The Journey Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Timothy Spall Movie

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Starring: Freddie Highmore, Toby Stephens, John Hurt
The Journey Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Timothy Spall Movie

A fictional account of the extraordinary story of two implacable enemies in Northern Ireland - firebrand Democratic Unionist Party leader Paisley and Sinn Fein politician Martin McGuinness - who are forced to take a short journey together in which they will take the biggest leap of faith and change the course of history.

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First face I seen was Freddie Highmore and thought "Yep, this is going to be good."


Just putting this out there but the only people who know anything about the precise events are either dead or retired from frontline politics (with the possible exception of Tony Blair, which is unfortunate but never mind, ) Anyway, I knew some of the people involved with the actual events politically and whilst it does have a lot of what I believe Hollywood refers to as artistic license according to people who were actually there, this isn't as far from the truth as some are alleging. The situations might be different but the conversations were the same is something I have heard a lot since its release last year. Remember this is not a documentary, it does not document the events of the Troubles, it is not even an account of the wider aspects of the peace process; it is a personal account of events that took place between two people (Paisley & McGuinness) during which various people at various times were briefly able to see and interact with in a variety of different ways sometimes positive sometimes negative. These things always gloss over the negatives and emphasise the things that cast the protagonists in a favourable light especially when they are dead! Additionally, we tend to see things differently when we are not a part of the events we are viewing

Even if you don't believe that, which is, of course, your choice, it is still a good film and you can make a choice whether or not to see it. No one can truthfully say this is or is not an accurate representation of what happened because we were not there and those who advised the makers of this film were not there for everything that went on. All we can know for sure is that from 78 to 98 we got from "Never" to "OK, then" (in a manner of speaking) somehow! We will probably never know what "really" happened and at the end of the day, that doesn't matter. All that matters is that we did, thank God! And these two men played a significant role in getting us to a place where we could have our disagreements and not keep killing each other so there could be at least some kind lasting peace in Northern Ireland.

Also, before anyone decides to jump down my throat about history; my history is the history of Ireland and the Troubles. On one side I am a Boyle as Irish as the Donegal hills, on the other, I am a Lacey, an Anglo-Norman aristocrat who came over with either Strongbow or Henry II. With that in mind, it is fair to say that, that history is written into my DNA. I also lived in Northern Ireland for a time, my brother was killed in the Troubles and I have lost family and friends on both sides of this conflict. My father still refers to our family as "casualties of war" but had it not been for that war I would probably not be alive. When Meany said in the film "We are Ireland" it reminded me of a quote my grandmother used to say "Mise Éire! Tá tú Éire! Táimid Éirinn agus tá Éire dúinn ar fad!" and it is true and both unionists and nationalists must remember this going forward "I am Ireland! You are Ireland! We are Ireland and Ireland is us all!"

That said it does not mean we have to like each other or agree all the time.


First face I seen was Freddie Highmore, Mr. Toby Stephens and Mr. Timothy Spall and thought "Yep, this is going to be very very very good."


Anything with Timothy Spall in it has to be good. Cannot wait to see The Journey. Fiction or not, I am sure I will enjoy it.


I'm a Canadian, Belfast born.Sure, it's fiction! Given the political climate we live in (Brexit, Trump) I find a film like this breath of fresh air.


Wow...Timothy Spall looks almost unrecognizable with the weight loss. He's really an incredible actor.


I am Canadian and I am looking forward to watching it. Also, there is a Churchill movie coming out as well.


Why in God's name did they not get John Hurt to play Paisley.


Well isn't this film fitting for the current circumstances? These things are so funny.


yknow if I'm counting correct the driver has played two staples of pop culture and part of the basis for another


When was this film released or has it yet to be released? I have heard nothing of this film until it ended up on my recommended page !!!!
Timothy Spall with weigh loss looks remarkably like Mr


It was fun. The scene with Paisley in the petrol station when the credit card has been refused is priceless, but it's a farcical comedy and nothing more. Meaney doesn't even attempt Martin's accent. Weird how this got made .... the only movie about the peace process and ... it's a fictional comedy??


What is that, a British comic book Richard Nixon? lol. Also, wasn't old Billy Clinton involved in that peace?


how much of is fiction, like based on real event is bullocks


Spoiler: They both die and everything starts to go to shit again.


The irony is the two actors are now close friends 😂


Not seen this film but I can see it's based on a false premise. That a democratic politician (even If I thought he was an insufferable knob) and a terrorist killer were on the same moral plane. And in the little bits presented in the trailers, I suspect that a "reasonable" McGuinness will be seen as winning over an "intransigent" Paisley. That is sad as it demonstrates a collective retreat form reality, morality and decency. The moral high ground was won by Paisley by accepting as an equal McGuiness. My family are Republicans, and in private they will (nearly) all admit its true. But down the Pub, even my siblings would say I'm talking bollocks, if I had the courage to talk about this. I think you can all guess why in that pub we stick to other subjects.


Always thought the older guy looked like the food critic in ratatouille, give him black hair tho 😂😂 cracking film tho, these 2 men talking about the past there differences and there beliefs, very powerful and has some good humour in it too and just notice the good doctor driving lol


cool movie.. enjoyed watching it using boxxy software


I LOVE IT! Now Producers and Directors here is my pitch....White trip across America beginning from New York ending in California...Same Story...Set in a Distant will pay to see this Awesome Movie "The Journey' and then I will pay $100.00 to see my pitch 'The Journey Part 2" if you make it. Cheers!
