Mastering Express Web Application Development

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Get to grips with advanced ExpressJS features like Middleware and Sequelize, as well as mounting sub applications and a tiered configuration
Implement real-time systems in your application like SocketIO and update information in real-time
Boost performance and make your application run faster using Nginx and NodeJS
Wade through HTTPS, CSRF and HTTP headers to make your application more secure

Customise Express by changing how it is configured, the templating engine used, and integrating additional open source tools
Solve complicated problems like handling various websocket standards by using prebuilt tools and libraries to focus on implementing business requirements
Use SocketIO to store user information in a database to build up a collection of users
Create real-time applications that will impress users and help distribute information even faster
Learn how to secure your application with the help of SSL, one of the best security systems and the technology behind HTTPS.
Deploy your application in a reliable and scalable way using Nginx and proxy_pass
Increase application visibility with event logs
Run your application in various environments, by changing nothing but the configuration

Express is a fantastic JavaScript framework, but most people only scratch the surface. With just a few changes, Express can adapt to your work strategy, rather than things being the other way around. Express is perfect for developing APIs with performance in mind, and as it’s a thin layer on top of standard web technologies it allows you to add any additional technology you want!

Mastering Express Web Application Development will introduce the tools and libraries you need to take your Express development career to the next level. By learning how to use tools to make your life easier, you can do more in less time.

To start, we’ll create a new Express application, learn how to configure it and increase application visibility by using logs. We will explore Express itself, along with various libraries that will help improve your development experience. We’ll be building on the previous section’s work each time. As we move on we’ll take a look at technologies such as SSL and Nginx, and work through deploying your application to production in a secure and scalable way. Furthermore, we will study various existing Express projects that are open source, and a review of how they are structured to help you to organize your own applications in a systematic way.

By the end of the course, you will be an expert in using a wide range of new tools and libraries which will help you deliver the best value to your customers.

Style and Approach
A hands-on step-by-step video tutorial, where you'll learn the whys and hows involved in various aspects of building an application with Express.

Getting Started
The Course Overview
Configuration with nconf
Getting to Know Winston
Installing and Using Nunjucks
Consuming Services
Consuming the Instagram API
Showing the Results on a Page
Caching Requests in Memory
Proving That Our Application Works
Installing Mocha
Refactoring to Make Things Testable
Mocking to Remove Dependencies
Let's Get Real-time
Sending and Receiving Data in Real-time
Scoping Data to Individual Users
Adding a Chat Room
Advanced Express
Mounting Sub-applications
Serving Content Conditionally for AJAX
Persistance with Sequelize and MySQL
HTTPS and Express
Preventing CSRF
Using Helmet to Make Your App More Secure
Shipping to Production
Using Supervisord to Keep Things Running
Using Larger Express Applications
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