Getting to Know the Python Standard REPL

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The Python standard shell, or REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop), allows you to run Python code interactively while working on a project or learning the language. This tool is available in every Python installation, so you can use it at any moment.

As a Python developer, you’ll spend a considerable part of your coding time in a REPL session because this tool allows you to test new ideas, explore and experiment with new tools and libraries, refactor and debug your code, and try out examples.

This is a portion of the complete course, which you can find here:

The rest of the course covers how to:
- Quickly edit, modify, and reuse code in a REPL session
- Get help and introspect your code in an interactive session
- Tweak some features of the standard REPL
- Identify the standard REPL’s missing features
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