Surface Pro 2017 Student and Artist Review | The Best of 2 in 1

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The surface pro 2017 is a great 2 in 1 laptop for students and digital artists. There is a bundle deal for the new configuration Corei5 and 8gb of ram, great timing for back to school. It's a very lightweight tablet with some slight improvement compared to its predecessor the Surface Pro 4.

The Surface Pro 2017 has been an amazing laptop. I mostly use it without the keyboard since it has been my digital notebook. OneNote works incredibly smooth on the surface pro corei5, 8gb of ram variant. It also ran smoothly on the corei5 and 4gb of ram version. I am not sure how well it runs on the m3 version.

A major improvement rest in the battery life. I can now get 6 hours of note taking on the new surface pro 2017 compared to 4 hours on the surface pro 4. The display on the surface pro 2017 gets very bright and has a new enhanced mode. Having it on sRGB gives the whites a more cooler tone. The enhance gives it a warmer tone.

The surface pro line up has made by far the best of the 2 in 1 laptop. I feel that it is the best laptop / tablet for college.

#surfacepro #digitalart #backtoschool

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Рекомендации по теме

Have you heard of the jitter issue with the surface pen 5 ? Cause i have it is really bad. Do you have that with the surface pen 4 too ? It happens when you draw a line very slowly (on the right sight of the screen) and if i write mathematical variables like x and y very frequently


Your drawing is more than enough to prove that i should buy the new surface pro. Awesome man!


The surface pro 4 has been an amazing laptop but the battery life wasn't. OneNote has kept me very organized. Would you guys ditch your notebook for a digital one?

I just realized that in the writing demo I could have just done 5x in the integrand instead of solving individually for 3x + 2x. Would have been much shorter. Oh well.


Nice review!
You are still using it, or have you updated?

What's about battery wear after some years?
Cause I'm waiting for my surface pro 2017 I bought unexpectedly cheap at eBay from a best buy seller.

Hope it really gets to me! 😁


I got a great deal on this device, i got the i5 with 8gb ram and 128 ssd, with the alcantara type cover, suface pen, and office 365 for a yr for only 769.99


This review was so satisfying to look at! 😍


Excellent review. I was looking for someone to produce a review as you have. I am now convinced and will buy one for the next school year. Regards.


I'm neither a student or an artist but I enjoyed watching this. I recently got a good deal for the core m3 version with a keyboard for what converts to about USD611 (I'm in Australia) and I love it! Never thought I'd enjoy a 2-in-1this much!


Good review and thanks for showing us the drawing and the one note features. It makes me want to purchase a pen :-)
Iam currently more the type of "flexible to use and easy to carry around" type of user.


This is the review i was looking for, thx man.


Just the video I've been looking for, but I have a question, I'd like to buy a machine like the surface pro to take handwritten notes with the pen but I'm a bit insicure if it'll be a comfortable option. The fact of writing on a glass screen, resting your hand on a quite hot surface for a long time and strain your eyes on it just make me unwilling to buy it.

What do you think about these hypothetical problems?


Thanks for this video . This should be top when searching. This is real content not the one some people do by talking on camera 15mins and only showing the devices' slowmos without showing real functionality. +1 sub


I saw you were using Autocad mobile and now i'm wondering if thos i5 version is capabale of the full version of Autocad with 3D projects. Have you tried that?


Hey buddy, nice Video! Thanks! Just have a question about the Performance. Is it true that the surface pro 2017/6 is getting a Lot of bluescreens and crashes? I mean did you have the same experience? Thanks Mate


Hi there's a used Surface pro 5 I wanted to buy but it's battery Cycle count is not showing, is that a problem?


What are your thoughts on the Surface Laptop 2 vs the Surface Pro 6? I’m trying to make a decision between the two. I’m not an artist, so I feel like the laptop would suit me better, but I’m curious to know what you think.


What app are you using to take notes (the calculation notes)? It looks so clear and with zero lag


wait how much is this? and is this including pen and keyboard or nah? please answer i wanted to buy this love your video


can you increase brush photoshop with ctrl right clik hover mode like traditional wacom?


For someone who just needs to do basic student work...MACBOOK AIR OR THIS?
