Will Increasing Interest Rates Crash the Australian Housing Market?

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Рекомендации по теме

Mortgage rates are currently at an all time high since 2000(23 years) and based on statistics on inflation, we might see that number skyrocket further, a 30-year fixed rate was only 5% this time last year, so do I just keep waiting for a housing crash before buying or redirect my focus to the equity market.


My bet is, rates go up, Australian property market goes even higher.... because nothing makes sense anymore... interesting times


Without a doubt, this year will be worse than the last one. I lost a lot of money last year as a result of poor investing decisions that I would never have made if I hadn't been so concerned about my portfolio. I kept investing, but I wasn't sure whether I should start saving for a house. In the end, I sold everything I had, and the house required more maintenance than I had anticipated. I'm not sure how much longer I can go on like this


Hallelujah!!! I’m blessed and favored with $60, 000 every week! Now I can afford anything and support the work of God and the church. For Your glory, LORD! HALLELUJAH!


let's hope so. I only own one property.. the roof over my head. It makes not the slightest difference if it is worth $1, 000 or $1m, as long as I have roof over my head that is all that matters. the only people who care about whether prices go up are people who have more than one property and who gives a f... about those greedy f...ers.


Melbourne prices have crashed. 30% down since 2021 peak. Media are too afraid to call it. Do you guys have the courage to call it?


I've got a note on my white board at work. "Intrest rates will not go down in 2024" which I posted last year. No one believed me. I still get scepticism. I'm holding my position. If I’m right, I want a job as an economist.


The only solution is to be rid of negative gearing. It’s not rocket science


With trickle down economics and the minimum pay going up. The only offset is for everything to go up. Doesn't help when corpflation is stabbing us in the wallet.


I want home loan to be around 10 percent and overall cash rate around 6 percent.


I think we have all really underestimated the sheer amount of generational wealth that was remaining untapped. Parents helping their kids got into the market. People have now realised cash is no good if you just sit on it - combined with low supply and high demand = record house prices


Property spruikers keeping the bubble alive. Good luck


I they raise rates it will be an economic catastrophe - we are *already* in recession. Are the RBA absolutely bonkers?!


QLD land tax changes now effective! This should chase out a few investors and let property return to its intended purpose: homes. With the Fed Gov to pocket $2 billion by wiping national investor concessions, and redirect it into fixing the housing shortage, these should be next.


paid off my home just in case after selling investment unit, which I wouldve loved to keep because it was one of those awesome brick and mortar with concrete walls, low body corp rates <1800 p/yr!!! I wanted to keep it but interest is gettin too much on my own home...cost to benefit ratio was just not worth it


rates wont crash the economy, unemployment will, then there will be a massive supply of homes for sale, no one will buy and watch the price plummet, inflation is caused by the people with money not the ones with loans so raising rates wont drop inflation, less jobs available now but more people in Australia due to immigration, let the crash begin


How to control inflation
1. Increase interest
2. Rents of homes and offices space get effected
3. Service running under those office building increases their price again
4. Repeat step 1😂😂


Nugget news segment on Aus housing was interesting. Mortgage stresses are rising…they need to hike harder and faster rather than slow grind otherwise it will all happen at the same time.


People should stay in tents and stop using electricity, don’t go to hospital and reduce water usage to control inflation because demand is causing inflation 😂😂


We've been in a recession for 5 qtrs, federal government hid it by increasing immigration during a housing crisis. I'm hoping rates go up, those that overleveraged have no choice to sell. Supply won't level out until immigration is cut back to normal. I wouldn't be buying a house built in the last 5 years. As an inspector, they're all fcked and falling apart on handover day. Unfortunately those immigrating don't have a choice and get screwed millions for a Hebel piece of shit in leafy Brisbane 😂
