From Zero to Full Stack: Master JavaScript and Create Dynamic Web Apps
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🚀 What You'll Accomplish 🚀
✅ Begin your coding odyssey with JavaScript's foundational concepts
✅ Craft immersive user interfaces using React
✅ Infuse life into your projects with mesmerizing GSAP animations
✅ Seamlessly integrate MongoDB and Mongoose for efficient database management
✅ Master the art of API development and testing using Postman
✅ Tackle over 60 hands-on coding challenges
✅ Showcase your skills through 100+ real-world projects
Build 100+ Projects Using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript 🔥
Follow Me On 👇
0:00 1: Introduction
0:09 2: Course Structure
9:01 3: JavaScript Overview
10:25 4: Code Execution
12:50 5: Dev Environment Setup
16:15 6: Connect JS to HTML
23:13 7: Using Console & Comments
30:42 8: Mastering Variables
48:22 9: Working with Numbers
57:50 10: Grasping Booleans
1:05:21 11: Comparison Operators
1:20:03 12: Manipulating Strings
1:41:16 13: Type Conversion
1:46:28 14: Conditional Statements
2:02:13 15: Switch Statements
2:13:10 16: For Loop
2:23:46 17: While Loop
2:27:50 18: Do-While Loop
2:30:42 19: Logical Operations
2:40:30 20: Arrays Introduction
2:52:17 21: Array Techniques
3:06:06 22: JavaScript Objects
3:20:09 23: Functions Basics
3:35:05 24: Function Types
3:39:28 25: Callback Functions
3:47:48 26: Variable Scope
3:55:41 27: Object Methods
3:59:25 28: JSON Handling
4:06:45 29: Dates & Time
4:13:34 30: setInterval & setTimeout
4:19:51 31: Intermediate Setup
4:21:19 32: Template Strings
4:32:20 33: Arrow Functions
4:41:58 34: Enhanced Object Literals
4:55:02 35: Default Parameters
5:03:04 36: Spread Operator
5:17:20 37: Rest Operator
5:24:15 38: Array Destructuring
5:38:29 39: Object Destructuring
5:43:59 40: Advanced Destructuring
5:49:40 41: Function Destructuring
5:56:16 42: Nested Destructuring
5:58:09 43: Destructuring Craziness
6:03:32 44: Ternary Operator
6:10:36 45: For-In Loop
6:14:36 46: For-Of Loop
6:17:53 47: forEach Method
6:26:43 48: map Helper
6:33:01 49: filter Helper
6:40:23 50: find Helper
6:47:52 51: every & some Helpers
6:57:22 52: reduce Helper
7:14:02 53: Map Data Structure
7:24:07 54: Sets Data Structure
7:31:23 55: Symbols in JavaScript
7:40:10 56: Introduction to DOM
7:42:37 57: DOM Setup
7:43:36 58: Accessing DOM Elements
8:12:22 59: Manipulating Text Content
8:23:13 60: Managing Classes
8:30:42 61: Working with Attributes
8:42:07 62: Navigating Siblings
8:50:52 63 Modifying Styles
8:59:23 64: Creating DOM Elements
9:12:05 65: Removing DOM Elements
9:14:24 66: DOM Events Intro
9:28:45 67: Event Handling
9:39:24 68: Keyboard Events
9:45:32 69: Working with DOM Events
9:56:50 70: DOM Project 1
9:56:49 71: DOM Project 2
10:03:32 72: DOM Project 3
10:13:37 73: DOM Project 4
10:17:27 74: DOM Project 5
10:23:12 75: DOM Project 6
10:28:08 76: Introduction to GSAP
10:28:10 77: GSAP Basics
10:29:05 78: GSAP Setup
10:31:29 79: Animation Techniques
10:39:56 80: Integrating GSAP
10:41:16 81: GSAP Object Overview
10:46:14 82: GSAP Set Method
10:49:52 83: From & FromTo Animation
10:56:09 84: Staggering Animations
11:01:49 85: Tween Control
11:06:24 86: Mastering Timelines
11:16:49 87: Crafting Unique Animations
11:28:35 88: Wrapping Up GSAP
11:28:43 89: OOP Introduction
11:31:30 90: Demystifying THIS Keyword
11:46:35 91: Factory Function
11:57:32 92: Constructor Function
12:15:32 93: Built-In Constructors
12:23:46 95: Prototype Model
12:41:49 96: Prototypal Inheritance
12:53:03 97: Introduction to Classes
13:06:19 98: Modifiers in OOP
13:21:38 99: Encapsulation
13:28:14 100: Abstraction
13:34:51 101: Inheritance
13:43:03 102: Polymorphism
13:52:41 103: Sync & Async Programming
13:56:08 104: Real-World Examples
14:01:12 105: Callback Hell
14:16:19 106: Promises
14:37:30 107: Async Functions
14:50:27 108: Reading Textual Data
15:00:41 109: Handling JSON Data
15:04:32 110: Fetching Data from APIs
15:18:31 111: Error Handling
15:22:43 112: Outro