Vocal Branding: How Your Voice Shapes Your Communication Image | Wendy LeBorgne | TEDxUCincinnati

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Since I became a voice-over artist, I've noticed that my personality has changed for the better and business associates take me more seriously. When you work with your voice it really does affect how people respond to you.


Key Points:
1. Intensity - volume of voice - not too low, not too high
2.Inflection - wavyness of the voice - don't be monotone
3.Rate - Number of words per minute - between 168 to 200 WPM is best
4. Frequency - Pitch of voice - High pitch makes man timid
5.Quality - Clarity and pinch of magic to voice - what differentiates you from others


I've been told that:
1. I speak too quietly
2. I decrescendo my speech (Up at the beginning of my sentences rather than the end)
3. I speak too fast
4. I have a high squirrel like voice

Combined during group speech projects this leads to a perception that; I am uncertain of myself, but knowledgeable about whatever I am speaking on (regardless of whether I actually know anything about the topic), that I am nervous about presenting information, and that I may be upselling or exaggerating whatever base facts are from the topic assigned speech. This is from teachers of a variety of subjects; math, business, public speaking, English, science, etc. that have all stated similar phrases about my vocal brand.

I am so happy to see a TedTalk about the topic that puts this in perspective, that all of these factors really matter. When I manage to speak a bit louder (in a typical indoor voice), when I add more inflection to my sentences/vary their inflections more, take a deep breath and speak slightly slower than normal, my higher voice can be ignored a bit easier and the focus can be more on the what and not the how.

This is a super important topic, especially for autistic folk like myself. I wish this was taught to people from a much earlier age.


Very informative talk. As a executive speech communications coach I encourage my clients to eliminate uptalk. The voice is powerful. When I hear irritating voices on TV, I change the channel. It's actually draining to listen to someone who has too much nasality, speaks too fast, or uses a lot of uptalk. I especially counsel women leaders to speak with the voice of authority if they want to be taken seriously.


This was one of the most flawlessly executed talks I've seen to date. People would be so much further ahead in life if they could master these skills. The up-talking is so pervasive in America!


LOVE this talk. As someone who works with many patients who have experienced changes in voice due to Parkinson's, vocal tremor, or medical conditions, the relationship between voice and how others see and hear us cannot be understated. Can't wait to share this TED talk with patients.


As a non-English native speker, I can pretty much tell this lady speaks so clearly and so beautifully...


I'm deaf but can carry on conversation with aids, it never ceases to amaze how important language and commo skills are and how many perceive my vocal communication and non verbal communication and the differences of my perception as well


Voice Brand= Intensity, Inflection, Rate, frequency and quality.


2:20 As a voice pathologist for the last 20 years, my job has been to look at what elements go into the most elite voices, what gets them hired in the professional arena and how do we maximize those elements. It goes far beyond the words we say. Right? So there's that old adage it's not just what you say but how you say it and there's lots of coaches that talk about intonation and things like that. But the reality is it's the combination of certain elements that go into creating your voice brand.

3:40 Let's take a look at these five elements. The first thing is the intensity of voice. There's a comfort level for intensity. If I take a simple sentence: 'I need you to get this done today' and the only element that I change is intensity: 'I need you to get this done today' all of a sudden you all take a little step back because I'm all of a sudden perceived as being aggressive, assertive, or potentially if I was at a sporting event enthusiastic. If we take that same sentence and all I do is change intensity 'I need you to get this done today, ' I'm potentially being perceived as shy or uncertain of what I'm talking about.


Very interesting . Confirms what I've known for years - my quiet weak voice allows people to assume they will either ignore me or walk all over me . Lots of anger from others when they find their assumption to be incorrect . I really find certain voices to be VERY appealing and am put off by others .


THANK YOU for this wonderful talk! I had actually just just watched another Ted Talk given by a man who was born with some noticable facial deformities. When he first hit the stage the only ones who may have been a little uncomfortable were out in the audience. Until he spoke. This man radiated self-confidence and he immediatly won us all over simply by using a great tonal sound and proper inflections combinded with a a natural deep rich voice that would have allowed me to listen to him go on for hours. It also seemed that he became even more confident and powerful as he went on which made him even more engaging and attractive!!!


In customer service, voice is the most important thing as well. Especially when customers decide whether or not they are going to yell at you. If you answer like your actually happy to talk to them and fix their issue, they won't feel like they aren't being heard


It’s so easy to judge when your not the person talking.! I enjoyed her speech and very interesting and enjoyable. !


the way she expressed her expression I love it, voice is very important in communication people may judge you with your voice don't worry about it


People have always commented on my voice being a "good" or "great" voice - and pleasant. Since I started a radio show it has gotten better and I am helped by your advice too!


The people who are commenting with critiques about her own voice issues are completely missing the point. She is using various techniques throughout her entire talk to demonstrate. Just like her opening gambit being mild vocal fry, after which she then circles back almost at the end and refers to it.


Time to maximize elements to create voice brand. I am loving this journey to set up more intention 😊


I really loved the exhibition that she spoke about the voice, these elements are very important when we use our voice to obtain a good communication


My friend has a what I call a cultured voice. Now I know it's all about her inflection. Thank you
