FIEND LIKE ME | Evil Genius 2 Song!

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Evil Genius 2: World Domination has you take control of one of four maniacal megalomaniacs on a mission for global conquest. Build your lair, manage your minions, take on the forces of justice, hoard the world's treasures and dominate the globe.

This video was sponsored by Rebellion so a huge thank you to them for making this possible. 2004's original Evil Genius was a huge part of my childhood and I've been incredibly excited for this long awaited sequel ever since it was announced. So I am thrilled that Rebellion reached out to me to help them promote the game. I've been lucky enough to have been able to play the game for the past couple of weeks ahead of release and I am having a blast. So I hope some of you might like to have a go at conquering the world for yourselves. If you're interested please click my link above! It really helps!

This video was a huge project for me, the most ambitious video I've ever put together (so far!) and I had such fun making it. A massive thank you to everyone on the team who came together to make this project the best it could be from the folks on set, the extras and builders to the folks who helped with the editing and graphics, you're all fantastic!
(To anyone worried, social distancing was in place on set and the rare points in the video where people were near each other were achieved via camera trickery!)

Lots more BIG project in the pipeline! But in the meantime have fun toppling governments and shrining national monuments to decorate your office with. ;)


Check out the full Stupendium originals playlist for all of my original songs!



Lyrics, vocals and video by The Stupendium
Set construction Camera operation: Nick J. Henderson
Set construction assistant: Lizzie Henderson
Additional graphic design: Lizzy CJ
Lighting technician: Robb Cartin

Nick J Henderson as Corey Spondent the Correspondent
Mixing by oo Oxygen:
Beat produced by Anywaywell:

Evil Genius 2 and the trailer and gameplay footage used here are property of Rebellion!

You can support The Stupendium on Patreon!

Join the official Stupendium discord server!

Drop me a tweet? @TheStupendium

The Stupendium is a musician, animator and content creator, creating weird, wonderful and usually incredibly nerdy songs and animations. Join them on their journey to obscure, niche internet stardom! They have some pretty decent videos, wonderful facial hair and a great sense of discomfort describing themself in the third person.
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Tune in to your favourite station
Peruse any news publication
See the state of the states and nations
Corporations, inflation, invasions,
Well, I say that they could take some
Intercontinental consolidation
One flag emblazoned with my face on
And I don’t plan on an application
Introducing villainy squared
Just your standard reclusive trillionaire
With a maniacal air and a violent flare
Vibrant tyrant enshrined in a stylish chair
You can find me there on my island lair
Where the sirens blare as I stride in striking fear
With the slightest glare, I’m not fighting fair
Step aside for the frightful heir
So you’d better get to polishing your white flags
I’ve a plethora of monuments to hijack
Shrink the senate, use the columns as a spice rack
And enveloping the commons in a flytrap
Minions all over my map
Turn your dominion into a nice back-
Yard for my kingdom, your income might lapse, you might have
To squint at the print on the ransom price tag

You know, I’ve just realised. This dotted line around the globe is supposed to be the equator…
I always thought of it as more of a ‘cut here’.

If all the world’s a stage
Then I shall play my part
You may say it’s cliché
But I say it’s an art
Every deck needs a knave
To come and stack the cards
The world may be yours to save
But it’s mine to tear apart
One button’s all it takes
To set the earth a-quaking
Or is the world afraid
And the planet started shaking?
You’d need tectonic plates
To serve the schemes I’m baking
And the menu for today
Is some world domination

I’m the meanest genius scheme unfurler
Genus steeped in burglars, murderers
Fiend Weekly’s champ moustache twirler
I cheated. I used curlers.
Yes my amusements bamboozle
A glamorous ruse to confuse all
Your plans to tamper and snoop,
You’re delusional
Can’t see no scheme whilst you’re schmoozing my valets
Casino screen obscures my base
So if you don’t want a day to rue let’s
Just play some roulette, forget the backstage
But if you do sleuth through to my sanctum
I’ve a few new tools here to have fun
Like a tank full of man-eating plankton
Or a smooth henchman with a handgun
So whilst I’m busy dislodging Norway
You’ll spend all day dodging my sawblades
Raising my pinball scoresheet
Freak in the broadsheets, Rube Goldberg in the hallways
Stay between the laser beams
You still won’t make it face-to-face with me
Your agency just paid you to take
A vacation in my interrogation seat
One wrong step in my bullion vaults
And you’re gonna be met with a billion volts
But if you do pocket any ill-gotten profits
Then I’ll dock it via rocket from the minion at fault
My management skills are uniquely stirring
When lacking in diligent measly servants
Having one killed with the team observing
Works magic on building the weak’s subservience

See, I think I’d make a perfect leader. I’m very hands-on.
And by that, I mean my hand’s on this big red button that may or may not do something terrible to the moon’s gravity.
Don’t worry, I’ll write you a lovely orbit-uary.

If all the world’s a stage
Then I shall play my part
You may say it’s cliché
But I say it’s an art
Every deck needs a knave
To come and stack the cards
The world may be yours to save
But it’s mine to tear apart
You secretly live below
My laser-mounted space station
You may need to think it over
But if I get bored of waiting
I’ll be beaming tic-tac-toe
Between the borders of your nations
Want to keep the Swiss Plateau?
Then give me world domination

I’ve minions poised and entrapped informers
Villains exploiting the map’s four corners
Off to deploy my outlandish orders
Warrants are void. International waters.
If I steal her bling, do I have to wait
For the Queen of England to abdicate?
Shrink rays are aimed so why raze the place?
Turn your famed locations to paperweights
Now your monument’s stored in a portable size
Does my offer seem more of an affordable price?
Your democracy’s nice but you ought to comply
Or I’ll alter your mind via the water supply
Reports coming live of some sort of device
That authorities describe as an orb in the sky
It’s absorbing the light and distorting the ice
‘Til your tenth story penthouse is caught in the tide
The Forces of Justice ought to give up
‘Fore I bore through the crust and get awfully destructive
Force down your government’s doors then I’ll bust in
Awesomely scored by a chorus of trumpets
Rulers you foolishly trust to prevent
My ascent just uselessly buckle and bend
If your throne ever feels too comfortable then
Remember all good things come to an end

If all the world’s a stage
Then I shall play my part
You may say it’s cliché
But I say it’s an art
Every deck needs a knave
To come and stack the cards
The world may be yours to save
But it’s mine to tear apart
That stylish new telephone
Home appliance sensation
Rewrites your genetic code
Every time the tone is playing
So I’m sure to get your vote
For my new administration
Detonator’s set to blow
For some world domination

It’s too late to stop me. By now the laser dolphins are in position and every world leader at the beachside peace summit and barbeque has been incinerated.
I’ll be sure to notify their next of fin.
That was good. Somebody write that down.


Finally someone realized that the best way to promote a game is to hire the Stupendium to make a song about it


Wtf I was wondering where my play button went!


Who says villainy doesn't profit?
The critics are in the next room being "convinced" otherwise. 1000% efficiency.


2021: Oh this is a good line.
2022: ... Stupendium? ... Where did you get that crown? Stupendium: (Evil Laughter)


"This dotted line across the globe is supposed to be an equater, i always thought of it as as more of a 'cut here'"

Me who lives there: im in danger


You sticking your name on Dan’s play button is purely retaliation for the biggest crime of all: not having one yourself. This is awesome.


"If all the world’s a stage

Then I shall play my part

You may say it’s cliché

But I say it’s an art

Every deck needs a knave

To come and stack the cards"

I love this part. You would think that the villain would seek money and power for the sake of their own comfort and/or ego. But the way he sees it, he only does it because society deems it necessary. What he wants doesn't even matter.


I just realised, one of best things about stupes is most of songs are about the game without being ABOUT the game, if you get what I mean. He drops references and makes amazing themed songs and doesn't need to drop names or anything to hit the spot.


“I cheated I used curlers” is the most evil thing I’ve ever heard, yet somehow unbelievably funny. Well done man.


Dude, you are so british, that every time I watched a video of yours, Horatio Nelson tries to invade the Canary Islands. IT'S THE 128TH TIME THIS BLOODY WEEK


We should put it to a vote: After Stupendium makes tacky clothes into awesome costumes through sheer willpower, do the clothes then become part of his daily wardrobe? Or do we think they’re confined to costume boxes (or considering the infamous lack of room in UK homes, perhaps sacrificed to thrift shops)?


Not many people would take a sponsored song, something that could be lackluster, and create a whole villainous set, with extras and evil schemes included, and absolutely eat it up with the best Bond villain rap ever.


Update: "Orbituary" is now the stupidest best joke ever.


"I cheated. I used curlers."

You ain't NEVER had a fiend like him!


"The world may be yours to save but its mine to tear apart" is such a great line


""If all the world is a stage, then I shall play my part" It has always been Sir Tupendium's credo. Once a little-known singer, composer and showman, this true Englishman was captivated by the "performance" of the past Evil Genius. Inspired, without any compulsion and with great willingness, he performed and composed music and shows for the glory of the new order in a fit of insane inspiration and quickly grew in both popularity and talent.
After the defeat and disappearance of the previous Genius, Stupendium was crushed and in the newer world he did what he loved without the former spark and enthusiasm.
Until he realizes that the years have not passed in vain - now he is the greatest Showman in the world, and the accumulated experience, knowledge and wealth can be used for a new calling - to re-conquer the world in a new, completely fabulous way."

Stupedium is a deception/science-type genius that is able to independently perform on stage in a casino by lowering the heat and quickly removing suspicion from agents. In combat, he relies on his microphone to stun and damage enemies and subordinates.
Abilities: Room for Improvement - Makes minions work faster on their tasks and restores their stamina and intelligence.
The Apex-- begins the performance by mesmerizing all agents in the area of ​​effect and allowing the minions to deal with them calmly.
Nook Line and Sinker-The knowledge of show business and all the intricacies behind the correct selection of equipment for their performances and music creation has allowed the Stupedium to purchase the necessary equipment cheaper and cover up kidnappings with concerts, reducing the fever from operations, and its scientific and deceptive minions work 12.5% better.

The superweapon of the Stupendium is called P.E.R.F.O.M.A.N.C.E. The machine, with the help of a network of satellites, plays a specially designed song from each media outlet in the selected region, turning everyone who hears it into crazy fans for whom it is the greatest happiness to fulfill any command of their idol. Random fluctuations in the lair brainwash agents and minions into drooling useless idiots.


Your game has peaked when this guy makes a song of it.


If this song doesn't make you a dlc character to play and use your hypnotically evil songs to rule the world... I will be pissed


I believe the Queen of England is as Abdicated as she’s ever going to get.
