The Worlds Of 40k! Agri Worlds! Breadbasket Of Trillions in The Far Future

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The humble agri world is an oft overlooked but never the less crucial part of the imperium of man. Thousands of planets of every shape, size and type dedicated to feeding the unending hunger of the Imperial Guard and the Administratums war machine

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Imagine Farming Simulator set in the 40K universe.

"In the grim darkness 41st Millenium there is only farming!"


St John of the Deer: a prehistoric tech priest from a time long predating even the dark age of technology. The tech priest would build a machine that would inspire the STC-pattern single-seat 'Thresher' wheeled harvesting machine.
We only uncovered the ancient machine that would become the basis for the STC 'Thresher' and came to know of St John of the Deer due to the most blessed of fortunes: during an attack on the south-eastern portion of Merica by an unknown nation during the Age of Strife, the fusing on a 300 megaton airburst nuclear weapon failed, plummeted into the ground, and detonated. It left a huge crater behind. At the bottom of the crater: A pristine example of an ancient harvesting construct, miraculously preserved through tens of thousands of years beneath the earth.
On the machine the name of its holy builder was inscribed on the side panels.
Soon after the Horus Heresy, this ancient machine would be rediscovered by the Imperium and this most holy of prehistoric tech priests would be canonized St John of the Deer.


Farmers will commonly rotate crops to allow the soil time to recover from the plants that where just harvested as well. Either leaving them fallow or planting something that puts specific nutrients back into the dirt so the next time you grow your main crop it’s more likely to to be a stable or bumber crop. So it would make sense that they would change crops from time to time to keep the world producing as much as possible.


"Having seen what they eat, I can now understand why Spartans are so eger to die in battle"

Some Greek General or philosopher, I can't remember who off the top of my head.


Hive worlds actually use hydroponics to help feed themselves, as several spires are used as massive hydroponic farms. Now of course most of what’s grown is basically turned into gruel for the hive cities but some upper spire royalty enjoy owning their own personal hydro farm to provide food for themselves. Of course these hydro farms are no where CLOSE to feeding the entire hive city, but they can provide enough most of the time to not let everyone start starving instantly.


I'm reminded of the story of Hogfish Bay.

The way this story was told to me, a guy was in a multiplayer PvE match in the Anno series of strategy games. His allies had all played the game before, but this guy was new to it and hadn't yet figured out the game's One True Build Path, so he was constantly having to correct his town, which usually meant _over_ -correcting - until he noticed that there was a neutral NPC faction nearby that would to buy soap at a constant price. So, he reoriented his entire city to focus on pig farming, to produce exactly two things: soap, and sausages.

When the other allied players looked over to see how he was doing, they were met with a Dickensian nightmare haze of caustic smoke from the soap factories and screams of dying animals from the endless slaughterhouses that fed them. It was great.


@ 19:06
Not just dirt, but fertilizer, trees to protect the soil* from being picked up and raging in huge storms, irrigation systems, etc etc. The American Dustbowl happened because of over tilling, and lack of trees covering said over-tilled fields.


Imagine living in the 41st millenium on an agri world, peacefully, for you're entire life and dying, having never even seen any of the horrible conflict or death or chaos. Entirely possible, and probably actually quite common.


Finally. We get to talk about the world of Mid-West of 40K


The Piranhas live in the Algae pond for three very important purposes; To dispose of idiots that fall into the vat, to ensure proper nitrogen levels for optimal algae growth, and to serve as diversification of foodstuffs.


When I was deployed to Iraq for OIF I, my section had access to a DVD laptop and a "One Eye" office projector so my squadron was able to have movies. The showing of Behind Enemy Lines got messy when Owen Wilson's zoomie character whined about the food on an aircraft carrier. MRE packaging, utensils, food and even a cup of dip spit were thrown at the wall by marines who were sick of the limited food options and considering at that point I was eating the same meal for 7 of my last 9 meals, I joined in the scorn. We would have killed our brothers for aircraft carrier or Air Force food. Navy food is good - Air Force is even better.


This reminds me of the time I was in a black crusade game taking place in an underwater hive. And the gm made it cannon that only the hive nobles had access to the height of culinary decadence... chicken tendies.


The imperium might be using terraformed agri worlds from the DAoT, fields plowed perfectly thousands of years before. We know the golden age humans relied on interstellar trade, so specialized terraforming could have been common.


There were vineyards on Prospero. Underground vineyards likely run off hydroponics. Ahriman himself took part in cultivating grapes and running a vineyard. He intended to make that his focus when the Great Crusade ended and the Astartes had no purpose.

Unfortunately the wolves, and the heresy came first.


You are an inquisitor, you are investigating the local variant of the imperial faith on an Agri world. Then you see it the statue on the Emperor on wearing his golden straw hat with a straw in his mouth riding his golden John Deere combine harvester. What do you do?
Also dark heresy campaign based on the children of corn when?


Now I imagine entire fleets of slow moving poop ships. Ships that collect waste from Hive worlds and transport them to Agriworlds to be made into fertilizer.


Fun fact; corn does have tryptophan! However, you need to nixtamalize it (boil in an alkaline solution). This increases the bioavailability of nutrients otherwise unusable (niacin and tryptophan). That’s why corn was such a staple in the Americas for thousands of years


Just wanna hear about the Christmas tree planet working hard to make sure the imperium is ready for sanguinala.


Personally I enjoyed the entire sea world built around mobile city ships whose job was to move around the ocean to scoop up algea because it was able to be made into a good basic food stuff.

An entire mostly safe world full of shallow waters... Except for the imperium and Tau fighting over it.


Hey if BattleTech can have general motors still running in the third millennium that I see no reason why John Deere can't have its own cult or at least be a saint in the Imperial cult in the 41st millennium
