Meet the American Alligator!

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Today we explore the Everglades and find wild alligators!! Watch to learn all about these amazing reptiles including diet, habitat, parental care, and more!

Music by BenSound and YouTube studio library.
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I'm a Native Floridian who grew up on a canal. I loved being able to see alligators behaving naturally. Baby alligators crawling across your toes (while mommy is staring at you a few feet away ready to kill you if you move) is something you never forget. There was a spot in a creek that had a rope swing. It was very popular in the town. We would spend all day climbing the tree and swinging out into the water over and over again. There was a spot that you could camp by the rope swing. I remember one occasion where we had spent all day swinging/swimming and then at night, we were sitting near our tents and shined a light on the water. 15 pairs of red eyes were staring back at us just inside the area where we had been swimming a few hours before. They were there. We were there. We coexisted. No incidents. We let them be wild and they allowed us to get a glimpse of their world. I've heard rattlesnakes and wolves howling (obviously not in Florida), but the most primal sound I think I've ever heard was our resident bull male (13ft) bellowing during mating season. That's a sound you feel. I'll never forget it.


that alligator in the background is smiling while you tell them how smart they are


Look at all of Rex’s cousins!
It’s sad that we’ll never see Rex become that big though.
*She is still adorable and I love her.*


You are so calm squatting/sitting near a alligator, and I'm here panicking for you


I can't say for certain about the person tossing sticks at the gators, but we used to do that to shoo them off the roads because there were some folks who would deliberately try to run them over. Also, if they start congregating on the roads for the heat, it starts a bad habit and then you get more and more of them just laying all over the road. I don't know if this situation is still the case; this was back in the 80s when they were still endangered and there was a huge population boom, but no animal control. So it left us residents having to deal with hundreds of gators everywhere - under your car in the morning, in your garage, climbing your fences into your backyard to eat your dog, etc. So we all came up with a lot of non-violent ways to deal with them - hoses, mops and brooms, tossing little sticks, etc. to get them to stay in their areas. It also completely desensitized us to them. I remember swimming in the local water hole and the only thing separating us from the gators, was a string of floats bobbing on the surface - no netting at all. The floats were scary to the alligators and they would stay away, but at any time they could have just swum underneath and killed all of us. The 80s were a crazy time.


I had no idea you could just hang out around an alligator. I thought they would always attack. Thank you for teaching me something new. Not like I’m gonna just hang around then them though lol.


It made me nervous that she kinda slowly got closer to the gators 😅


Omg I love this channel, it's taught me a lot about different types of animals... thank you! 😋🐍🐊


Lol you standing like 10ft from wild gators and i cant even get near my grandmas dog


Wow not as known and not as often seen, the American Crocodile. Sweet. Pretty sure it's still considered Vulnerable or Threatened.


This channel is the reason I fell down the rabbit hole of owning and loving reptiles!


Watching the gators 'run' away at the end. Only thing I can think, so not every reptile is in love with her. That aside thanks, I've always been terrified of alligators because I grew up hearing about how dangerous they are. Seeing someone get that close to so many as well as all the facts really make them seem a lot less terrifying.... still not going within sixty feet of one though.


I hope you guys are having fun in the everglades!

While I know you're too busy to respond right now, I was wondering if you would be interested in an alegator snapping turtle for your educational programs? They are native to Wisconsin and Minnesota, though I'm not sure where you're located. I don't know the gender, though her previous owners say she's a female. Her name is Koopa. She's under a year old and hasn't even hissed at us yet, but we can't take care of her once she is too big. I figured this way she could help people learn about the alegator snapping turtle, I'd be updated on her through videos, and she wouldn't face human hunters like if I released her in the wild like my dad wants. I hope you can respond soon, after you have fun of course!


in the name of god throws sticks at gators? Who does something that stupid?


Wait those are alligators? I thought here in Louisiana we just had really scaly dogs. Yuh learn something new every day xD
I always love filming alligators n sneks so those are my favorite videos on this channel. Keep it up! :D


How do you not have 1 million subscribers yet with all this great content


I feel like every alligator that you film next to can just sense your kindness. Good job on the video!


I like American alligators very very beautiful and cool


Glad I'm not the only one who wants to hug the cute alligators XD


"I'll choose life today"🤣 I love the little quotes!
