5 Things We Wish We'd Known About Recumbent TRIKES

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5 Things We Wish We'd Known About Recumbent Trikes
➡️ABOUT THIS VIDEO: Here is advice from a Recumbent Trike owner and some Expert advice on some of the Pros and Cons of recumbent trike bicycles. We show you how to put a recumbent trike into a small car. What is the ideal tire pressure for your trike? How to adjust the handle brakes if they are too loose. So here are a few disadvantages about the Trike and some fixes on what we wish we had known before we started riding a recumbent trike. We are here to help with the top 5 things we wish we'd known about Trikes!

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Love it !! So much great information. Love the terrain. Where are you guys located? 🙌


I am a fairly new tadpole style trike owner myself. Great information in the video. The thing with climbing hills is that its all lower body power you cant put your body weight into it like you can with a stand up bike. I also noticed just going to my backyard my rear tire would slip and I would go no where even with proper inflation. How I solved that by changing out the rear tire to a more nobby rear drive tire. If there is any leaves on a steep hill good luck getting up it no matter if you have the right tire pressure and tire you will just spin your drive tire. I also noticed you can definitely tip it going around a corner really fast. Despite these disadvantages of a trike I absolutely love mine because I have 0 back and butt pain riding one and I can once again enjoy riding.


A tire pressure check with your fingers? Use a gauge. There are so many different kinds of trikes (or recumbent for that matter) models. Some trikes fold (like my 2 ICE trikes). It seems there was a lot of 'disadvantages' in this video, but no 'advantages'.
1. Look, recumbents are just fun.
2. I don't get neck, shoulder, arm, wrist, or BUTT pain.
3. I've been on trikes for almost 10 years now, and have never flipped or turned over.
4. Trikes are fun!
5. With experience, you can keep up with just about anyone, even the 'roadies'.
6. The ride is just so relaxing. I don't have to get up and walk around to stretch or relive pain at stops. I simply sit.
7. Did I mention they are just fun?


The tyre pressures are allowing for extreme heat days, so are perfectly safe to go to max pressure in a heatwave. Brake adjustment is same for any cycles with cable brakes. Going uphill trikes are better because you can stop to rest without falling off, and ALL bikes and trikes with gears can go low enough to not be hard to pedal. A driver that doesn't notice a trike also wont notice a bike or motorcycle because theyre just not looking. In fact more people notice trikes cause theyre different.(most car drivers ARE looking so do see you). Ride a bike with road tyres in the gravel and youll wheelspin too. As for fitting it in a car, buy one that folds and has quick detatch front wheels- many are like that now. Most bikes youll need to take the front wheel off to fit it in a small wagon. Trikes are safer on rough gravel- where a bike can faceplant you.


Good to see you being loud and seen rather than in black and unseen . Also being fit and fantastic well done you .


My Wife and I ride our tadpole trikes all the time for about 7 years now, we love them. Yes we go on rides 50 miles or more just for a Saturday outing.
There was only one point I could agree with you, they are harder to transport. The other points you made I feel were because of inexperience in proper bicycle riding safety and operation whether it be a diamond frame or trike.


Thanks so much for this video. My wife and I are considering trikes since an unfortunate accident on a regular bicycle. Safety and then comfort are our major criteria.


I've had an e-assist trike for 4 years now, albeit it's a fairly expensive purchase (HP Velotechnik), fully suspended, premium seat, lights, flag and reflectors. There are no disadvantages that I have experienced, except for the fact of sitting so low, dogs just hate it when I ride past, so I maneuver to leave plenty of space.


I’m hoping to test drive a recumbent one day! I too find them very intriguing 😊


For my trike, I do have a flag/spinner and warning lights - on the highway, other vehicles give me a much wider berth than they do for bikes.

I can transport the trike either in my Tacoma truck bed, on the roof rack, or on the tonneau cover.

My trike weighs in the neighborhood of 75 lbs, and when I first got it, my weight was 250 lbs. I use e-assist to "even the odds" against bikes, but I still work much harder than most, because I enjoy it.

The major reasons I got a recumbent trike were that bike seats were hard on my prostate, and the constant pressure on my palms aggravated my carpal tunnel issues. One thing I had to do, though, was raise the seat to twice the built in range because, even though I had a headrest, I was still straining my neck too much. The extra height turned the seat into more of a bucket seat, and also increased my center of gravity - I've had a number of wipeouts for that reason :-) My setup is much more expensive than any bike I'd ever have purchased (enough to buy a new small car), but it is also one of my best investments ever.


Good information. I’m seriously considering getting a trike soon.


Very helpful. Where did you get the Velcro strap pedal? The clip on shoes are a pain, literally!


When climbing, with each turn of the pedal I'm having to push around 390 pounds uphill. Suffice to say the lowest gear ratio gets a bit of use but yeah - if you're heavy then a trike is definitely a more comfortable choice as imagine all that weight bearing down on the seat and handlebars. After an hour riding a diamond frame I was in all sorts of pain and that was when 45 pounds lighter. Rode for five hours today no problems.


My wife and I have ridden trikes (me a tadpole, her a delta) for years. I do not think there are disadvantages other than transporting them.


Love this! Thank you so much for sharing the information. 🙌✨💖


I would argue most of those issues apply to any bike.
Turning at speed is an issue on a normal bike as well with the same solution, lean into it. On a normal bike you can lean a bit further because the whole bike can tilt but on a trike thats somewhat offset by being much lower to the ground. Yes too agressive and you'll flip but on a 2 wheel if you get 2 agressive your tires can loose traction and skid out from under you. It comes down to knowing your equipment and road conditions.
visability is an issue but mostly for the same kind of drivers that will not notice a regular bike. you do have the advantage of looking out of the ordinary so you might catch their attention because of that. Either way put up flags and pray, drivers that will run you over on a trike will do the same thing to a road bike (hard won personal experience)
hill climbs and loss of traction on poor surfaces are a problem for all bikes.
I think the bigest dissadvantage is the size. There are just not many good rack options for a trike, especialy if you dont have one that folds to fit in a car.


Nice Trike - looks well designed and comfortable - sling seat designs work good


I have to pedal harder (or downshift) to ride on loose stone.

I also struggle on two-track stone trails (the ones with a grass strip in the middle). One tire is always in the grass.


Nice Trike - sling seat designs work good


For many years a Danish designed cabin bike, "The Leitra", was made in Denmark (Now the production is sold to Germany) and sadly I never tried to ride in one, because the dealer claimed a heavy fee for a try. But because of the cover it is possible to ride in one also during winter. It also is sold in an open top body versions for summer rides. But I have seen foldable versions of a trike also.
