PALWORLD - The Best BASE PALS & Base Locations For Infinite INGOTS & All Resources (Palworld Tips)

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PALWORLD - The Best BASE PALS For Infinite INGOTS & Ore! Palworld The Best Base Locations

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00:00 - Intro
Best Handiwork Pal - 00:31
Best Transporting Pals & Low Level Alts - 01:09
Fastest Mining Pal & Low level Alt - 02:40
Auto Hunger & Harvesting Farm - 04:01
Top Kindling Pal - 05:34
Electricity Generation Best Pal - 06:45
Best Base Locations for Ore & Quartz Crystals - 07:22
Quartz Crystal & Pal Ingot Farm - 09:39
Infinite Ammo without Gun Powder - 11:45
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For anybody wondering the green merchant that sells ammo can be found at the desert town in the big desert, top right of the map. 12:30


I like that there are big powerful pals but I really wish there were some smaller sized pals for the base that still had tier 4


Makes me so happy a game as intuitive and fun as Palworld is getting the attention it deserves!


I love the utility of the Pals, but I just wish that all the super big ones weren't the only ones really good @ production skills. They take up so much of the screen! Maybe if - in the future - Pocket Pair lets you upgrade a Pal's utility abilities via Pal Souls, for instance, or some other method, I'd be all for it. I like the big Pals but I'm more partial to the smaller ones, myself.


just a tip i found for farm foods: make 1x lettuce & 1x tomato or double that ( nutrition 15 as raw; same as berries) -> make salad (nutrition = 84, uses 4x ingredients. 4x cooked berries are same value ). So the nutrition value is identical but the salad has extra boost : "Eating it slightly imprroves work speed for a period of time".


crusher for the pald ore problem, you got some legit spots. ty!

dont forget to 4 star your favorite pals with compressor!


Food alternative: lettuce + tomatoes make a salad (2 lettuce and tomatoes) . Put it in the feed box. Watch them work even faster as it givesa bonus to work speed. Do it faster rinse and repeat


While Blazamut is great for mining, getting pals to 4 star actually levels their Work Suitability stuff by one. Doing this to Anubis gets them to lvl 4 mining, lvl 5 handiwork, and lvl 3 transport.

At my mining base I just have Anubis miners with some of them at 4 star. All of them bred to have Artisan, Serious, Runner, Swift. They ZOOM to the mining rocks as well as transport whatever they mine so fast. They have 154 work speed after fully upgrading it at the statue. But alternatively you can get 182 work speed if you have Artisan, Serious, and Work Slave on Anubis if you dont mind it running a bit slower.


thx for the video :D to many comments so i dont know someone told you already: you can easy get pal ignots when you use the "crusher" (dont know whats it called in english) - you can then crush stones to pal ignots


Hey Khraze, have to say I always love your videos. Always right on and without all the extra chatter that many others put in. I have one request! Can you please do a video on how you build your bases??? I love the way they all look and they look super efficient! Show us lamo's how to do the same! Please!


Id recommend throwing down some stone mines in your mine farms with a grinder making palladium fragments, toss in some pengkings, and youll be good to go, theyll water when the grinder needs something made and theyll mine when it doesn't.


I am a HUGE fan of Verdash for planting over your recommendation. Mainly because they also transport the crops after gathering.. and will chop trees whrn crops are growing or being watered.. imo


Its a great game so far. also Id advise getting the green wumpas as they can help with the auto food. currently the coding for carrying is a bit wonky!


Palworld is such a good game! Keep the content coming.


You can craft paldium using an extractor with regular stone and all you need is to build a stone resource thing and youll have endless of it


Giving a like for being the only content creator that says "Paldium" and not paladium 😂


Hey, you can just make a crusher, and have it turn stones into paldiums or something like that. Good Video, thanks for the hard work!


I mean I'm willing to bet you already know this but just incase you haven't tought of it, you can turn stone into paladium with the crusher. Put blazemut on a stone pit and jormuntide on the crusher.


In the Base with a Jormuntide, You can use a Crusher to turn stones into Paldium


Helzephyr for "exclusive" transports and not get "distracted" by piece of candy of floor or around them.
