How to get Irish Citizenship through Grandparents rights. What to do how much how long does it take

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Most Migrants to Ireland are now British! Stop The Boats😂


That’s fascinating. I’ve been interested in Irish history and migration since I was little. I wrote a novel about a young Irish woman’s journey to New York in the 1890s


I’d have to go back to great-grandparents or great-great ones for Eire (Limerick) and Northern Ireland (Fermanagh) and no, having visited, I don’t want to live there. I found the country rather wet and dull, although bright green! I did have a British grandfather, have his b/d/m certificates, but I certainly don’t want to live in Britain either, especially these days! No, I’ll stay in Australia (where they all ended up) and maintain my singular (not dual) nationality. That way I know where I live, i.e. not having a foot in two countries. Dual nationality, allowed in Australia, has sometimes created untold problems and people with it tend to not know who they are or where they live. With one nationality you don’t have that problem. Thanks Brian, interesting. I didn’t realise that about Eire. I’ve traced my roots back to 1670s in the UK and not as far back in Ireland, and my DNA (done twice) literally proved it.


If you go to Dublin you can get a card stamped every time you drink a pint of Guinness. 10 Stamps and you qualify for an Irish passport.


Good Luck Brian, you'll be jumping for joy when you actually have the passport in your hand ☘☘☘


My dad was Scottish--but born when his parents were living temporarily in Northern Ireland when he was just under a year old his parents moved the family back to Scotland. I am a triple citizen of the USA, UK and Ireland as such. I have passports of all three, and when I found out about Irish citizen laws I turned over my dad's birth certificate, my parents wedding certificate, my birth certificate and my dad's death certificate along with the application and the fee and they sent my the passport. So I'm legally Irish despite no Irisn ancestry...


Since Brexit, lots of foreigners, mostly from England, have applied for and been issued with Irish passports because of their parents or their grandparents are from Ireland. It’s been reported that over 3 million English born foreigners have now cemented their Irish citizenship and acquired the very valuable Irish passport…..


Hi Brian, its pronounced Ball-in-a not Baleena, you will get pulled on it. best of Irish luck..


Hi Brian
Thanks for sharing your journey to get an Irish Passport. My story is very similar to yours. My grandmother and great grandmother were both from county cork Ireland., they have both deceased . I only have my grandmother date of birth and when she died. Im scared to pay a lot of money if I don’t have the right info but like you i want to know where i come from and live abroad one day too. My mums 93 the only surviving sibling and the youngest of 9. So I have to find everything out myself. Im a bit confused with the registration of my birth to the foreign birth and registration system but there is a little of confusion with different wed sites. Did you do all the process on line ?

Kind regards



Thanks for this. It's been an interesting insight. My Mother was born in Kilkenny which means I automatically qualify.


I’ve just started this journey by getting my Irish Born Grandmother’s documents but I don’t have the original birth certificate nor her marriage certificates - just photocopies. So assume I will have to buy certified copies? The FBR does not say that they will accept properly certified copies anywhere. Does anyone know please?


Great work James they piled staff on to redeem time
Welcome on board Seamus good luck


Good video, and a nice story. I will say, you should've done this YEARS ago, because now your children (assuming you have children, I have no idea) won't be entitled to Irish citizenship. If you had done this before they were born, they would be "born to an Irish citizen" and be automatically entitled, no matter where they are born. This is the situation I find myself in as my dad, who has an Irish grandparent, finally received his citizenship/passport when I was about 1 year old. Because of this 1 year difference, I, with my Irish great grandparent, am not entitled to anything. I can apply for "Irish by Association", which I have done but this comes down to a minister reviewing your case and saying yes or no and that's it. It also takes up 36 MONTHS to hear a decision... You're lucky you have an Irish grandparent!!


Seems like I am in a similar process Brian. I also had that email on 12th December 2023. This was a great video, thank you


Ballina is pronounced "Bal -in -ahh"


I have extended family in Ireland, but my only strong family link is my Great grandfather. So would it be possible to register my Father under Irish Citizenship by descent and by default would I be able to at a later date get Irish Citizenship for myself???


Please don't try and go to Ireland "as an Irishman", just be yourself. You're a wonderful, affable bloke and nobody in Ireland will give you grief.


I got an email today stating i was added to the Irish FBR. I'm excited to get my certificate and apply for my first Irish passport.
But, one thing, if they need a document that you haven't sent, they just email you to let you know you need to send it. They don't send the whole packet back. That will, however add months to your processing time, so triple check all your documents before you send them off.


My great great grandfather knew an Irishman can I have an Irish passport please?
If I was American I'd believe that that made me as Irish as St Patrick.


This has really been helpful as I’m at the start of this process .. I’ve got my grandfathers birth cirtificate (born in Ireland). I’ve got my dads (born in UK) and mine. However why/ would I need any marriage certificates? My dad was estranged from his mum from when he was a baby and my grandfather is no longer with us so no clues/ ideas in respect to marriage certificates.
