Confrontation With A United Methodist Bishop

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Roughly a year ago, I was summoned to the office of Bishop Jimmy Nunn of the Oklahoma Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church to be intimidated and threatened in response to questions I had been asking about conference finances. This video is a recounting of things said and done around that disciplinary action, acknowledging benevolence, while also highlighting the dysfunction of the UMC’s bureaucratic leadership. I believe these dynamics are replicated throughout the US within the UMC. It is my hope that this recounting will be something to strengthen, empower, and equip clergy and laity who will (I pray) choose to continue speaking boldly and loudly about UMC toxicity and dysfunction.
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I thank God for many things regarding the disaffiliation process from the United Methodist Church.
First, you, Jeff Richman, were sent on this mission to us to provide clarity and openness to what has been occurring. Second, I'm thankful for a local Conference that allowed a realistic ability for our Church to leave a denomination that has, in reality, left us. Finally, I'm thankful our Church and Pastor chose to remove ourselves from this denomination that, in my opinion, is headed in the wrong direction in so many ways.
Hearing your experience only reinforces my beliefs and the direction we have chosen. These shenanigans (my kind word) of the UMC will only serve to weaken it further as time goes on.


Not a Methodist, but find your channel and content both fascinating and sad.

Praying for both sides, but 100% think I’d love to be a part of any church you are part of. Your humility and tone of relating your opinions and recounting of the issues shows your love of Christ and the Bible.

Praying for you brother.


My husband and I have been searching for a new Church for the last two years. Our Church of 50 years was not allowed to vote and was taken over by the progressives. We were heartbroken over this but time and your program has helped us in our journey of faith. We have finally found a Bible based Presbyterian Church to attend and are staying non-committal at this time. Our UMC has deleted us from their roles after I sent an email to our pastor concerning her constant revisions and questioning of God's word. Thank you for providing the support to those of us that need it.


I really appreciate Pastor Jeffrey telling this story. When churches and businesses operate like the U.S. Congress, it’s time to get out.


The UMC's bishops are lying when they claim that they are "people of God"


In Oregon, MO our UMC was steered against disaffillation by the pastor. Then voted 50 to 22 to stay in UMC. Several of us have left this church!!! Shock and disappointment filled us but we rise in believing we are standing with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!! Searching for a new church.


Similar experiences. I was surprised how unprepared the UMC leadership is to engage and often unwilling to listen and reason.


Excellent, sincere presentation Pastor. May God continue to bless you and your family as you share the truth with those otherwise denied the truth.


I left the Methodist church in 2016 when my pastor said the following at sunrise service “ we don’t know if the resurrection was spiritual or physical because WE WERE NOT THERE! I’m now a member of Presbyterian PCA


I have two brothers in West Virginia, both have attended UMC churches there for years. Both have recently left their UMC churches recently. The situation in WVa, according to them, is quite alarming. The entire state, under their bishop, decided not to follow disaffiliation, but to wait and attempt to leave after the deadline, their bishop promising to allow them to buy back their properties. Apparently she has reneged on that promise. These churches are emptying at an alarming rate because of this deceit. I'm wondering if the WVa situation is perhaps the worst in the U.S.


I was very interested in listening to this video. First, I have known Bishop Nunn since we were in college together over 40 years ago. I, too, have been puzzled by what I have heard/read about how he has operated as bishop, particularly in the OK Conference. Second, a couple of reflections on the process: it is accurate that he could have "fired" you or asked for your credentials as a Licensed Local Pastor. A LP only holds that license when appointed and a bishop is under no obligation to appoint a LP to an appointment. So if he terminated your appointment, your licensed would also be terminated (see Paragraph 320). One could possibly appeal that in the grounds that such action was taken for unjust reasons, etc. But it would be an uphill battle. On the other hand, if I understand your description accurately that the other female clergy person you referenced was a UM Elder, that is a completely different story. A bishop has no authority to simple ask for her credentials. The only way she could be forced to surrender her credentials is if charges are filed and she is convicted in a church trial. Further, a bishop is obligated to appoint an Elder unless suspended for explicitly appropriate reasons (which do not include sharing opinions about conference finances) and can't even place an Elder unilaterally on involuntary leave of absence without an administrative review process and ultimately the decision by the Board of Ordained Ministry (see Paragraph 354). So if the Bishop did, as you describe, ask this Elder to "bring her credentials" in view of demanding she surrender them, it would be a very clear violation of the Book of Discipline. So what you describe, in my view, was definitely a bullying tactic. On another note, your description of how you handled the conversation, both the tone/attitude and the way you asked them to describe what you had done wrong and how to apologize for it was a very wise and non reactive way of approaching it.


Our church is in disafiliation now and we should be through in December. We are a small community church. Our membership has continued to fall more and more. We are located in Mississippi. Our concerns of the direction to go afterwards and going with gmc are some of the same reasons we are leaving umc on the administrative end and being governed by bishops. I see the potential for similar problems down the road as the gmc grows. What is to protect the organization from similar abuses of power etc. ? It's like having ptsd and not wanting to go through this ever again! We are looking at other Weslyan based organizations or just being independent for now. There is a lot I like about gmc but I need to see how they handle this transition, how they manage finances, the bishops and mostly will they stay true to the Bible and Christian teaching which I believe they will. But initially, we as a church body, are nervous to commit to any organization. 😌🙏


Leadership is better served when congregations are independent like they're supposed to be.


This blunt, plain-speak is truly encouraging. However, I will state that this whole disaffiliation process has been terribly stressful for innocent, God-fearing Christians. Time after time, we have been blindsided and dismayed by new "instructions, " arbitrary deadlines, the exorbitant "fees" assessed to churches with senior citizens on fixed incomes and the fears that we may be offending our beloved Savior in not staying with the UMC. I find myself constantly reassuring my dear brothers and sisters that we are NOT sinning in a terrible


Jeffrey, you set a good example for the rest of us, to stand up for what it right and not be intimidated by authority. Right is right, truth is truth. We need to stick by it.


May God bless you! You are a ray of hope in an evil world!


A good governance structure is never going to be good enough for God. I'm not acquainted with the UMC in any way, but this kind of story is mirrored the world over.
May we turn to unity under Christ. For as long as it takes (and as impossible as it seems), we must pray that these divides be mended. Aim for forgiveness. God be with you.


In MA, our church - a multicultural ministry - was left in the dark by our pastor, who came back from Charlotte, NC and never even mentioned the fact that we had a choice disafilliating. Then, when questioned about his arbitrary decision to stay put, kept insisting that our church was "considered an ethnic group, and changes didn't apply to us". That especifically offended me, as if there was a different Gospel for us, "savages"...

He met individually with some members and convinced the usual crowd (the ones who have a $take when it comes to being hired by him) that everything was alright.

The trustees left, which might not make a difference because, ultimately, he has always been the one who decided on things - from the finances to anything else. The finance reports also, like the example you mentioned, have been kept a secret, and presented only in general terms, especially because his wife, a self-appointed pastor, uses the church resources as a way of therapy.

I mean, UMC is now just a social club.


The Methodist church, like most churches has evolved over time. Issues like slavery, racism, divorce, a woman's place in the church have caused repeated splits in the church. The conservative church of years past limited a woman's place in the church, allowed slave owners to be ministers, had segregated services, and so on. The changing acceptance of homosexuality in society has caused yet another split.


Time to talk about the GMC. You have said enough about the UMC.
