Why the Nakba is key to understanding Palestinian history #shorts

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When the oppressed becomes the oppressor


I am not Jewish. Nor do I support the current Israeli policy. But this is simply not accurate history. It has omitted some key events in order to paint a certain narrative.


This is extremely shady journalism. Very important details are being left out.


Y'all decided not to tell 99% of the story


You did just skip the part where Israel did accept the UN plan, thereby becoming a real country, while Palestine did not, under pressure from other Arab states, and chose to attack Israel. Had they also accepted the plan, today perhaps the conflict would be much less one sided as both would have the sovereignty rights of a country.


This is honesty disgusting. You are feeding people lies


Fun fact: this is called "lying by omission", its essentially telling only part if the story to push the narrative that you want, for example:
Say you stole something, and have had it for a week by now, if someone asks you if you stole it and you say that its yours and you can prove it because you were seen with it last week, thays called lying by omission, ik the example is prrtty bad but it kinda gets the point across, i hope


Skipped the Palestinians declining the two states and the war they started.
Classic Vox


once again, let's all thank the British Empire and European colonialism for creating war and conflict


Let’s not forget the fact at one point, Britain proposed a relatively fair partition of Palestine between Jews and Arabs, which the Arabs declines and incited violence in retaliation

Let’s not forget the Jews were in "Palestine" far longer than the Arabs were, yet the Arabs decide that the Temple Mount is rightfully Muslim and take all the Holy Sites in Jerusalem and most of the Holy Land from the Jews.

Let’s not forget the First Arab-Israeli war where Egypt (controlling Gaza), Iraq, Jordan (controlling the West Bank), Lebanon, and Syria declared war on Israel as soon as it was declared a sovereign nation, which Israel won. And what happens when a nation wins a war? They gain territory (guess Israel is the single exception to this)


They never seem to mention that Palestinian territory was lost when they and other Arab states invaded Israel but ended up losing territory.


Cycles of violence & hatred are supposed to be broken not continued.


Plan Dalet has been the subject of much historical debate and controversy, particularly regarding its intentions and directives toward Arab villages. The text of Plan Dalet included provisions for securing areas within the proposed Jewish state and dealing with Arab villages based on their level of hostility and strategic importance. It specified various actions that could be taken, including the possible destruction of villages that were deemed hostile or were located in strategically critical areas.

The plan stated that in the case of resistance, the armed forces were to be destroyed and the population expelled outside the borders of the state. If no resistance was met, the area was to be controlled according to military considerations. In cases where hostile villages resisted or were located near Jewish settlements or vital lines of communication, the plan allowed for more severe measures, which included the destruction of the village through various means such as setting fire, blowing up buildings, and planting mines in the debris to prevent return.

These aspects of Plan Dalet have led to significant interpretation variations. Some historians argue that the plan was primarily defensive, aimed at securing and holding territory expected to be part of the new state and to ensure the safety of its inhabitants. Others view it as having laid the groundwork for expelling Palestinian Arab populations from strategic areas, thus facilitating demographic changes in favor of a Jewish majority in key areas. The implementation of the plan during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War led to numerous villages being depopulated and destroyed, which has been pointed to as evidence of both interpretations.


Dont skip 3000 years of history! Who was there


When the victim of genocide become the monster who commit the Genocide...


Left out the part where Israel said yes to the devision deal and the Palestinians said no because they wanted the whole country (this happens like 2 more times).


There was never a country called Palestine. It's the English and the French, who carved up the Middle East. The Arabs, living under the Ottoman rule, were a tribal society, where the sliver of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, held no significance.
There was no leader, because they were not a nation. A leader only arose, when the British elevated one. That leader had no qualms about killing those who did not want war.


700, 000 haven't been "forcely exiled" most of them ran away out of fear


This is how you spread misinformation kids 👏


Leaving out some VERY key details here
