Nordic Personalisation Day 2023
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The Nordic Personalisation Day 2023 was a full day event of talks and discussions on personalisation and recommender systems on the 30th March 2023. Leading experts in industry and academia presented their work on the topic.
Program (click on a time to go directly to the presentation)
00:00:07 Sven Størmer & Simen Eide: Welcome
00:09:16 James Grant: Bandit Approaches to Balance Exploration and Exploitation in Recommendations
00:43:58 Christoph Trattner: Online food recommendations: A complex problem?
00:57:40 Ayoub El Majjodi: Nudging Towards Health? Examining the Merits of Nutrition Labels and Personalization in a Recipe Recommender System
01:06:15 Bjørnar Vassøy: Consumer-side Fairness in Recommender Systems
01:19:13 Alan Said: Understanding Fairness Metrics
01:34:04 Simen Eide: Relevance through diversity
01:49:05 Alain Starke: Using Psychological Theories to Advance Human-Centered Personalization and Interfaces
02:03:38 Lemei Zhang: Pre-train, Prompt and Recommendation: Language Modeling Paradigm Adaptations for Recommender Systems
02:20:11 Even Moa Myklebust: Personalized treatment recommendation for Multiple Myeloma patients
02:32:12 Lars Mushom: Online Grocery Recommendations using Transformers
02:46:17 Øystein Skauli: Modelling Short-Term Changes in User Interest for Online Marketplaces
03:02:38 Linn Cecilie Solbergersen & Thomas Oldervoll: Bandit Recommendations for Public Broadcasting
03:19:36 Jacob Welander: News Personalization and the lessons we can learn
03:32:13 Anders Haarr: Personalization in VG
03:44:51 Johannes Kruse: Creating the next generation of news experience at Ekstra Bladet with Artificial Intelligence
04:01:08 Ludwig krokstedt: How Aftonbladet increases article conversion rate using personalisation and segmentation
04:15:46 Kim Falk: What is the end goal and how do we evaluate it?
Program (click on a time to go directly to the presentation)
00:00:07 Sven Størmer & Simen Eide: Welcome
00:09:16 James Grant: Bandit Approaches to Balance Exploration and Exploitation in Recommendations
00:43:58 Christoph Trattner: Online food recommendations: A complex problem?
00:57:40 Ayoub El Majjodi: Nudging Towards Health? Examining the Merits of Nutrition Labels and Personalization in a Recipe Recommender System
01:06:15 Bjørnar Vassøy: Consumer-side Fairness in Recommender Systems
01:19:13 Alan Said: Understanding Fairness Metrics
01:34:04 Simen Eide: Relevance through diversity
01:49:05 Alain Starke: Using Psychological Theories to Advance Human-Centered Personalization and Interfaces
02:03:38 Lemei Zhang: Pre-train, Prompt and Recommendation: Language Modeling Paradigm Adaptations for Recommender Systems
02:20:11 Even Moa Myklebust: Personalized treatment recommendation for Multiple Myeloma patients
02:32:12 Lars Mushom: Online Grocery Recommendations using Transformers
02:46:17 Øystein Skauli: Modelling Short-Term Changes in User Interest for Online Marketplaces
03:02:38 Linn Cecilie Solbergersen & Thomas Oldervoll: Bandit Recommendations for Public Broadcasting
03:19:36 Jacob Welander: News Personalization and the lessons we can learn
03:32:13 Anders Haarr: Personalization in VG
03:44:51 Johannes Kruse: Creating the next generation of news experience at Ekstra Bladet with Artificial Intelligence
04:01:08 Ludwig krokstedt: How Aftonbladet increases article conversion rate using personalisation and segmentation
04:15:46 Kim Falk: What is the end goal and how do we evaluate it?