Java Practice It | Self-Check 2.37: loopTableSlashes | for loop, loop table
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Consider the following pattern of output consisting of 6 lines of repeated characters \, !, and /. Fill in the following equation for the number of each character relative to the line number for each type of character. We suggest that you write a table that lists the number of each character on each line that you can use to help find the equations from the output, as described in Chapter 2.
Compute the value of A, B, C, and D in the equations below. Assume that the lines are numbered from 1 through 6.
number of \ = A * line + B
number of ! = C * line + D
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Self-Check 2.38 video
Consider the following pattern of output consisting of 6 lines of repeated characters \, !, and /. Fill in the following equation for the number of each character relative to the line number for each type of character. We suggest that you write a table that lists the number of each character on each line that you can use to help find the equations from the output, as described in Chapter 2.
Compute the value of A, B, C, and D in the equations below. Assume that the lines are numbered from 1 through 6.
number of \ = A * line + B
number of ! = C * line + D