Chinese defense minister warns about NATO-like military alliances in Asia-Pacific

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The Cold War mentality is resurging, and the design of pushing for NATO-like military alliances in the Asia-Pacific is to hold the countries in the region hostage and upgrade confrontation in the region, warned Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu at the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue.

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We absolutely agree with China defense chief and totally support China in stopping NATO grows its dangerous hegemic and warmongering roots in Asia.


22 0 China's President Xi Jinping Sir 🙏🇨🇳🇱🇰🌟❤5s💛☂️
Xi Jinping Sir My Haus 🌻🌻🌻
China's Soldiers I Love 🌟🥇❤💛


NATO has no business in Asia. Any military alliance in Asia is Nato military expansion or imperialism. China and Russia must work together to counter all this expansion. Today they can have an open office in Japan, tomorrow they can have a military post, today after tomorrow they can have more offices and military posts in Asia. When things become difficult for China, China must not go it alone but to form a military alliance with other countries to counter the US and its war machine NATO.


The US is not located in Asia so what is the US at the Asian Security conference. Someone needs to tell the US to stay in America and stop inviting the 'a'holes to those conferences.


Laos is with you China. We can build an unsinkable ships in our country of Laos over looking the South China Sea from higher attitude and long distance together from the preying eyes of the U.S and its NATO allies actives they are now building around China right now. We already building our closeness with the first Security Shield just last weeks or so.


China 🇨🇳 is an indisputable world power and this is not going to change by unthinking offensives of any kind.


If those conceited western powers think & try to implement any initiatives ala' NATO structure - certainly China, Russia, North Korea & its allies in South East Asia would NOT just sit back & to see it happen.
The US Regime would be very surprised, that the reactions from its so called allies in the Indo & North Pacific countries are very different on the matter! 😊


Peaceful unified 🇹🇼 with its motherland is the best option for peace of the whole world! 🇺🇸 Should stop making trouble for its continue rulling the world empire dream, but consider staying second powerful country after 🇨🇳, and willing to cooperate with 🇨🇳, growing together for better futures of of the whole universe! 🙏


blocs leads to world war indeed cause no one has the priority to negotiated for peace. in multipolarity, there will always be numerous nations working for peace between the conflicting parties.


Have you seen movie "lion king:
Hyena would not going alone.
They got Hyena group to attack lion baby.
Right ON!


This group could be of (all Nuclear Armed) Russia-Pakistan-North Korea-Iran-China


In this age of Space, Science and Spirit don't be distracted by heavenly forces. That ancient dragon. Ephesians 6:12. We have a responsibility towards 1.6 billions people to keep peace in our communities and jobs. Beware the dragon 🐉


Stupid remarks. China is the only nation to be blamed for these alliances. Bullying neighbors and occupying territories that do not belong to China, is expected to draw alliances that will put to end Chinese bullying and aggressive behaviour.


Too many are naive about the USA world criminal activities!!


Asia-Pacific is more correct than the name "Indo-Pacific" that the US created. South East Asia has no traces of India. When were the Indians over there? It's easier to find a person from Africa than a person fron India over there.


Bad behavior dont disrespect each other asians make Asian Union: Kazakstan China Japan Korea Vietnam Mongolia.


what is china doing in the west philippine sea?


Dang !!!! In Short if put an analogy to a sugar cane plantation..
-US is the master and lord of the Manor/plantation.. All pompous " high and mighty" with no regard to any of its underlings.
-Australia /UK/ Canada are the Butler / Head servant / house cook respectively, enforcing and acting and lobbying what the Master says, reaping additional "perks " as elevated workers . able to sleep in the house servant spare rooms.
-India is the gardener of the Manor 's garden. Just do all the nitty gritty and making the whole coalition sounds good and it may get its goodies /salary . Sleeping in the small beat up shed outside the manor.
-South Korea is the plantation worker cutting the sugar cane, doing the hard work and basically very little contradictory about it. . Huddling away in the worker's quarters simply put up just for basic shelter and non furnished.
- Japan is the forever chained slave doing almost everything on orders from processing the cut sugar cane to drying the pulp, and literally NO choice but to do whatever its master says. its sleeps in the open beat down, broken up hut... with a piece of canvas as its shelter.

Oh I forgot about one more

Philippines is like a"fatherless child born of wedlock", and just waiting for whatever goodies/sweets that the Butlers /Head servant can give or other plantation workers willing to spare for him. .. Anything is better than nothing... Just keep quiet and go with the flow... Dang thats what its status in the Sugar Cane plantation. .. it normally bunks in with whatever it finds comfort, basically the house servants only.

Dang !!!!


China is time for you to rise and stand against bully. US has consistently slap you in the face. Don't be quiet.


Me Am American though I Liv in Africa, U Liv long America 🙏🙏🙏
