The Dark, Twisted Truth about Breeding Rabbits

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Cute, cuddly, fluffy -- bunnies are one of the most popular pets in the world. But where do they all come from? And why are there so many? You might be surprised to find out!

~Two years in the making of this documentary. I filmed a lot of it between 2019-2021. In an effort to put out unique, educational content out there for bunny lovers -- please enjoy this free, informational art. And please, adopt, don't shop 💖~

Special thank you to Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation, Adopt a Bunny Rabbit Inc, & Dr. Sari Kanfer of Pasadena Exotic Animal Veterinary Center





✰ Disclaimer ✰
I am not vet. Please contact a rabbit-savvy vet for any medical emergencies.
Always monitor your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.

#bunny #freeroamrabbit #breedingbunnies
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Two years in the making of this documentary Lennies. I filmed a lot of it between 2019-2021. In an effort to put out unique, educational content out there for bunny lovers -- please enjoy this free, informational art. And please, adopt, don't shop 💖


Thank you for educating us on how rabbits are meant to be treated. Many bunnies don’t deserve to be given such poor treatment.


I feel so sorry for rabbits as animals. They are so misunderstood. They can't vocalize that much, even when they are suffering, they do not show when they're in pain. They seem like these cute plushies who you can cuddle at any moment and then leave in cage like and forget about it. Thank you for spreading awarness, making effort to expose those who want to make money of these poor creatures. All the best to the girl who realized how bad breeding is, admitting it in front of the camera and convincing her mom to stop.


I bred rabbits, after about 6 months and a couple litter I quit breeding and started a small rescue. I realize how sick it was now all the bunnies I take care of have large yards. Plenty of space. Better food, better shelters they are separated so no accidents happen. The money I earn from working goes into vet care ( spay neuter and any issues they may have) and I find permanent homes for them. I keep a few that are my babies now. I have a pet contract and adoption application for bunnies I want only to give them what others failed to give them and fighting chance I now home over 15 bunnies currently getting vetted and brought back from death. One was so badly emancipated it weighed in less then 2 pounds. He’s currently slowly putting weight back on and will be in to be neutered as soon as I can get him in. I do it all out of pocket. These guys are smart and beautiful animals with such big personalities


This shouldn’t have to be a problem, people should do there research as they do for a dog and cat!


Thank you so much for sharing this documentary! I’ll recommend everyone who wants to get a bunny to watch it and your channel as well. I rescued a rabbit who was left to die outside and he turned out to be a total sweetheart. Once he’ll be neutered I will start looking for a friend for him. I’m thinking about maybe a former lab bunny. It was really unexpected for me to get a bunny but since I’ve watched your videos for a few years now I feel confident in what I’m doing as a new bunny parent :)


amazing documentary i really hope more people see this and hopefully spread out the word even more


My uncle has a farm and adopted 2 meat rabbits because his son & granddaughter were going to move near them but then didn’t. So we then my sisters fell in love with the young rabbits and we adopted them. Sadly a few months later a dog got loose some how found it’s way into our backyard and scared our rabbits to death. My sisters was part of our schools animal science class / FFA class. They had my sisters friends rabbit when teaching about rabbits, and some boys thought it was funny and would come in after school and would sneak the rabbits together and her friends rabbit ended up pregnant (this happened when I was in FFA too… stupid boys) so my sister got 2 of those babies and she still has them. They are very happy with her and boyfriend still today.


Yeah I’m so glad you made this a lot of people see bunnies as cute animals for there kids and just leave them in such tiny cages and they find out something bad happens to there bunnies they don’t even know how important bunnies are they NEED to freeroam


One day I saw a rabbit breeder and there were huge rabbits in these small wire cages so I adopted two and what I herd of is the cages mine were in all of those bunnies passed I’m so thankful I could save my two buns


It's so painful seeing the bunny having soo many bite markss


We bought our Flemish giant from a breeder (which was my first time going through a breeder). What I look for in a breeder is how frequently they breed their rabbits, seeing their conditions, seeing both mom, dad, and siblings (just like if your are buying a dog from a breeder).


This video hurts to watch, but it is great bunny awareness. I hugged my buns after watching this. It just hurts that so many innocent bunnies are living in such bad conditions.


you actually went to the breeder I rescued one of my babies from - she was selling him on craigslist as snake meat, because “nobody wanted a black bunny” - he’s been my baby for two years & is best friends with my other bun


I have a rabbit and it has fleas can u make a video on how to get the fleas out 💗


I disagree with the extreme point of view of saying that breeding is totally a bad thing. Even if I totally agree that is more better to adopt an animal than buying it, excellent breeding people exist even if there are not many. And if someone prefers to use this way and take all the precautions to be sure that the breeder is very serious, have high level of standards, balance and do it by passion, I don't see where is the problem. The real problem is that many people don't make efforts to choose good breeding


I’m visiting the town of Hamilton in Montana. People just let pet rabbits go. I found one in the National forest at a trailhead called Centennial Grove. I tried to catch him after many attempts with apple pieces with no success. I called the humane society to report that it was still up there for coyotes to get but they only help dogs or cats. Sad. Then I get back to town and another one is just running the street of Montana and 2nd.


i know this is a very old video but what would be a good way to go about buying a bunny ?


Heartbreaking . I was a beader myself . Never again . I will say you would have been impressed by my apartment operation I promise. The rabbits had it better then me ! I now adopt from shelters only . It now just WaaWoo and I


We had 2 rabbits both females and the one was jealous and they would fight and pull the good ones here out after my brother and I stopped looking after them properly so I gave them to my mom's friend and I new her and her 10 children will love them and give them attention
