Podcast Episode 255: More Benefits of L. Reuteri Yogurt with Dr. Davis

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Dr. Davis is one of my favorite people to interview. In this podcast, we talk about the many benefits we both have found from consuming L reuteri yogurt for the last year. Dr. Davis is very knowledgeable about L. reuteri and explains why it is so important for us to restore this missing microbe. Tune in to learn more.

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I have noticed remarkable improvement since I've been using it. I have a rescue kitten that I found starving a couple of months ago. She's healthy now but when she yawned her breath would knock you down. Her teeth, even though she was young were yellow as well. I started giving her about a teaspoon of this yogurt when I had mine each morning. I would say it's been about three weeks and she no longer has bad breath and her teeth are whiter. I'm not exaggerating either. Seeing the profound difference it has made on her makes me realize that stuff is really amazing.


I have been making and eating the L. reuteri yogurt since last November. First of all, I am 75 years old and my gut has never worked so well in my entire life. I eat it everyday and my health has improved significantly because of this yogurt. I recently wanted to make a double batch in order to give some to a friend. I had bought both the Osfortis and the Gastrus brands of L. reuteri. What I did was to make this double batch with both types of L.reuteri. The results were amazing. The combination has produced a very thick and creamy yogurt without a lot of the tangy taste. I absolutely love this new combination and will continue to make it. We have nicknamed this yogurt, "Turbo Turd Yogurt", because of what it does to make the gut work so well👩🏻‍🍳😂 I always make it with Jersey cow half and half.


Dr. Davis looks incredible too! He looks better than he did ten years ago, Too! He looks like incredibly healthy and happy and youthful...


I added L. Reuteri "yogurt" to my diet one month ago and eat it daily. About one week ago I was getting a massage and, while laying face down, my massage therapist asked me how much weight I have lost. I told her that I have not lost any weight and the I could tell that since I haven't been exercising (I also lift weights) as much since rotator cuff surgery I felt that I have lost some of the firmness that I had. She said, "Well, your waist is telling a different story because it is visibly smaller than it used to be!" Also, I was back at CrossFit (with limitations) one month after rotator cuff surgery and released with no restrictions (although I do need to build up my strength) after only 12 weeks post-surgery. I attribute this MAJOR success to clean eating, which includes raw milk kefir daily.


This is great information, but just FYI guys, if you are only lifting weights for 10-15 minutes a week, and you also purposely avoid heavy weights, you aren't going to need "recovery" from that and it doesn't really help your case to claim L Reuteri is the reason why. Try working out 3x a week for an hour with real loads, to the point you are sore the next day and report back to us how your recovery goes.


Thank you so much Dr Davis and Donna, iv been taking L-reuteri now for 4 weeks and can honestly say it's the first time my psoriasis is clearing after 9 years, I have tried everything under the sun to get rid but failed, after watching your videos I bought myself a yoghurt machine and bought your book Super Gut and it has already changed my life, I can not thank you enough as I feel so much better and happier, I am 68yrs old and looking forward to living a better life, thank you so much ❤️


Would love to see a what I eat in a day or what I eat over the course of a few days, especially because you eat such a wide variety of fermented foods and it would be great to learn how you get them all in!


I loved this conversation; thanks for sharing! I will get the L. Reuteri yogurt because I want to rejuvenate! I’m in my 7th decade & have been following Donna since HayHouse first published your books & I used to listen to you on their talk shows. I have bought 5 of your books & given 3 away to friends that wanted to know more. I sure hope I can get your products in Canada. I was gifted milk kefir grains, a kombucha scoby & do sourdough baking, thanks to you sharing your knowledge. Blessings to everyone 🤗💗🇨🇦


My microbiome studies extend into my garden. Seriously, composting rehabbed the soil and my gut followed right along behind it. I mulch oak leaves to replenish what the veggies extract. The refrig is full of ferments coming from that miracle taking place in the yard. The microbes do the work..outside and inside. Somehow, I am participating in an ecosystem even if don’t have all the details.


The symptoms of dementia cross over with mycotoxin exposure in water damaged buildings. These biotoxins are extremely acidic and get into the cells and contribute to the loss of most intracellular electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. This destroys brain function when the mycotoxins enter the brain. I am suffering from this right now after 16 years employment in a nursing home as a registered nurse where the roof leaked all the time in that building. The hospital always said that there was no mold problem! I am hoping that this yogurt can help bind these mycotoxins and restore my gut bacteria. I was forced into early retirement and struggle to meet my own needs now because of extreme weakness, insomnia and problems with word finding. I pray this is what helps me because there is few doctors in Fairbanks Alaska who do not just say that I am delusional! I have no help but what I study to hind answers for my own health.


Why Donna appears so much younger is because she has exhuberant wide-eyed joy popping out from every pore-its that addition of oxytocin to her diet. Looking back at older videos...she's always had the enthusiasm in sharing her knowledge, but this is different. Her jaw and neck also appear slimmer than from the first interview with Dr. Davis. Dr. Davis' face looks more taut, as well. Great conversation!


I am just now on my 3rd day of my first L. Reuteri yogurt.I am 76. I have nearly a quart in the fridge. I will keep making it in cycles. I have such hope. In 2019 I had a surgery and they removed a lot of hemorrhaging intestines which left me with chronic diarrhea. I am praying this will help me return closer to normal. I am primarily carnivore so I eat no wheat or sugar or carbs. I have severe long term fibromyalgia. I suffer overall relentless inflammatory pain, uncontrollable gout, high diastolic readings, and severe weakness. I have hope now.


Hello, It's 0930 AM, January 14, 2024. Ambient room temperature (72-77 degrees F) in the apartment that my wife and I are living in. I've been able to make the L. Reuteri Yogurt drink at room temperture for 36 hours following the "Super Gut" book by Dr. Davis pg 240. I use the milk that I get off the shelf, since its hard to find half-half creamer. We have a lot of power outages here in the mountains of Dominican Republic.


I appreciate knowing how it affected Donna personally bc she eats tons of good probiotics but says this strain made a true noticable improvement.


Thank you so much. Only after 4 days eating L Reuteri I started to sleep so much deeper. Now even my babies (who get it through my breastmilk) start sleeping so much better❤️


I’m curious if anyone has looked into the possibility of L. Reuteri helping to remove toxic mold. Mold has been shown to have negative effects on the brain that can cause depression and even dementia.


❤ I am 80. For years i have eaten almost no sugar. I am also a hypnotherapist and have (for 30 years) guided regression for trauma clearing for suffering people. (PTSD, also, weight loss, stop smoking, etc) Coming from the mental health world, I feel like my remarkable health and looking 20 years younger than i am (few wrinkles, quite mobile, no drugs or health insurance, etc) nonetheless lives on the edge of falling apart because I work by clearing emotions stored in physical symptoms and especially from guidance from dreams. Further, as miraculous as this work (power of the mind) is, when I think of all the mental health issues in this world, i have had to fight despair. Two weeks ago I learned about Dr. Davis's work. My first client (yesterday) was a nurse who needs to lose 130 pounds. He already knew about your work (wheat belly, etc) and was unable to take action from what he knows. We will see! I deeply appreciate your work! Dr. Davis's honesty, his metaphors, his comfort with helping the whole person, especially our mental health, is wonderful. I especially appreciate his putting cause and effect in its rightful place....(i actually wrote this a moment before the good doc mentioned cause and effect). I now feel some hope for the whole person and the future.
You two are talking at a wonderful level that i don't hear in other interviews with Dr. Davis. Thanks to Donna's wonderful ideas!


She did not even mention his channel or provide his links in the description which is only proper etiquette. He has a YouTube channel, blog, and NY Times bestseller.


It is funny that you mentions that folks are making this in their RV's because I do! Honestly the hardest part is finding a pure half & half as we travel.


Oh Yes Please! We would LOVE to know what your weightlifting routine is. A Video would be so beneficial for all of us!
