Paper Mache Clay Without Joint Compound

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If we make Paper Mache Clay without joint compound, will it come out just as good as the original recipe?

What about the Silky-Smooth Air Dry Clay recipe? (Same ingredients, different proportions...)

People kept asking me if it was possible, so I decided to find out.

Although we should do more experiments to get the measurements more exact, I think the result may be (gasp!) even better than my original recipes that use the drywall joint compound.

This new mixture sticks to the armature as well as the original paper mache clay, holds really fine details just as well as my air dry clay recipe, and it dried hard as a rock. But it isn't easy to mix in the beginning while it's still really sticky.

If you try this, let us know how it came out. And if you have ideas for mixing it without making a mess, let us know that, too. 😀

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I cant afford to buy any of the items you are able to use. For many reasons. I live in a small apartment. So I tried adding cornstarch and baby powder instead. It came out like a rock and worked great! I love your video's and learned sooo much!! Being an retired artist I try all sorts of new ideas. Yours is my favorite.


Yes .... Another winner! You're awesome!!!!


STICKINESS - this is just a crazy thought but it may be helpful in an experiment. slime making has become a huge hit & millions of people are now making SLIME, PUTTY and CLAY recipes at home. PVA glue is the main ingredient and the other main ingredient that decreases or even eliminates the stickiness of the glue is BORAX.
powdered borax is pretty inexpensive & is grouped with the cleaning & laundry products, and in this application, you only need a tiny bit of it. the borax is diluted into water and that mixture is sparsely added to the glue or glue + other mixture until you get the texture and hold-ability that you're looking for.
--- a lot of times people put the borax-water mix into a spray bottle and just spray a little as you work the product, spraying it on the product or on your hands to reduce the stickiness of the slime, putty or clay.
the spray bottle technique is generally used after the product is already made but needs tweaking or finalizing, when using the borax-water to first create the product, it's generally put into a squirt bottle and a heavier application is used.


This is perfect! I was looking for a recipe with no flour, and no joint compound.


You are the most amazing person ever! The world adores you and you have made this world a better place simply by being in it. Your way of explaining things is just wonderful....God bless you for being you. You're so loved by many!


Thanks, Jonni ! You're so wholesome


Thanks Jonni! Glad you are safe ❤️ I am so enjoying your channel


Gosh, this is my new favourite thing ever! Thank you for all these videos Jonni, I'm feeling truly inspired. Home made x-mas presents for everyone in England this year! :-D


2:35 - flour & similar products -> you can use THYMOL which is easily found & ready for use in our applications in a bottle of Listerine. - Thymol is found in the oil of Thyme, it has antimicrobial properties which act as an antiseptic, it is aromatic and is used in many various products & is widely used in essential oils.
the antimicrobial and its aromatic qualities will KEEP AWAY both MOLD growth and CRITTER interest. this makes it a good additive for these clays and glues we use in our crafting, especially for those living in tropical-like regions.
...and only a small amount is needed to be effective.


I was searching for a material in substitution of DAS and I think I found it! I still have to do some more experiments but I already like it very much. Greetings and big thanks from Italy!


Everywhere I read online recommends against handling joint compound with your hands or sanding it without proper respiratory gear, and that it can cause respiratory problems, so getting a recipe without the joint compound feels to be in my best interests for the sake of respiratory health. ^^


This is another great option Jonni! Thank you for sharing :)


Thank you for your wise words on paper clay and paper sculpting over the years.


I not only enjoy your experiments but your very artistic paper mache creations as well. Thank you!


all the toilet paper panickers are putting a crimp in my paper macheing


So many thanks for the original recipe and for your experimenting! I'm off to check out your silky smooth air dry clay recipe now :)


i like watching posts like this, as i often, for whatever reason, experiment with different forms of my clays too.I have ome to add joint compound myself to a lot of my components theses days.Latex, paper mache slurrys, paints, & bone.I make up stuff like my lay-up using dryer-lint & elmers & cornstarch.Filter clean-up in the dryer is important & the big pieces i use in place of felt.Like fiberglass & resin, only much safer.


For UK, Calcium Carbonate is often used as a dietry supplement but, more often, in bulk, sold as Whiting, powdered chalk used as a filler for paint used in the old days in the scenic studio in theatres.


Thanks again Jonni for your brilliant posts. I've used this mix for years and adding - corn starch really helps in my mind. I don't make large amounts as I make jewellery and let it air dry or pop it in a microwave. I also vary the papers from time to time. If I'm making large bowls etc then I add sawdust.


Calcium carbonate will not replace flower in the recipe. The reason to working the dough after adding flour is to quickly form gluten. The gluten is what holds everything together into a dough. Without flour, you dont get the extra gluten to hold everything together. Starch can do the job of absorbing extra water, but it will not give you any gluten.
There is a technique in bread fermentation (esp. pizza dough) called wet fermentation, letting time to the job, flour + water + time = gluten, with "time" replacing "beating". This is because gluten will develop as flour get in contact with water, it just happens very very slowly. I wonder if this could inspire a new recipe. Basically, we let the mixture stand without beating for like half a day or so, then come back and lightly beat it. Thanks for reading my 2 cents and good luck!
