Growing zucchini Vertically - How To Stake and Tie Your plants Upward ! #gardening #garden

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Learn how to grow stake and tie your zucchini vertically to save space. Growing Zucchini vertically will increase yields. This works for zucchini and squash plants , in a container or in ground , works at the same way ..

Plant a five or six -foot stake close to the zucchini stem and gently tie with some garden string or tomato ties. As the zucchini continues to grow, keep securing the stem

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#zucchini #squash #courgette

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You’re the only YouTube channel that I let the commercials run from the beginning all the way to the end, I hope that helps


I have been growing zucchini for over 35 years and this is the first year trying the upward growth method. Thanks for the videos. The plants are looking great so far. :)


Good video, good advice, straight to the point with no waffle. Thank you.


Great tutorial! Usually mine flop all over. Unfortunately, "Pepper the Pet Pig" stole the show! Wish we had land/space for a pig. Gentle giants. Love em!


This is my first year trying to grow anything and your videos are so helpful! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and tips.


Crowded my zucchini plants this year and trying to grow them up a stake. Thanks for the info.


After years of gardening without knowledge this year I’m really taking it seriously and trying to learn as much as I can to maximize my produce production from my tiny garden. So glad I found this channel I have already had several questions answered about the things I wanted to try, thanks for sharing 😊


2 questions:
#1. Why do you choose to use the fabric ground covering? How long does it last & do you have a video?
#2. How far away from your house should your garden be? I am~30 yards away but grew a couple of my tomato plants in containers that I kept near the house and they ALWAYS do better. A month ago I planted a couple tomato saplings close to the house bc didn't expect them to survive they needed rehab/extra attention bc spider mites took over my new starts in garage. They are doing fine now. Trying to decide if I should retransplant them out to the main garden. What are the risks of growing veggies close to the home?


First time growing zucchini. Thank you! I also never thought to use a weed film around my plants. I mulch, but that only helps a little with weeds. I bet the weed film also keeps bugs away from the fruit. What a great idea!


Yep love this idea. Also tomato cage works right? If you wrap that bottom part of the main stem where it meets the soil with athletic stretchy wrap it keeps the vine borers out. Thanks!


Sorry to put this here but do you have any vids on parsley and basil? Also love growing zucs vertically since I've watched your vids, its so much easier.


Super helpful! Thos is my first time growong zucchini and i didn't know if i needed to stake it. I just ordered that soft coated garden twine so im all set! Also your daughter and her huge pig are sooo cute!


This video just happened to come up which is great because it can be pretty windy here in north Texas. My zucchini plants don't know which way is up and I was already thinking of staking them!


This was the most helpful video I've seen so far! I couldnt understand how to get past this first tie until now, so thank you.

Also sorry to hear about your squash bugs. They took over my garden last year and even though we killed hundreds of eggs, it was still out of hand and ruined a lot of our harvest. Best of luck to you!


I think it would be cheaper to buy electrical wire and cut your own wire to the length needed. Just saying. Good Video 👍


Hi, first time viewer today, This is my first year with a garden. My squash and zucchini have been attacked at the base of the stem by some bugs, what would I do to save the plant and prevent in the future? Would I spray with some of the Cheyenne spray I saw in another video of yours?


I liked this before watching the video. Your thumbnail got me. I’m about to transport my seedlings today. 🌱


Im glad that i found this Chanel, lots of useful Information 😮 thanks for sharing 🌴🌵🍃🙃


Can you do squash like that as well thanks for sharing


great info, can you please advise where to buy that twine
