Mapping the city of Rafah

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More than 100 people were killed in Israeli air strikes on Rafah in Palestine’s Gaza.

The area, which sits on Gaza’s border with Egypt, is where Israel forced civilians to evacuate to, claiming it was a “safe zone.” The city is 64 square kilometres.

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"Palestine's Gaza"
ya rabb return my brothers to their land safely in this dunya and in hereafter. and dont leave any single oppressor who oppressed my brothers and starved them. ya rabbb yaa rabbbb


Today I tried seeing where is Rafah in Gaza on google maps, it didn't showed me exact area of Rafah with its border, it only showed Gaza & Egypt border, so you people should also upload detailed area of Gaza & Palestine, for example Khan Younis market is in which part of Gaza.


Unfortunately for the Palestinians their government did not accept the ceasefire.


I feel same on myself my Muslim brothers sisters and lost off children face this situation in sorry i can't do nothing for you....i hope my Allah safe you ❤ from evils


and they are rading this part now as well


1.4 Million? So where are the 0.8 million other Gazan's?


1.7M in 59.1km² That's Manhattan...


She said she didn’t want to be committed to a senior’s institution… and she meant it.


not easy as said.... the unseen is in helping again now.... god willing..


Wanna add mabye that the head of Hamas is there?
That if he surrenders he could save the gazens?
That mabye it's the pride of the head of Hamas that is costing Palestinian lives?


Nahi nigaah mein manjil, toh justju hi sahi.
Nahi visaal mayassar to aarzoo hi sahi

नहीं निगाह में मंजिल तो जुस्तजू ही सही
नहीं विसाल मयस्सर तो आरज़ू ही सही

If not a destination in my eyes, let there be the desire of thee
If we are not destined to meet, let there be the wish to see

Na tan mein khoon faraaham na ashq aankhon mein
Namaaz-e-shauq to waajib hai, be-wuzoo hi sahi

न तन में खून फराहम न अश्क आँखों में
नमाज़-ए -शौक़ तो वाजिब है, बेवुजू ही सही

So what if there is no blood in the body, nor a teardrop in the eyes,
The prayer of yearning will still be obligatory, impure as it may be

Muadib. Peace be upon him. And all the Holy Prophets. Isa. Yanus. Musa.
Dhul-Nun, the One of the Fish, Prophet Jonah ben Nineveh, an apostle of Allah.


Wow HAMAS has no where to run it seems


Nehusa tzafririm kfar zoharim beit guvrin


I wonder how come arabs live in israel😮


Turkey has all it takes to protect those civilians


What Should Israel Do Next in Light of Their Declaration of War?

First, we should reflect deeply upon the painful divide that has festered among us, causing the devastating toll of hundreds of lives lost and thousands wounded. We need to yearn for a major change and wholeheartedly unite as one. Only the bonds of unity can shield us from future tragedy and elevate our nation from the abyss of despair.

We cannot afford to nurse bitterness or delay action, waiting for the war's end to ponder our fractured state. Now is the time for introspection. We need to pinpoint the reasons behind our present circumstances and act accordingly.

Our quest for understanding needs to extend to our lives’ very source: the upper force of love, bestowal and connection that acts on us beyond our current level of awareness, which perceives through an egoistic and divisive lens. It is no matter of religion, but a realization that reality’s governing force is singular, and we accordingly need to stand united before it as one.

Precisely in our trying times, we are in need for an expansion of consciousness to let the upper force of love and bestowal into our lives. We need to raise the pain and anguish that erupts in so many people in such times to the upper force, and wish for it to mend our torn relations, and draw us closer together. We must seek to hold each other close to our hearts, not solely in times of war, but as an enduring duty.

We are a nation established not on a biological foundation, but on a spiritual-ideological one: "Love your neighbor as yourself." That is, we were people from all around ancient Babylon who felt a problem with living our lives solely according to competitive-materialistic ideals and sought for a higher truth to our existence, which we revealed as a higher force of love, bestowal and connection that united us above our divisive drives. That is why we cannot remain divided without suffering from our separation.

Our mission to unite above our divisions is constant, because divisive egoistic desires constantly surface within us, driving us apart. Therefore, much like a diligent student who finds new homework awaiting them each day, we should not accumulate any more overdue assignments that end up exploding in our faces, pressuring us into critical situations such as the one we now find before us. Instead, we should hurry up and correct our hearts to favor unity “as one man with one heart” above our divisions.


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