The Truth Behind Lord of the Rings Desecration

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Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 is nearing release on Amazon Prime. But alongside Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim would these be classed as on part with J. R.R. Tolkien's original trilogy? Frodo and the fellowship destroyed the one ring and Sauron, but Rings of Power seeks to show their creation. Do JD Payne and Patrick McKay have the ability to match Tolkien's writing? Or is there something different in Hollywood that prevents them being able to reach the quality of those stories. Is Rings of Power season 2 on Amazon Prime worth watching?

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Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and The War of the Rohirrim are just months away and what we know, is shaping up as you would expect. But the problems with Lord of the Rings seem to highlight a consistent problem in Hollywood as a whole. Comparing them to Tolkien simply makes this more evident as he was so much better than they are at writing, with significantly more life experience. This seems counter productive that our writers have less life experience than ever before, while feeling that they need to put themselves into the entertainment more than anyone else. With this in mind, Hollywood isn't just going after the wrong audience, they're making such niche pieces of work that only the creators might actually enjoy it. What if the only people Hollywood are willing to hire given their priorities, are people incapable of writing heroes. What if the only solution, is wholesale new hires in the industry? And what impact is this having on War of the Rohirrim and Rings of Power? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)


"Have you any idea what kind of noise happens when somebody's stabbed in the I do." Christopher Lee
Experience counts for a lot.


"She's headstrong, she's fierce, she's complex, she's rebellious..."
So...she's going to be another standard modern-day "girlboss" type.
Gotcha. Skip it.


"Good people understand both good and evil. Bad people understand neither " C. S. Lewis


Christopher Lee refused to scream for Saruman's death scene because he knew, from real world experiences, how people react when being stabbed in the back. He served in WW2, as a soldier and as a field agent. And it was his recounting of what he saw, and did, that made his peers encourage him to become an actor. His experiences shaped his ability to tell stories.


My Babushka once told me, I don't care what they tell you in school, Rings of Power isn't canon. She also told me the power of tea is greater than the power of wigs.


"Then darth Jarjar and Bilbo Calrissian slew the jabberwackey, defeated the Clingons, and returned to Narnia." - Amazon LotR prequel pitch


"Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise, you are making their destiny not brighter but darker." - C.S. Lewis


👍👍👍 Well put. Tolkien didn't need to be "fixed", "enhanced", or "modernized". His work was superlative the way it was. Amateurs shouldn't have been let near his texts.


As Tolkien himself said
"Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt!"


So long as you have writers who don't believe good and evil exist, who have no moral framework and who are obsessed with "the self", you'll never get a meaningful, lasting story with a true hero or villain again.


Galadriel: "Hit me with all of your strength Sauron."


I like how we as sane fans of Tolkien almost universally reject Rings of Power, and declare it non-canon.


"Looks like Meats BACK on the Menu Boys!" Has very dark undertones for the effect of starvation in War.


My grandmother once told me, "Don't ever let anyone tell you that's Halbrand in a wig, that is very clearly a completely different person."


On the battlefield, the smell of death lingers. It clings oppressively to your clothes, your food even water. Stagnant death know to few, that’s real experience. These writers know only throw pillows.


As a black man who grew up in South Central Los Angeles, I find it INCREDIBLY insulting when these people tell me "You're oppressed. You're weak. You're disenfranchised. We will save you!" I "saved" MYSELF. I went to school in a bad neighborhood. I devoted myself to being the best man I could be despite my mother driving away my father. I resisted the urge to do evil, to join gangs, to steal and become a statistic. PISS OFF!! I am not a victim. I am A MAN! A fighter and a survivor. I did all of that myself with the help of my friends and family. No Hollywood executive was there to see me through that.


Tolkien's novels were the result of a love of old stories and drawing on the years of study that made him a university professor combined with years of work to not just bang out some story to make a quick buck, but to tell a story set in a world he had been lovingly building for years that would be exactly the sort of places his invented languages would have evolved.
Tolkien drew on and reference Norse mythology as well as other, much older, pagan beliefs and mixed in more than a bit of his deeply held Catholic beliefs. He draw on his childhood and how the industrial revolution had changed Britian. Using ancient stories that had withstood the test of time to make something new and that hopefully will last just as long.


“We became flowers feeding on flowers!” - Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451.

“Out by the shit house is where the sweetest flowers grow.” - David Byrne


“And that’s without seeing modern day Paris”

