Java Practice It | Self-Check 8.15: toStringName | classes, instance methods, Point, toString
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(You should complete Self-Check 8.7 before answering this question. You may also want to consult your solution to Self-Check 8.11.)
Write a toString method for the Name class that returns a String such as "John Q. Public".
(You don't need to write the class header or declare the fields; assume that this is already done for you. Just write your method's complete code in the box provided.)
(You should complete Self-Check 8.7 before answering this question. You may also want to consult your solution to Self-Check 8.11.)
Write a toString method for the Name class that returns a String such as "John Q. Public".
(You don't need to write the class header or declare the fields; assume that this is already done for you. Just write your method's complete code in the box provided.)
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