How to get Irish citizenship by descent

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How to get Irish citizenship by descent and how difficult is it?

Ireland has an excellent passport, and a naturalization process that is better organized than most other citizenship by descent programs.

When it comes to the kind of offshore strategies we talk about here in Nomad Capitalist, Ireland ticks a lot of boxes.

It doesn't hurt that it has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe either.

Ireland is one of the easiest places in the world to get a second citizenship if you’re lucky enough to have parents, grandparents, or — in some cases — great-grandparents who were Irish citizens.

After Brexit, many people from the UK with Irish roots have turned to Ireland and are now counting on another citizenship they can get through ancestry.

The process in itself is straightforward, but if you have a great-grandparent that was Irish, that there will be more bureaucracy to go through and naturally, things can get a bit more complicated.

There's another interesting way to acquire Irish citizenship, and to find out more about it, keep watching the video.

Read our article on the topic if you want to get even more information:

Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned for more videos and information about second passports, offshore strategy, reducing your taxes and going where you're treated best.



Andrew Henderson travels to nearly 30 countries every year to stay up to date on the latest legal strategies for entrepreneurs and investors to pay less tax, grow their money faster, and build their personal freedom.

Andrew started Nomad Capitalist to help people like you follow his five magic words: "go where you're treated best". He has personally started foreign companies, opened offshore bank accounts, and obtained multiple second passports.

He also learned the hard way that perpetual information seeking is often the biggest barrier to getting the results you want. Many entrepreneurs spend months and even years constantly researching how to pay less in tax or live overseas, but are afraid to make the jump.

As a result, they get stuck and keep paying a fortune in taxes and never get the lifestyle they deserve.

Nomad Capitalist's Youtube channel is based on Andrew's vision that focusing on the end result, rather than the latest shiny object, is the best way to actually obtain the benefits of the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Рекомендации по теме

My mom and grandparents were born in Ireland. I had no idea I was a citizen. This is awesome.


just to note: If you have a parent or grandparent born in Northern Ireland you are entitled to both British and Irish passports


I’m pretty certain my great grandmother was from Ireland but she came to America in 1870s so I’m pretty certain that’s too far back and wouldn’t count. My German great grandparent came around the same time. I heard Ireland and Germany grant citizenship but the farther back like you said it’s much harder if not impossible unless it’s a grandparent or parent. My grandfather and grandmother were Canadians though.


My Grandmother was Irish, I have copper red hair, ,Live in USA, , , she had strong Irish accent my father had Irish accent ..


what if you spouse isn't Irish. Do they get citizenship through marriage?


Fyi- as of 2019, the citizenship by decent (fbr) wait is over a year. I finally got my citizenship and recently recieved my passport.


I'm so happy to have found your channel. We have become digital nomads in our 50s just recently and learning a lot from your videos. Looking forward to catching up on all of them as soon as we can :)


All of my great-grandparents were born in Ireland. I have documentation confirming my relationship and Irish lineage through them. I very much would like to obtain duel citizenship. Frustrating that Irish government refuses to accept proof of Irish lineage beyond grandparents. I find it especially hypocritical when their politicians make speeches welcoming and urging the Irish descendants of the diaspora to “come home.” We can visit and spend our money but we can’t formally reclaim our heritage!


I got my Irish citizenship automatically because my father was born there. I am dual citizen of US & Ireland with both passports. I've used it to travel around Europe a few times including Ireland.


PLEASE NOTE: You aren’t really Irish unless you are born and raised on the island.


so basically no hope for the products of the Great Grand parents


absolutely shameful how anti Irish Ireland has become, making it virtually impossible for their own people to return…



not a single helpful link for the "how to" aspect of this clickbait


Grandparents are irish, born in ireland, mom was born in aurstralia, I am 51 percent irish according to DNA test.


what they saying is the irish and the scots that was force out in 1600 like mine can never go back the same shit as the natives they was force west and place by others


Can you help please? Love Ireland so much! Love finding your channel!


What about Australian decendants of convicts ?


My great grandfather was born in Ireland. I pray i can still recieve dual citizenship 🙏🏼 any recommendations?


My father was born here in Ireland in 1018, hence a British subject at the time. Could I get a British passportt? Again just for fun 🤣


My mum was born in London but both her parents were Irish. They left Ireland and moved to England before the 1940s.
