Could Your Blood Type Ever Change?

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From A positive to O negative, everyone's born with a blood type, and they're stuck with that blood type for their whole lives... or are they?

Hosted by: Michael Aranda

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I donated stem cells about 10 years ago and it changed my recipient's blood type, which I think is very, very cool.


Never would have asked that question. Intresting thought.


He looks like he's fading downwards because of his shirt and the background. 😂


i feel like micheal should be telling pony boy to “stay gold”. love the hair


My youngest daughter was diagnosed with leukemia as an infant (AML M7). She had 0+ blood just like her mother and I, and she received a bone marrow transplant from her big sister who was "an 11 out of 12 match", but had A+ blood. Now our youngest has A+ blood as well. (And is a perfectly healthy 9 year old now! :) another interesting thing the Drs told us was that the dna in her blood is actually the big sisters dna. Pretty cool!


So basically, our body doesnt changee the blood type on their own, unless we have something like bone marrow transplant. In other words, our blood type is petty much locked down at birth


Me: (sees video title) Yup! Mine did.
Me: (watches video about something I know because I've gone through it) It me!


I learned that I have two blood types from when I was in a car accident when I was 11 yrs old. I'm both O+ and AB ( Rh Null ). Due to having mosaic chromosome 9. When they first tested my blood they panicked because of the AB Rh null blood result ( no blood of that type was available in a small hospital in Maine, USA back in 1974). The doctors/lab technicians decided to take another blood sample and that one turned out to be O+ ( only 90 minutes between both blood tests). With respect and in friendship from Maine USA 💕💕💕👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


I took a test one time and got an O-. I was never that good at tests, but that one hurt.


Can confirm. Had BMT in 2008. After just getting used to actually knowing I was A+ I became O+ it's how they track the progress of the "takeover"


I once had a patient with chromosome 9 mosaic. The ABO gene is on chromosome 9, so she simultaneously had 2 blood types.


My mum is AB-, my dad is A+. They have 5 children and at birth we were; A+ (me), A+ (sister), A+ (bro #1), A+ (bro #2) and AB+ (bro #3). None of us have ever had a bone marrow transplant or transfusion of any kind, nor have we ever had any life threatening illnesses or long term conditions. 20+ years later, my sister and I got pregnant within weeks of each other, when we had our blood types tested they were B+ (me) and AB+ (sister).

As my parents have different Rh factors, half of us should be Rh-, we're all positive blood types. My mother was also asked at a doctor's appointment a few years ago if she had any children because the doctor said she shouldn't have been able to carry one. Imagine his surprise when she said she carried 5 to term with no issues other than morning sickness and only lost one which had nothing to do with her body itself, but was an accident.


Michael has a really good voice for explaining stuff.


This is exactly what happened to me, I had a Bone Marrow Transplant due to Leukemia, and now my blood type is AB+. Always wondered how this worked!


Michael always goodlooking, love scishow,


My bloodtype changed from B+ to 0+! I had a stemcell transplantation, and now I have the bloodtype of my donor :)


When I found out my blood type, the nurse used it as a pun. She said You've got to B+...Ugh.


“The a-b-o system”
My thirsty brain: oh, I love this trope


When I had my second baby, for some reason my mother wanted to know my blood type. I was typed at O+ at age 24. This confused my mother who said my blood was typed as B+ as a baby. My mother asked for my blood to be typed again 18 months later when I had my third child. O+ was the type given.
The doctor explained we get half our blood from our mother and half from our father, this is how my blood type changed.😮 My mother is O- and had to have shots everyime she got pregnant. My father was B+.
As far as I know I have never had a transplant or transfusion.


I was born blood type A+ and after having autoimmune urticaria for the last 2 years and recently going in for surgery when they tested my blood I was O+. I’ve never had a bone or blood transfusion ever. Wonder what else can cause these things!
