How I Would Learn Python FAST in 2023 (from zero)

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Here is how to learn Python FAST

1. Choose the right beginner course. I’ll be the first to say that just doing courses and watching tutorials online isn’t what’s going to properly teach you to code, however, at the very start you do need to start with some introductory course to get the fundamentals down

The one I always recommend for Python specifically is Zero to Mastery’s Python online bootcamp, this is the most complete Python course that I’ve seen online, let me know if you’ve seen something better but this is the one I would do if I was starting over.

It starts off from the very basics so if you’ve never coded at all before, or never written a line of Python, this course starts from the beginning just like most courses, but the thing is it actually goes all the way to very advanced concepts, to the point that even I learned a whole bunch from the second half of the course even though I already knew Python pretty well when I started doing this for my review.

So I would suggest starting with this course, you should aim to complete it in maybe 2-4 weeks depending on how busy you are, it doesn’t really matter, but it’s key to set yourself some sort of learning goal, let’s say one hour every day, at the VERY least because otherwise you just won’t end up sticking to it, that’s just how we are as humans, so building the habit of doing some lessons + the exercises every day is absolutely crucial.

2. Practice every day.

Set an hourly goal per day based on your ambition level.

I’m considering having a fully detailed video coming up on how many hours I code a day + how to actually get in more hours per day very soon, so stay tuned!

3. Study smart as well as hard to maximise your time. I made a more detailed video on this right here, but the idea is that there are actual, fundamental science-backed ways in which you can actually be more efficient with your time to the point that you could get done in one hour what someone else might do in 3 hours if you know what you’re doing. To achieve this, the most important thing is to make a habit of practising deep work.

Watch till the end for the most important step!!





This channel documents my life as a Self-Taught Software Engineer as well as my journey teaching myself Computer Science & Programming.

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0:00 STEP 1 - start with this
2:30 STEP 2 - you MUST do this
4:12 STEP 3 - do this to not waste time

This video is about: python basics, learn python, learn python for free, coding for beginners, python for beginners, get started with python, learn python, learn python fast, python fundamentals, learn to code, how to learn to code fast, learning to code, struggling to learn to code, learning methods, be more productive, productivity techniques, learning techniques, how to learn efficiently, how to learn coding for free, how to become a software engineer, self-taught software developer, no cs degree

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Coding reminds me of careers like medicine. You can have all the training in the world, but until you get actual hands on experience, it won't make you better.


'Putting in the hours' is exactly the advice that people don't want to hear but certainly need to 😁


This was really well made and the delivery was fun and engaging. Please keep up the great work and continue sharing.


I hardly comment, but your sincerity has forced me to. You are absolutely right sir. I'm a witness to this .

Also, i may add "Focus on one language and get it right, Don't try toggling languages"


You’re just amazing and I can’t appreciate your vids enough. I’d like to ask what you recommend I do when tackling your personalized notion template and learning python? Should I take your cs course all the way through and then do a python course or do both of them at the same time?


Hey man ! A really great tips and trick video. It just cleared a lot of doubts to me
Thanks a lot man


Hey bro, I appreciate the transparency in the information you job and Keep going!! 😄


Thanks. I agree strongly: 1) find central information about concepts & best practices and study them,
2) use it - practice, practice, practice and take some notes about your expirience,
3) Reflect to understand what works for your project or environment.
As senior staff software engineer (developer, quality assurance from technical measurement data acquisition to technical data management) I am discovering and playing with Python, figuring out what my 32 years old diplom thesis work would look like today, if I had to make it today with Python instead of 1989 Turbo Pascal v5.5 (object oriented user interface menu & formulars examples library but w/o private/protected encapsulation of class members.
This private/protected encapsulation concept sounds theorectically perfect about finally selad class which should not be changed, but I saw so many developer taking bad choice for encapsulation with private/protected class members generating extra effort getting it to work.
My professional expierience ist that real world software development is typically iterative evolution, not knowing in advance all requirements and specifiiction as their move while development, and software should be more easier to change than un finished developed hardware requirements & specs.
Even a perfect class library is never developed in one single waterfall process perfect as 1st version, it is neccessary to evolve iterative it it will really succeed in practical projects.


What kindof programming terminal do you use that I see on your laptop in the videos? File automator? Thank you for the usful info!!


Thx bro for a detailed pathway. Could you also make a video on deep work. That'll be of great help to me.


Awesome video. Really like your overlays 😂


Your attitude and mentally is having a positive effect on me, thanks buddy!


Hey, I noticed that you have take a lot of info from books in your videos such as deep work in this one and make it stick in another vid. Im curious if you have a top 5 books you should read list or maybe a video about that? Keep up the great work, i love ur content!


Huomasin tokmannin kassin tossa videos nii tajusin et oot suomalainen😃 Mahtavii videoit ja tosi hyödyllisii näist oppii niin paljo❤️ Oon vast alkanu harjottelee ite ja näist on ollu tosi paljo apua👍


Great content. I am new to the area. I am a business graduate but starting a master in data analytics next month. I know the basics now, wish me luck !


Great video 👍... I was wondering where is the website where I can get free source code to problem solve or to play around


I was really hoping once you spun around on the chair at the start after that intro. You would be like "Done!!" ;D that fast


yep, i agree, you only lerarn when u start applyting it to your own use cases. Also, remember to take notes during your course videos.


I really wish there was a community for people who have just finished any Python course where you are set very basic tasks which get reviewed by other people every few days. I feel like once you have done the courses you think what shall I make, what can I do? If there was a site to test you and build up skills with mini projects and answers that would be great.
