd Order Cybernetics in that it is a value judgement reliant on the observer, as opposed to the measurable change in interaction/relationship of the constituent parts?


Consciouness describers energy & movement. It is a reflection of the images filtering in through light. The images mirror what is outside - energy & movement. Consciouness just maps it out in our mind. The rest is just permutations of the information. We don't say, my chemicals are sticking me to you like brick & mortar - we say "I think I love you." or some artificial human interpretation of the chemical bonding. It's still a lot of fun!!


I have been on the wrong side of youtube all this time. Thank you so much for this amazing course.


Might it be that the basis of the debate "Keynes vs Hayek" is just "Weak vs Strong Emergence" ?


thanks for this great video, you've got a new subscriber :)


This ends the Chicken and Egg dilemma as to where the advanced intelligence of the Ancients originated from. It emerged from synergy and other bits of intelligence of strong emergence in the collective morphic field. Thus, no evolution from apes or alien intervention was necessary to produce advanced technologies. This is a game changer of epic proportions.


Good information except I don't think consciousness emerges out of biology or neurons.


even one molucule of water isn't wet


only ? I've got is the very start of it all, non existence into existence, I don't believe non existence was ever a "non" thing it just seems silly that a nothing could hide an not exist at the same time an then the nothing started to be a thing all based on nothing not hiding or bla bla bla. All based on super ego universal conquest philosophy beat existence at existing an rule time an space.
