Julia Child's Chocolate Mousse Masterpiece | Jamie & Julia

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Julia Child's Chocolate Mousse with Crème Anglaise is a top tier dessert from the French Chef. This decadent beauty ranks right at the top of her dessert recipes.I'm making my way through Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" cookbook... like the movie "Julie & Julia". #juliachild

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recipe for 4 people:
6 ounces (170g) bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
6 ounces (170g) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1/4 cup (60ml) dark-brewed coffee
4 large eggs, separated
2/3 cup (142g), plus 1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons (30ml) dark rum or orange liqueur like Cointreau
1 tablespoon (15ml) water
pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Crème Anglaise:
1/2 cup granulated sugar
4 egg yolks
1 tsp cornstarch
1 3/4 cup boiling milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
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This show is a sort of psychological help for me. I love how he messes up but keeps pushing through. Jamie’s courage to try and make mistakes followed up by his perseverance to learn and fix those mistakes is very inspirational to me. I’m typically petrified to ever try much of anything for fear of failure. Whenever I do anything, it seems to be only very small success or abject failure.

Last night, I made muffins with my toddler, and it really helped me to sort of “Jamie” through it. Batter was everywhere, but my daughter had fun, and I pushed through the mess and fear of failure. Low and behold, after my little one worked so hard to distribute the batter into the papers, I looked and saw the eggs still sitting on the counter. 🤦‍♀️ My toddler was super done, so she went and watched a show while I guts’d through, scraped all the batter back into the bowl, mixed in the eggs, and redid the rest of the stuff.

Having an attitude more accepting of failure and mess really helped us have a good time, and helped me in particular handle the egg fiasco. Got it done! Muffins came out great. My daughter doesn’t want to eat any even though it was her idea. 😂 More for me I guess! 😋


I was simply searching for a chocolate mousse recipe. 20+ episodes later, I am concerned that I may need an intervention. Love your videos! I cheer your successes, empathize with your struggles and want to scream when you don’t measure things when baking.


I enjoy watching you go from catastrophe and chaos to delectable perfection. Julia would, no doubt, approve.


Jamie, LOOK HERE! A CHOCOLATE TIP! when your chocolate does that its usually reacting to too many different temperatures. Try adding a little new cream or fresh egg yoke. Egg yoke especially can make things come together again when the water has separated from the fat.

What you showed there is not seized, like when water enters the chocolate but separated. Sometimes it can be saved, it just need a binding agent, an emulcifier, like egg yolk.


My dearly departed Nana made this dessert for us on special occasions. I particularly loved it on my birthday. She would cook from Julia’s book too. I don’t think she used the f bomb so much tho 😂. Thanks, brings back the memories 🙌🙌


As soon as I saw you add all that hot chocolate into the egg mixture at once I knew something was going to happen. Bless your little heart and hilarious at the same time it's kind of why I love this channel because you are so real and keep doing what you're doing


I like how you're sincerely learning to cook these dishes. You're not trying to be deliberately clueless like many youtubers would do.


This is by far the best series of yours . I love yelling at the computer screen when you rush a step and know you just borked yourself, but that is also very good at teaching proper technique you won't forget .


found you by accident and am now going to buy that book - these recipes don't look easy but they do look delicious


Tablespoon of boiling water At a time while whisking the chocolate - reverses the seizing, best hack I've found for it. It happens to me every time I make mousse too 😂


The amount of chaos in this video is just so good.


Just stumbled across these videos today and they are fascinating to watch. 😊 Even though there are other variations, the whole "Jamie channeling Julia" thing is really kind of brilliant (a very compelling theme; she's everyone's culinary TV grandmother) He's a natural in front of the camera, (very genuine, unaffected and jarringly photogenic) and everyone of us who is an aspiring cook or baker and struggling to get better (all of us have axe murdered some recipes) feel an immediate sympatico, are drawn in, feel invested in his struggle, (and that includes having acquired knowledge of the technique, watching him and saying to viewing screen.."Jamie...oh my gawd, are you DOOOing!!") then give a little cheer when he does succeed...(and please don't ever stop being clumsy and messy while you're doing prep, Jamie; it's hilarious and very endearing!! 😂...it really adds to the overall appeal of the videos, especially since most youtubers would probably have edited those bits out) I am now, quite definitely, absolument et vachement, a fan. 😏


I had that problem with chocolate. This was twenty years or so back, when the SF Chronicle still had a real cooking section, staffed with experts. Their resident baker suggested that the then newer, finer chocolates were more sensitive and had to be handled more gently ( not a problem in Julia’s day). Since then, a chef expanded on that, telling me to look for couverture chocolate (as opposed to bar chocolate, even when made for baking) for certain dishes like mousses and ganache. The way couverture chocolate is made is different from bars evidently. Sadly, little of what is couverture is labeled as such, but it’s the baking ovals and discs.

As always I love your show. You make me seem relaxed in the kitchen, and I scare my cats).


Yeah, I actually made this once. Just fire. Absolute fire. Best version of it I've ever had.


Dude love the channel. My wife made ONE single recipe from Julia Child she spent hours making it and used every pot and pan. She swore NEVER AGAIN. Thanks for the laughs.


It drives me nuts how he never scrapes down the bowl!


It would help if you'd use a spatula/bowl scraper. U made 1/2 recipe (small quantity), so when you used electric beater, a lot of the recipe splattered up the side of the bowl. And stayed there. So when U add the choc mix - the balance is off of egg mix to choc mix.


I started with him making Julia’s Cassoulet and I was hooked!


Jamie and Julia have a love, hate relationship. They do argue with each other but in the end always make up!!! God bless you Jamie


you never add water to the chocolat, when you added water to the instant coffee, theres where you "cut" the fat from the chocolat. :) next time just add the instant coffee without disolving, it will eventually in the double boiler
