EXJW PIMO Jehovah’s Witness Proselytizing Letter

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I woke up 6 mths ago.. my family is leaving and we are getting our kids out! This is amazing! Thank you for sharing! The watchtower organization is so disgusting and corrupt! Keep exposing them!!❤


I woke up in 2019, I no longer feel the stressful weight on my shoulders or fear of their Armageddon and I'm glad my siblings woke up before I did ☺️ thanks for sharing the letter 🙂


They also misquoted Evolutionary biologists deliberately in the 1985 book, How did Life get here by Evolution or Creation ? and Watchtower refused to apologise to JWs and Evolutionary biologists but just ditched the book. JWS also believe in talking snakes and donkeys Numbers CH.22 . I dissociated in 2018 aged 57, my beautiful wife is still a active pimi jw and she can't drive so I give her lifts to all the meetings and field service groups, I smile and wave at all my shunners. Nicole is auxiliary pioneering 15 hrs this March and April and it doesn't matter what evidence I present to her, she's wearing the helmet of salvation where truthful facts can't get in and don't count, just blind faith. Justin Porter ex jw ❤️


They were "really sure" back in '75. They blew it then... they'll blow it again.


I would love to have this letter sent to my mother who is a PIMI! When you hear this laid out so well and smart it would do some damage their beliefs!!!!❤


This is your reminder to record your Momma. Record her around the kitchen, ask her why she used chicken broth instead of water, or why she does or doesn’t use velveeta and record that. Record her fussing about the same old stuff like she always does, prank her and record that. Record her funny sayings and her bits of advice. Ask her to tell you about the day you were born and record her face as she lights up remembering. Record her telling you to put some socks on that baby and when she tells you don’t go in her pots without washing your hands. Ask her questions, both serious and silly ones and record her answers. Play her favorite song and when she starts dancing/singing, yep, you guessed it… record it. Make her laugh… I mean REALLY laugh and for the love of God, record that too. And take lots of pictures of and WITH her, even when she tells you she’s not dressed for pictures. Take them anyway. Record it anyway. And when you get the chance, tell her you know she did her best with what she had and her best was always enough. And if you want, record that too.
I hope this hits you in just the right spot and you take heed because the day will come when there is a longing so deep to just hear her voice, her laugh, see her as she was… and when that day comes, you’ll pull out your recordings & feel just a little bit of her again ❤️
*Copied & Pasted*
I miss my mama everyday 🕊️😪💕.


"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain", said the Wizard to Dorothy and her trio of friends.


Hi Guardian Fury; thank you for your informative videos. WOW!! Please post the letter thru a link here. It tells what JWs don't tell you when you're studying. You find all this out much later when you're already baptized.


I be myself be happy I judge no body nobody just being a good person wish menkind peace and love is the answer to the world problems


Deuteronomy 6:4-7
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." (NIV) and obtains favor from the Lord." (ESV).


Hey Will these clowns also predicted 1918-And the generation prediction as well good video!


If Christ came invisibly in 1919, that means the wtbts, can see invisible things.🤔2 Corinthians 11:13-15


40 years after fall of Saigon, U.S. soldiers’ children are still there
The Washington Post
PUBLISHED: April 18, 2015 at 2:16 p.m. | UPDATED: April 25, 2016 at 6:50 a.m.
Categories:National News, News
HO CHI MINH CITY, vietnam — Vo Huu Nhan was in his vegetable boat in the floating markets of the Mekong Delta when his phone rang. The caller from the United States had stunning news — a DNA database had linked him with a Vietnam vet thought to be his father.

Nhan, 46, had known his father was an American soldier named Bob, but little else.

“I was crying, ” Nhan recalled. “I had lost my father for 40 years, and now I finally had gotten together with him.”

But the journey toward their reconciliation has not been easy. News of the DNA match set in motion a chain of events involving two families 8, 700 miles apart that is still unfolding and has been complicated by the illness of the veteran, Robert Thedford Jr., a retired deputy sheriff in Texas.

When the last American military personnel fled Saigon on April 29 and 30, 1975, they left behind a country scarred by war, a people uncertain about their future and thousands of their own children.

These children — some half-black, some half-white — came from liaisons with bar girls, “hooch” maids, laundry workers and the laborers who filled sandbags to protect American bases.

They are approaching middle age with stories as complicated as the two countries that gave them life. Growing up with the face of the enemy, they were spat on, ridiculed, beaten. They were abandoned, given away to relatives or sold as cheap labor.

The families that kept them often had to hide them or shear off their telltale blond or curly locks. Some were sent to re-education or work camps, or ended up homeless on the streets. They were called “bui doi, ” which means “the dust of life.”

Forty years later, hundreds remain in Vietnam, too poor or without proof to qualify for the program created by the Amerasian Homecoming Act of 1987 that resettles the children of American soldiers in the United States.

Now, an Amerasian group has launched a last-chance effort to reunite fathers and children with a new DNA database on a family heritage website. Those left behind have scant information about their GI dads. DNA matches are their only hope.

In the fall, Bob Thedford’s wife, Louise, a genealogy buff, logged on her account with Family Tree DNA and saw a surprising result. It was a new match for her husband, a father-son link. The son was Nhan.

Louise had long suspected that her husband might have had a child from his days as a military police officer in Vietnam. She had found a picture of a Vietnamese woman tucked inside his wallet shortly after they wed.

Now, an Amerasian group has launched a last-chance effort to reunite fathers and children with a new DNA database on a family heritage website. Those left behind have scant information about their GI dads. DNA matches are their only hope.

In the fall, Bob Thedford’s wife, Louise, a genealogy buff, logged on her account with Family Tree DNA and saw a surprising result. It was a new match for her husband, a father-son link. The son was Nhan.

Louise had long suspected that her husband might have had a child from his days as a military police officer in Vietnam. She had found a picture of a Vietnamese woman tucked inside his wallet shortly after they wed.

Thedford, a strapping Tarrant County deputy sheriff known as “Red” for his auburn hair, had met Nhan’s mother while he was at Qui Nhon Air Base. His memories of her are hazy, and his family said he rarely spoke of the war.

Tentative contacts followed, although Nhan speaks no English and does not have a computer. E-mails were exchanged through intermediaries, packages followed. Nhan sent sandals he had made and conical paddy hats; the Thedfords sent Nhan a $50 bill and Texas Rangers gear.

“Is there anything you need?” Robert Thedford kept asking.

Then there was the emotional first Skype call, when both men cried seeing each other for the first time.

“He looked like me, ” Nhan said. “I felt like I connected with him right away.”

Last August, Thedford, 67, who had previously been treated for skin cancer, fell ill again. The cancer had spread, and he had a series of operations, the most recent April 3. As the Texas family rallied to care for him, Vietnam receded.

Recently, Nhan Skyped with Hazel from a dusty computer in the back of a friend’s sewing supply shop in Ho Chi Minh City. She spoke from her living room, her dogs running about. Nhan asked how his father was doing.

“He’s doing good. He can sit up in a chair now. They’re working with him, ” Hazel said. “I feel bad not connecting sooner, but Mom and Dad think about you and talk about you all the time.”

Thedford had showed pictures of Nhan to the nurses in the hospital and said, “This is my son in Vietnam.”

This article has been edited to correct the year when the last American military personnel fled Saigon on April 29 and 30. That year was 1975, not 1965..


Ohio Soldier's and Sailors' Orphans' Home

In 1869, the Grand Army of the Republic, a veterans’ organization consisting of Union soldiers who fought in the American Civil War, established the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home in Xenia, Ohio. In 1870, the State of Ohio assumed control of the home. The Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home was originally located in a rented building in Xenia, Ohio, but in 1869, Xenia residents provided the GAR with 150 acres of land to build a permanent facility.

Originally, the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home provided Ohio children who lost their father in the American Civil War with a place to live. Eventually, the State of Ohio opened this institution to orphans of all military conflicts and the children of all veterans, including ones who had not died on the battlefield. In some cases, the children had not lost their parents. Due to financial difficulties, a veteran and/or his spouse might leave their children at the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home to become wards of the State of Ohio. By 1870, seventy-five students lived at the home. Between 1870 and 1901, the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home could not accept all of the children seeking assistance. In 1901, nine hundred children resided at this institution.

Children at the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home received a traditional education, as well as training in various occupations. The boys also received some military training, and upon attaining adulthood, several of the boys joined the armed forces. In 1901, the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home was the largest institution of its kind in the world. The children lived in cottages, with between forty to fifty children in each building. Eventually, the home housed only fifteen children in each cottage.

In 1978, the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home became known as the Ohio Veterans’ Children’s Home. At this point, the home also housed children deemed to be troubled. These children were typically not orphans but were the sons and daughters of live veterans. In 1997, the Ohio Veterans’ Children’s Home ceased operation.

In 1998, the State of Ohio sold the Ohio Veterans’ Children’s Home’s buildings to Legacy Ministries International, which leases the site to different businesses and organizations. The site now contains a retirement community, a Christian school, and the international headquarters of Athletes-in-Action, among other businesses. Every year, the Association of Ex-Pupils, an organization consisting of former wards of the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home or of the Ohio Veterans’ Children’s Home, holds reunions on July 4, at the home’s former grounds..


I hope they do not send this letter out. It will cause BIG problems for active JW


This letter DOES sound ludicrous...lol!!


Jeremiah 17:9-10 KJV

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Read full chapter

Jeremiah 17:9-11
“The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it? 10 I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, examining the kidneys, even to give to each one according to his ways, according to the fruitage of his dealings. 11 [As] the partridge that has gathered together what it has not laid is the one making riches, but not with justice. At the half of his days he will leave them, and in his finale he will prove to be senseless.””


The link to the letter isn’t working and I can’t find it. Do you happen to know where it is? Ty!


1 Timothy 1:9-10 KJV

Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;;;


Hmmm, the link didn't work for me
