Introduction to Karnaugh Maps - Combinational Logic Circuits, Functions, & Truth Tables

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This video tutorial provides an introduction into karnaugh maps and combinational logic circuits. It explains how to take the data from a truth table and transfer it to a K-map. It explains how to use the karnaugh map to write a function using switching algebra. It also explains how to draw a combinational circuit using logic gates such as AND / OR gates given the function. Examples include k-maps with 4 variables and with 3 variables in the horizontal orientation as well as the vertical orientation. It also explains how to draw the Karnaugh map directly from a function with boolean algebra.

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This guy is carrying all of us from semester number one to graduation day.


2 hours of class down to just 30 mins and its fucking free.


Dude you have no idea how much I've been struggling with this. The way you explained this was incredible and you kicked my Digital Systems professor's ass. Thank you for making this video and helping me, total lifesaver.


There is a mistake in the last step at 29:17, actually C is 1 in 3rd and 4th row. Apart from that the video was really good, I was able to refresh my concepts!


You are a legend, whenever I hear your voice explaining anything... I just know that I'll finally understand it man, THANK


Being able to pick up a tiny mistake at the end shows that I understood the concept. My fav tutor since high school. You are better than my teachers and lecturers. JG still a hero. Big thanks 😊🙏


I can’t thank you enough, my teachers tried so many times. The way you explained in this tutorial in just 30 minutes, my teachers were not able to do in about 15 hours. I feel I’ve been saved, thanks to you. Your teaching method will remain with me forever and I’m forever grateful to you.


This world needs more teachers like you! On behalf of my engineer class in Norway, thanks so much!


I was completely lost on the entire concept after my class. Basically as soon as I turned on this video, I was gifted with knowledge. You're an absolute legend! I think I will have to check out more of your videos for whatever I'm struggling with.


My man. You always saved my life from the start of my college years. When our professor introduces us a specific topic, i find it very hard to answer. After watching your video it's super easy. Thank you!


In the last example you have taken D instead of C as a consideration for last relation


This guy deserves more than the world because you know he has helped countless individuals. You sir are a smart and dedicated person and I hope your life is going great.


Man i've got to say, thank you, youve been there for all the engineering subjects that i need help in. You're an absolute blessing, keep up the awesome work man!


OMG! Literally less than a week ago I was like "Shoot! He didn't make a video on Karnaugh maps", and then you make one.


There's nothing to say about this guy, I'm posting this comment from my official college id, and i found this video more helpful than college lectures.


The fact that this is an Organic Channel makes it exponentially brilliant and hilarious. Thank you so much for the video, really helpful.


I just learned my first semester in just a day through him. Your "cap" man. Love ♥️


At 12:37 you missed a reduction. Because Gray's code is used to ensure only a single bit changes between values, you can also wrap horizontally, vertically or both. So the top-right and bottom-right ones should be wrapped vertically into a two element group and the third product should be AC' instead of ABC'.

Another reduction was available at 28:52 but this one came about because the function you started with was not itself reduced. When the single green square is drawn, it can instead be grouped with the one immediately below it and going round-trip, that results in a simplification of the original function to C+AD'+A'BD+AB'C. I should also point out that when you place the AD' product into the k-map, you show an example of a wrapped term - if you actually rewrote the function based on having two red circles, you'd end up with two three element terms: AC'D' and ACD'. When you see those two terms together it's pretty clear that the C' and C can be combined.

I haven't used k-maps for hardware development for almost 20 years but at the time I was getting pretty good at spotting exclusive-OR gates. Since then, I've used k-maps to turn complex (multi-nested) if-then-else code into a calculated value.


dude literally knows every subject and he's so good....we appriciate man thank you.


You are the hero we all needed and the one we deserved, and the one we still need and deserve today. I’ve been covering all engineering subjects while the school year is at a standstill in 2020. I would have not understood half the gibberish in my textbook if it wasn’t for this video and your good speech & volume. Thank you so much man, and keep this up.
