1st Place Imperialdramon Deck Profile!

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This deck is NUTTY. It took 1st at Truechamps Games' Digimon Tournament and is one of my favorite lists in the format! You can potentially combo as early as turn 2 and it's an almost guaranteed boardwipe! Either way, you're doing massive damage to your opponent and severely crippling their board state. I've been placing in tournaments with this list pretty consistently, and I'm truly surprised that more people aren't running this deck! I hope this profile encourages you to give it a try!

♪ Onion (Prod. by Lukrembo)
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yoo you explained this really good! also i love the format with the little facecam up top. great video, dude!


It's really tempting for anyone making the RP imperial deck to think it's trash is important, but heres the thing; it really isn't. I don't want my digi's to be deleted, so on deletion effects are pointless to me. Here are my changes to the deck.

Tsunomon egg - when trashing from hand, draw 1. Veemon trashes from hand, labramon, sistermon, and ST6 gabumon all trashes from hand so this really helps to get those extra draws early on, just having one on board gives so much value, let alone 2.

Labramon over gabumon and sistermon - I have tried this deck using the above rookies, however i have found it works best with either labramon or ST6 gabumon. I currently use labramon, because I believe gabumon requires you to play quetzalmon which gives armour purge, enables your rookie inheritables, and is a free type giving you more targets with wormmon and veemon. I ran gabu/quetzal for a while, but recently found a better champion alternative.

Salamon - currently only running 1 of for extra searching for a lvl 5 or 6, not 100% on it but I like it as a one off.

Candlemon - Can be replaced with night raid, but i prefer the potential digivolution on the egg.

Devimon/Agunimon over eyesmon - these two in this deck add so much more consistency. Devimon as a 1 cost digivolution and aguni for either hybrid for game or hybrid into combo is incredibly useful. Normally to do the full combo you need 2 rookies on board. If you have these in hand, all you need is a tai on board and a rookie in raising. Push the rookie, evo into devi for 1, hybrid over tai for 2, then dna into lvl 5 all for 3 memory and a cleared board, still leaving you at 0 or putting opponent to 2 with fighter mode. The eyesmon is nice to see all the pieces especially paired with demidevimon, however seeing the pieces isn't enough for the deck, you also need the rookies on board to do the combo and enough memory. Thats why for a while I preferred quetzalmon, to preserve the rookie underneath with armour purge. However upon trying blocker devimon and agunimon I believe they make this deck a lot better.

No changes

No changes here, though you can mess around with the ratios of dragon to fighter modes

I run 2 blitz omni - I have won so many games I shouldn't have just from having the blitz omni in hand. If you're running the trash based version of the deck, you usually end the combo with your opponent at a bunch of memory after getting out 2 rookies and then double evolving. With this version of the deck you usually end the combo at 0 memory, letting you do the full combo and swing for the final checks before blitz omni for game. Also helps to preserve the stack in some circumstances.

3/4 tai, 3 analog youth - Tai is needed in this deck. The 3 memory, extra checks, and potential hybrid into full combo is too good not to run at either 3 or 4. Analog is a phenominal searcher while also getting this in trash. A fun combo i have pulled off many times is calling from darkness on my fighter mode to play out wormmon and veemon, gaining memory from analog, and then going into the full combo for game.

calling from darkness, purple memory boost, crimson blaze - Calling is a great card for either doing the combo on fighter mode as stated above, or just getting your dragons back to hand. Purple memory helps search out the necessary pieces and the extra memory can help combos next turn, and the crimson blaze is for potential match ups against d brigade, jesmon, bloomlord, etc. Crimson is my main flex spot in the deck, as the deck doesn't need it at all. If i had to choose between crimson blaze and doing the combo, I'd more likely than not want to do the combo, so it doesn't come up too many times.

Overall there are 3 variations of the RP imperial deck, and I rank them as follows:
- Aguni/Devimon champs with labramon rookie (more options to combo, combos faster, has surprise combo factor)
- Quetzalmon with gabumon rookie (bit slower, does give more protection to rookies)
- Trash based deck (demidevi, eyesmon, etc.) (the worst way to play the deck imo, trashes valuable pieces too often, doesn't usually have enough memory or rookies to do the combo)

With it being a purple deck and utilising the trash, I understand the immediate thought to run trash based effects like mist memory, eyesmon, demi devi, etc. But the deck really does not need things in the trash. You only really need 1 lvl 5 in trash, and potentially 1 lvl 4, but even the lvl 4 is sometimes optional. The deck mostly needs cards in hand (lvl 4, lvl 5, dragon mode, fighter mode, blitz omni) and so draw power and getting into the combo is key.


great build, looks like it'd be fun to play. Off topic: love the Ninja Storm and Jungle Fury tattoos. How long did it take to get that Hurricane Megazord piece done?


Can we get a redo with the cards facing us 🙃
