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i love you and your vids i can listen to you talk all day you remind me of my auntie


Me laughing in my head at all the pissed off scorpios and then you go for cancer…that hit different 😳 cuz I have a few 🤣


I gotta shout you out I’m young 22 and I have people in my age group I am trying to wake them up with astrology and they ask me how do I know so much I’m going to recommend you and couple other astrologers on YouTube you are fantastic keep doing what you doing. I’m from NY born in bronx but moved to Long Island, shout out 😂 not sure which borough you’re from but I can tell


It’s crazy bc I always admit I can be a great manipulator. I am even aware by things or advice I give to others, how easily they automatically belief that. However, that scares me more than excites me. I feel everyone should follow their own guidance. People come to me for advice but I don’t tell them what to do. I jus relate my own experiences or things I’ve went through only. Let them pick up what they need from that. I know how powerful my mind is dealing with the psyche. So I feel wrong to play mind games that way. It’s not fair. One of my biggest triggers is someone trying to do it to me. It’s an insult to my intelligence. Bc I know I could run circles on them. But I let it go lol. I wasn’t aware the mind was my gift till it got strong at 30.

Sun/mars/Pluto 8th house in Scorpio
Moon/Saturn in 12th house in Aquarius
Pisces rising. Pray for me 😭 it’s rough


Mercury square Pluto
Pluto conjunct ascendant
Stellium in 1st and 8th
Scorpio in 1st house cusp
Pluto trine Venus
Neptune conjunct mars
Mars conjunct Neptune


I have an 8th house stellium, Venus and Mercury conjunct Pluto in Scorpio, sun in the 4th house and mars in the 4th house. I have to agree with this. Manipulation comes like breathing


Haven't watched the video yet, but just from experience: BEWARE sun conjunct Pluto in Leo and Moon conjunct Pluto in Leo. They will charm you, abuse you, and spit you out (yes yes I know not everyone... but these one are good to look out for. A good test is to not give them something they want when they want it - see how they react.)


Jesus. I’m fooked 🤣
So are my partner and kids 🙆🏻‍♀️
Multiple indicators in all our charts 🤪


I wouldn't call it all manipulation, but one could certainly spin a tale, or be a creative storyteller, or speak a bit in riddle, or omission. Maybe more likely to speak calmly, softly, and sincerely with prose and a memorable cadence. A silver tongue. Or one who weaves a spell with words and wit and song.
People have told me I speak w/ good diction and tone. ✨

Let's see.... I'm a Scorpio rising, mercury in cancer/moon in Gemini, Moon, Venus and Mercury in the 8th w/ a 8th house stellium, Gemini in the 8th house, Sun and Mars square Pluto, w/ Mercury trine Pluto, Sun in Cancer, Mercury opposite Neptune (causes confusion, random diatribes, omissions, flowery/poetic language, and vague fogginess in speech/misunderstandings), and probably other crap that I've forgotten. Lol


I'm not even mad after finding out I have 6 of these placements in my chart! Now I see why I was who I was then compared to now!
It's making sense, know wonder I'm such a genuinely soulful person and in good spirits now! Great video....
Can't be mad at your truth! Just except it!



1. Sun conjunct Neptune
2. Sun sextile Pluto
3. Pluto in the first house
4. Moon ruler in 8th house
5. Sagittarius rising


BAM, right off the top - Mercury in 8th. Just made me laugh since I'm starting off with a bang


Mercury scorpio retrograde is number 1 for sure


I have about 4 of these aspects. I'm sure most people have at least a couple. I wouldn't quite say I'm manipulative, but I think in my case I can be so passionate about my beliefs and feelings and opinions and kind of feel I'm generally always right and other are wrong so may be interpreted as manipulative due to my convictions. Often I am proven to be right, too!


Sun & Venus in the 12th house, Sun & Venus Square Pluto.


I’ve notice people with with mars and Pluto in the 3rd house are highly manipulative also mars in Gemini and Gemini Suns


Mercury square Pluto here, sun inconjunct Neptune 😂✋🏾 I can be manipulative when needed to lol. & plus I know a Pluto 1H & Mars 12H female personallly and boy was she manipulative and could lie her ass off but I always saw right through her lol. && lowkey throughout the video up until you said Mercury 3H I was thinking is she going to mention Mercury in the 3H because Mercury would be at home in 3H and these people would be skillful I tell you. I just met one let’s see how it goes. Probably lack of accountability and skillful lying I suspect 😂


Mercury in Scorpio, Mercury square Uranus, moon square Pluto, 1H stellium with Neptune, Uranus and mars .


Super interesting, I have Mercury/Uranus/Neptune conjunct WITH Saturn in ♑ maybe that's why I'm not that crazy because of Saturn. Because I also have that Mercury doing a sextile to Pluto in ♏ + Mars in ♏. But yes I can be vereeery manipulative but I try to do it to help people, not necessarily for taking advantage. I mostly use it to escape a bad situation etc. I'm also good at detecting people's BS. Must be that Mars in Scorpio. Now that I think about it my Mars in Scorpio in the Midheaven actually have brought me a lot of MANIPULATIVE people in my life or people who try to control me.


- sun square neptune
- moon in the 8th house
- 8th house stellium
- mercury rulling over 3rd house
