Transitioning from undergrad to grad school | Grad Student Explains

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Hello everyone! This vlog is about transitioning from undergrad to grad school. I discuss the main differences you’ll find between undergrad and grad school and how to manage new expectations. I hope you enjoy watching.

I’m a 2nd year PhD student studying artificial intelligence in computer science engineering at the University of Michigan. In my free time I like to get involved with my community, paint, and cook/bake. Thank you for taking the time to watch my video! If you found this helpful please see the other michigan engineering vlogs and keep an eye out for any of my future videos.

My vlog:

Other #GradStudentExplains vlogs:

Music @ikson

Engineering graduate school at the University of Michigan:
Computer science and engineering grad program:

Our #GradStudentExplains vloggers are paid student employees of the University of Michigan; however the topics, opinions and experiences discussed are their own and were not edited by the University of Michigan.
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Mam do do grad student party crazy like undergrads and do they date undergrad or grad school only about academics and boring

Currently preparing my application for graduate study at Michigan Robotics, wish me luck 🙏😭
