Simplification of Boolean expression | Boolean algebra simplification examples | Mruduraj

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Simplification of boolean expression is very important. it helps in Reducing Complexity in Digital Circuits, Improved Performance, Ease of Debugging and Maintenance, Economic Benefits, Resource Optimization. the initial section of the video explains the importance, why simplification of boolean expression is important? there are many advantages and all of them are presented in initial section of boolean expression simplification. the next section is Example Problems Boolean Expression Simplification. Here in this section different examples are taken to show how to simplify boolean expression. the first example of boolean equation simplification is simple and easy to understand. to solve this example of boolean expression several laws of boolean algebra are used. all the important ans useful laws of boolean algebra are presented in side pan of the video. once this example problem of boolean expression simplification is over then there is more complex example. So the next example for Simplification of Boolean Expression using Boolean Algebra Rules is more complex then previous one. In this example i have show that if we are not simplifying boolean expression then how many gates we need to represent the equation and after the end of simplification of boolean expression process we get simplified version of boolean equation. in this equation how many gate we need to use to represent the same equation. while solving boolean equation we have used various laws f boolean algebra. those who want to clear concepts of laws of boolean algebra they can refer my video on laws of boolean algebra. once this section is clear the next section shows even more complex process of simplification of boolean equation or boolean equation simplification. here i have represented more complex boolean equation for simplification process. the same process is represented here also how many gates are required to represent boolean expression before and after simplification process. this will give you idea that what is the impact of simplification of boolean expression. the final section if the boolean algebra examples is about self practice examples. here i have given two examples to learners to solve by them self.

Topics covered in this video:
simplification of boolean expression, boolean algevra simplificaiton examples, simplification of boolean equation, boolean expression simplification, boolean equation simplification, basic concept of boolean algebra, importance of simplification of boolean expression, example of boolean algebra, boolean algebra examples, Example Problems Boolean Expression Simplification, Simplification of Boolean Expression using Boolean Algebra Rules, how to simplify boolean expression, solving boolean equation


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Excelent, very clear, and easy to understand


for the 1st question the ans is : AC+BC'
