Led Zeppelin's 4 Symbols Meaning Revealed! #zoso #ledzeppelin

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In this video I will dissect the meaning and origins of Led Zeppelin's 5 mysterious, symbols. With the help of ancient and medieval texts, I reveal their TRUE meanings...almost all of them. Led Zeppelin 4 ZOSO

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I find it hilarious that you think that Jimmy Page, an occult adapt, who's WELL VERSED in occult symbology, chose his personal SIGIL solely because his birth sign is a Capricorn, lol. The FACT that this SIGIL is found in a Grimoire that is used to summon GOETIC entities should at least give you a clue as to why it's dear to his heart. In the occult, SIGILS are extremely powerful because they are charged with INTENT..but the MAGICK is nullified if that intent is not kept secret. Jimmy is a real magician so these symbols were definitely not a gimmick.


🎶 Led Zeppelin IV-
“it’s not being sold by the name of the band, but the content of the material”
~Jimmy Page


Wow.... Okay so. I was 9 when this album came out.
It became the most profound musical / spiritual experience of my younger life. It was a warm summer night sitting outside on a bench where I grew up nestled in by bushes and trees all around under the moon and the guy that lived upstairs came outside with a tape player he had and next thing I heard was "hey hey momma said the way you move, gonn make you sweat gonna make you groove groove groove and the lick after and I was completely entranced in what I was hearing.
It had my complete attention.
I'll never forget the affect it had or the journey it took me on. I then "Rock N Roll'd" into the "The Battle of Evermore" and climbed a "Stairway to Heaven" and went to the
"Misty Mountains" where the spirits go now and found "Four Sticks" while"Going to California " waiting for
"When the Levee Breaks" and when it was over I wasn't the same. I had to hear that music again it changed my life.
Well when my then 13 year old older brother got the album and brought it home that's when it got even more intense.
There was such a curiosity in me already about this LED ZEPPELIN, who was it? What was it? The album only deepened the mystery. There was no writing or explanation on the album, no name, I'd never seen anything like it. Just a picture frame on a building on the front with a picture of a man with a pile of sticks on his back. It opened up to reveal a night seen of hooded figure a top a mountain holding a lantern overlooking a town with a man that appears to be attempting to climb the mountain. I pulled out the album sleeve to find the words to only one of the songs "Stairway to Heaven" and a couple liner notes written in calligraphy.
I pulled the album out of the sleeve and on it saw no album name, just, LED ZEPPELIN and four strange symbols at the top. The only knowledge gained was the unfamiliar names Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham, and John Paul Jones. Who plays what?
Who were they? Where were they from? What'd they look like? Is this their only album? Why no pictures or explanation or name. Why is this music so powerful and affect me the way it does with no explanation to any of it?
What do those symbols mean?
Everything about it was a mystery, it was a spiritual experience for Mind blowing


Robert’s symbol means “he is the feather in the wind” he went where the power took him.


Bonzo’s symbol is three drums put together so perfectly they become greater than the sum of their parts.


I read a theory that Bonham's sigil was a representation of his trade: 2 bass drums and a snare.


I started watching your videos. I like your delivery. When I get more time I will look at more of them. Keep them coming!


Jimmy Page did tell Robert Plant at one point in the 70's what his symbol meant but told him that if he forgot, he would not tell him again ! So here we are lol !
Robert can't recall .. and Page stuck to his word !!


When I was coming up in the 70s, we called this album ZOFO.


It’s a fact that Page bought Boleskine house in the seventies he did redecorate the property but then left it to his friend Malcolm Dent to take care of it who reported some very strange happenings like unexplained noises in the night like a wild animal that snorted and banged about at night he was to scared to investigate until the morning where nothing was found but Crowleys house keepers children both died mysteriously and Dent said the place was evil with strange happenings very common like furniture moving about without reason doors slamming and opening and carpets apparently rolling up on their own “do what thou wilt shall be the whole law”was AC’s rules for life anyway Page quickly sold Boleskine house after this and it was apparent that Aleister Crowley carried out ceremonies that some say released an evil which still prevails at the property today!


The reason for the symbols is somewhat clear in that we are still trying to ponder and guess at it 50 years from their inception. I think they were birthed to add to the mystique that Led Zeppelin's music already had. How else to set yourself apart from so many other rock bands then to shroud the public from clear labeling and direction. It was ingenious and still "makes us wonder".

I do think that after digging deep into Page's infatuation of the occult that there must be some connection to all the symbols and some sort of "magic" that Jimmy thought he wielded and the rest of the band were attracted by and ultimately participated in atleast somewhat. Watch the movie the song remains the same and the dream sequences, especially Page's. I'm not an expert but my observation is that there is something very dark about it all. IMO Jimmy Page enveloped himself in dark magic or the occult to augment his talent, fame, and personal exhibitions.


My oldest brother, Henry, or as we called him, H.R., brought home Led Zeppelins Physical Graffiti the day it came out in 1975, brought it home, grabbed me, hid then 8 year old little brother, and hooked up a dual headphone jack to the stereo and we put our headphones on and my life was forever changed.
My other brother, John, or Duke as we called him He was always doing a spot on John Wayne impersonation), bought me Led Zeppelin IV for Christmas, in 1982, with Coda. He knew how much I loved Zeppelin, and saw how devastated I was when Bonham died, so in his mind, this was a "new album" to him. I knew better. But I loved both albums because he bought them for me. I had a Frankenstein guitar I had made at 14 years old that had a Gibson Les Paul Copy body, and I took a Squire Strat neck and sanded down the back of the headstock so that it would fit the Les Paul body's insert. I loved the heavy sound of a Les Paul, but I also loved the must faster neck and fretboard of the Strat, so, hey, let's put 'em together.
Next I found an old big brown box of a receiver on "big garbage day", I was a bit of an electronics geek as a kid. My parents got me one of those 360 in 1 electronics hobby kits as a child, so I knew my way around a printed circuit board.i pulled this receiver apart, switched a few things, and BAM, - Free 150 watt amplifier. My Mom and Dad, while VERY MUCH impressed with my abilities, we're not happy that I couldn't play this guitar to save my life, and I would play, and just wait to see who would yell at me first to "TURN THAT GODD*MN THING DOWN!!!!".
I never learned music theory or those birds on a wire. I learned by hearing the music, letting my brain process it, and then whatever came out, came out.
I learned every song I could, but one of the first songs I ever learned fully and perfectly, was Going To California off LZ IV.
Page was already my Guitar God at 8 years old. Hearing Physical Graffiti for the first time cemented THAT.
Led Zeppelin IV has too many good memories associated with it for me to eve go into. My cousins on my Mom's side used to ick on me because I was such a HUGE Zeppelin fan. They were all into the pop of the 80s and all that bubblegum crap.
But when I was in my cousin Rick's room, I was scanning through his records. Sure enough, there it was- Led Zeppelin IV. Rick's excuse- and a good one:
"Who DOESN'T have Zep 4. It's got Stairway on it."
Point taken.
40 years later, point STILL well taken.
I still say Page was into magick that got them where they are, and Jones wouldn't sign. The band's History supports this theory. supports


Plant's feather looks like a quill, which makes sense as he was the main writer. Bonham's looks like a drum kit, but represents the trinity. both of their symbols have both occult meaning and tie nicely together with what they do, and of course Page Sigil is connected to most likely some Goetic magick. The odd man out is Jones, who chose a witch knot. It has little connection visually to what he did musically, and seems like a random choice in terms of magick. My guess is Plant knew exactly what he wanted as he was deep into the occult, showed symbols to Plant and Bonham and they both chose ones that represent what they do musically, and Jones just took one he thought was cool.


There is a video out here on YouTube about a demon named ZoZo . I wrote in the comment section of it how the creator of the video might have helped solve a mystery regarding Led Zeppelin's fourth album . I don't think the content creator had a clue what I was talking about ? Probably too young or something ? Anyways, he was really cool about me taking up the comment section with my tomfoolery .


Also the 5 symbols refer to the assignation with the pentagram. 4 were for each of the band members. The fifth represent the unity of the band.


I have always called it " The Fourth" album or Zeppelin 4 .


Zoso is soL upside down and backwards. Sol is the personification of the Sun and a god in ancient Roman religion. 'Sol' is the name of Jimmy Page's recording studio.


Zo is the main ouija board demon.
End of discussion!!!
Page is well aware of this.
Great video 👍


JPJ'S AND BONZO'S symbols are both Celtic


Very few people know this....but the true and actual name of this 4th Led Zeppelin Album is "Tonga Salad Clouds of Distant Grapefruit Mountains."
