! Trigger Warning SA!! Hard one to share but I hope it helps someone find strength

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Let's be clear I share because I am healed I have don't the work and I want to help others. I am not needing attention and I am not looking for clout. I AM LOOKING to raise awareness and help anyone out there know it is ok to freeze and they should tell someone. Spread love people or do not that is up to you.
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If you only have seen the one video of mine I can understand the confusion. I share to help others, I share so people do not feel alone, I share because I am a life coach who has turned her entire world around and knows how to help others do the same. I do not share for pity I am healed from my past. I share for the ones who have yet to speak their truth and feel afraid. I help people all over the world to find the spark they left behind. That is why I tell the Internet.


My girlfriend was abused. One day we were getting ready to have sex and something I did or said triggered her and she went into a panic. I didn't know about it before but I just backed away and covered her. Then sat down next to her and let her know that it was ok and that I was there. I helped her dress and that's when she told me about the abuse and that she didn't know what triggered her. She tried to apologize but I wouldn't allow it, it wasn't her fault I told her. She has trusted me since. Been together for two years and it's been the best two of my life.


OMG! I experienced a similar situation when I was 12-16. He was my first boyfriend. We started dating in middle school. He had a bad home life with an abusive father and drug addicted mother. The Dad was almost always gone for work.. if he was home he was beating the wife and kids.. the mom was always strung out and asleep. His only way to school was walking or my parents driving him. In high school my parents moved him into the house. That was when he got abusive and controlling. He would show me "wrestling moves" from class and constantly choke me out or bruise me up. When I tried to tell my parents he would follow up with lies. He would barge into my bedroom late at night and force himself on me. I was young and thought "This is how he shows me love." It got to a point I would shut down and sleep through whatever he did to me. When my parents caught him in my room he would lie and say I had nightmares and begged him to stay... They would scold me and forgive him. There was one day we went to a friend's house for a pool party. He told me not to bring a swim suit and I wouldn't be swimming. My friend and his sister let me borrow gym clothes to swim in. I was completely covered in a bra, underwear, basketball shorts, and a muscle shirt (sleeveless t-shirt) they were all baggy. My parents knew about the party and were fine with me going. He made an excuse for us to "NEED" to leave. I fearfully got changed and left. I clung to the passenger door the whole ride home scared about the explosion that was building. When we got to my house it happened. He screamed at me and smashed his fist into the steering wheel. He followed with "THAT COULD HAVE BEEN YOUR F***ING FACE! DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT TO YOU?" I was sobbing hysterically and scrambling to get out of the car. I ran to the front door and frantically tried to open the door before he could get me. He rushed me and screamed that I was overreacting and to calm down. My sobs became silent. He then smashed his fist into the wooden beam next to the door and whispered "dammit M you need to calm the f*** down. You don't want your parents to know how much of a whore you were tonight!" He then sushed me and wiped away my tears and said the worst thing ever "you know I only do this because I love you so much. You're mine." I went inside and quietly walked to get a shower so I could sob in the shower. It wasn't until 2 months later and I caught him cheating on me with my best friend that I left him. She would victim blame and gaslight me all the time when I went to her for help. When I kicked him out I told my parents about the cheating while we were on a family vacation. They said I could kick him out but I needed to realize "I was condemning him to a poor education and possibly causing him to drop out." I decided my dignity and sanity were worth more. He could ride with my exfriend to school. When I told him (over the phone) we were done and he needed to move out he was pissed off. He said "You will never be happy again. I'm the best thing to ever happen to you. I give it two years and when you find out that the world isn't made of cotton candy and gum drops You're going to kill yourself. Don't say I didn't warn you." I went back to him 2 years later. He threatened me once and I dipped out. Fast forward 10 years ago. I was engaged and in a happy non-abusive relationship expecting my daughter. I found myex on Facebook. I contacted him and threw in his face how strong, happy, and successful I was without him and that he was wrong about me! I did tell my parents about everything that had happened to me when he lived with us. My mom cried and my dad was ready to kill him. I made my parents promise not to do anything to him he was suffering enough on his own. He was the one in a bad place after me. I learned that he projected his feelings onto me as a last ditch attempt to keep me. To this day his words strengthen me. Not because I'm scared of him, but because I don't want him to win. He doesn't control me anymore!


I was a victim too. However, I was too young to understand 'sexual assault'. I didn't realize what he had done, until 14 years old. This 'he' was my freakin' Grandpa. I'm glad that you stayed strong as I have. 😌


My gf has been SA and even tho she says it’s ok I always ask for permission before I touch her because I don’t want her feeling uncomfortable and not wanting to tell me


My dad hears about this stuff on the news and he always says “i will kill somebody if they do this to you” or stuff similar Im very thankful for him lets just hope he doesnt kill anyone


As a father to 2 little girls… this is something that wrenches my heart….


My stepbrother sexually assaulted me for 8 years. It was the worst feeling. I felt so disgusting and like my body wasn’t mine. I was so ashamed and never told anyone until I was around 14. After telling people I tried to commit twice and I started sexualizing myself and became way too hyper sexual. I ended up getting therapy and stopped self harming and valued myself a lot more! I feel so independent and free now.


the amount of SA victims here are heartbreaking. I hope you guys are safe and doing well and your abuser is rotting in hell


"I went into freeze mode" that's how it was for me, only replace the boy with my female cousin. I still have trust issues with women to this day. 🙃


Freezing is normal when you are a victim.
I always say to myself:”if this happens to me, I will kick the guy in his nuts.”
But I think if this really happened to me … I probably would freeze too…


When I was 11, I started getting molested by someone I thought was my friend, and he did it for years. At 14, he finally got what he wanted. He did what he pleased with me the day he caught me alone in the bathroom. Even years later I still can't go into a public bathroom by myself.. it's sad that shit like that happens everyday


I was SA when I was 3-15 it went on for 13 years, I never told anyone until my sister said she was also SA, he was one of my step dads, he would do it when my mom was gone at work or down in the shed that we have, he would also force me yo do kt in the car as well, I wasn't allowed to date anyone because he would say that I was "cheating", and I was very depressed and tried to kms every night, it never worked so I started cutting, and then once I turned 16, (I'm turning 17 this October), he went to the circus in Texas I think, and my mom was talking to an investigator to help me and my older sister, she lied to my "dad" and told Him that he could see us on Christmas, and he came up like way before Christmas, and the cops said he was in the forest with weapons and with a laptop and a phone, he had nudes of me on his phone and videos. To this day I'm scared of older guys and I flinch every time someone raises there hand at me cause whenever my abuser was alone with me he would hold a knife up to my throat and threaten me, he would choke me and tell me that I'm nothing, that om just a toy and no boy would ever want me or love me, but when he went to jail, I found a very sweet guy, his names aj and I'm still with him today, I love him with my entire heart and I'm happier then I was before the SA started, he helped me and made me feel safe, and my mother is the on I should thank for helping me and getting me a therapist, my therapist was very kind and we took our time, I'm glad I could tell people and not get judged, thabk you for this video, it's so needed by people, I speak for everyone when I say that it's hard asf to tell people what happened whrn you're scared and they threaten you with anything, it's hard to trust or even do the deed when a you can think of is the SA, you're a amazing and I hope that you can get the help you need! We are all survivor's ❤️


I'm so sorry that happened to u, ur so strong being able to share this, I would never have been able to share this


At THIRTEEN?!? Omg that’s how old I am. I’m so sorry this happened to you, stay strong❤️‍🩹


I went to a bar with some work friends of my mother's, so I thought they were safe. They were lesbians and I wanted some LGBTQ+ friends because while I am pan, I didn't hav any offline. Anyway, when they brought me home, we were drunk and one asked to use my bathroom. I said yes and she assaulted me in my own bathroom. I froze up, I didn't fight her off. She was engaged to her girlfriend and her girlfriend was very friendly. Afterwards it took me several days to tell my mom and my own girlfriend at the time. My mother reacted with horror, my girlfriend at the time (now ex) told me I cheated on her and broke up with me. I didn't really say anything, I just cried. I blamed myself. I couldn't believe she said that.


My cousin was nearly assaulted by her father's friend.
It was a family event and my mom and her father are bro-sis and my mom is elder one. This was just around 1 and a half year ago and we all were in a hotel and me and her were sharing the room and she has 1 younger bro and 1 older bro and I had 1 bro. So me and her stayed in the same room and same with our brothers. It was late and all adults were talking and drinking and all teenagers were playing. She was 12 and I was 13 that time. She was sleepy so she told her mom and went to her room. I was playing when I saw her dad's friend (he was like family friend also he was single) he was also leaving and I told my all brothers that let's prank him so we all follow him and noticed he was not going to his room instead he was going towards mine room at first we all thought that he was just roaming around but then he just went inside the room. It was weird that he didn't had the key and we all knew it that something was not right so i told our 2 brothers to inform our parents and me and my cousin ( he is also the same age as mine) went inside quickly and saw he was trying to remove my cousin clothes while his 1 hand was on her mouth she was crying. Both of us immediately took metal and plastic bottles which was our bottles and ran there and started to hit him with it. I had metal bottles so I hit his hand around 18-20 times, he was looking drunk. Our parents came and saw both of us siblings kicking him while he is shouting. I kicked his part twice. We called police. Sadly since then my cousin is traumatized 😢 but she is getting better slowly.


People don't understand or get why women "freeze" when they are getting abused but they are quick to understand if one freezes over a hold-up or a kidnap attempt. It's sad how people still don't understand that a sexual assault is as scary and dangerous as other heinous crimes.


I have been through a similar incident yet not too intense as this. Fortunately my mom got to know about it soon. I came back home after some seniors eve teased me in a locked classroom when everyone was in field for the sports day. (I went back to classroom to take my water bottle when they ganged up after seeing me walk by the corridor). I couldn't control my tears after I reached home and my mom was sure about something bad has happened just by the look of my face. She gently asked me to explain and calmed me down. I told her everything. Those guys were rusticated from the school cause the cctv cameras recorded everything and it came into light after I complained. Apparently, the Principal found out that those group of boys did that to many junior girls when they all complained about it later on after my case came into light. So never make other's fault your secret, who knows, it may save more lives if you open up to someone trustworthy.


As someone who was sexually assaulted at 13 as well and now suffers from severe PTSD and haven’t told anyone thank you for doing this
