Choosing an Ordinary Life: Finding Joy in Simplicity

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Thank you Justine & Michael 💚

All too often life can feel like a competition to see who is the busiest. Our lives are filled with rushing, stress, anxiety and exhaustion. Being overworked has become a marker of success, and it’s difficult to resist getting caught up in the wave. We're less in tune with our bodies and minds and there's little time left over to simply 'be'.

We don’t need to live life at breakneck speed. There is so much joy and wonder surrounding us in our daily lives - we just need to stop and take time to notice it. And it’s then that we realise that beauty truly is everywhere.

Filmed in Swellendam, South Africa.
Featuring Beneke de Wet.

All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons.

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Who is Reflections of Life? We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance). We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human. The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion.

Editing - by Jackie Viviers
Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey

Homely - by Mattia Vlad Morleo
Nighthawk - by Jon Gegelman
Tremors - by Spearfisher
Victorious - by Simon Wester
Sunfrost - by Dear Gravity
Spiral Limbus - by Yehezkel Raz
I Found Peace When You Found Me - by Sean Williams

A huge thank you to these guys, who so generously gave of their to time to help with language translations:
Arabic - by Mohammad Alkhudhair
Bulgarian - by Slavena Slaveva
Catalan - by Pau Zabaleta
Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) - by Pān Yung Chih
Croatian - by Davor Bobanac
French - by Natalia Hoffsteter
German - by Tanja Pütz
Hindi - by Parul Sharma
Hungarian - by Anita Máté
Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa
Italian - by Vincenzo Mocerino
Korean - by Chloe Park
Malayalam - by Vishnu Reji Haritham
Polish - by Anna Konieczna
Portuguese - by Jonatha Koeller
Romanian - by Iulia Nastase
Russian - by Assiya Marzhanova
Spanish - by Marianne Carrere
Turkish - by Ahsen Aygören
Vietnamese - by Tam Do
Рекомендации по теме

The fact that so many people are now looking to live a simpler life says a lot about the world we now live in.


Several years ago I resigned from my position as a tenured university professor. My colleagues thought I was crazy. I just couldn't do it anymore. I loved my students but was exhausted by the politics of higher education. I moved from a large US city to a small southern town. I now live on 1/4 of what I used to live on. I work part-time and have time to hike, bake, and read. It's amazing how little I really need. Thank you for such wonderful videos.


My favorite line from this chapter: "...everything is beautiful, you just have to notice it...". Beautiful.


I would love to hang out with this guy, even if just for an hour... he’s so grounded and just radiates calm. I’m 36 and have yet to find my tribe... but my journey continues. Much love to you all.


This was filmed in South Africa in Swellendam. This is so beautiful and inspiring. As a Zulu girl in the city life, chasing a career...i have to say, its a miserable existence. I am literally sitting in my car at work as i type this. Every time i enter the office, life just leaves me. I am gathering the strength to not quit and drive straight to Ixobho to my grandmother and start a new life. I am 31, i can still do it.😢


I have found my tribe, then I found my real self. Thanks to the channels like yours.


“I want to stay in that frequency”. An honest assessment of one’s soul. How many of us have wished this but never heard the way to do it? This video gives us this.


What a beautiful place to live and thrive. OMGoodness, so beautiful. A strong man is a caring, loving, understanding man who is not afraid to feel his feelings and be compasionate towards others. That's true strength.


I left my corporate job when I turned 50. 7 years later, I am living a quieter, simpler life. Making art, meditating, gardening, cooking good food, practicing generosity of time with others. It was an uncomfortable transition. The rewards, now are so wonderful, well-being, better physical and mental health, time for naps and simple joys. Letting go of the ego pursuits of beings someone "successful" has been so liberating. I am enjoying being an invisible part of the web also. It's such a relief!


I'm actually a student. How I wish this were the kind of things they taught in school not the "you have to be busy working and be successful and rich in the future"


He seems living alone but he is one of people I've ever seen who seem deeply connected to everyone in this world.


EACH WORD from this man resonates like the most beautiful truth, in my eyes he perfectly understood the meaning of life.

It is perfection. Thank you.


I've been in a divine isolation season for almost 2 years now. Whenever I go out "in the world, " I can see how I've grown as a person. I'm 55, but I was raised by a overt & a covert narcissist, and after they died, my "Golden Child" sister thought she was gonna treat me like my Mother did. My dad died in 2004, and after I helped put my mother's casket in the back of that hearse on October 29, 2016; my healing started. I haven't talked to my sister in years. I forgave her for "me." But life has taught me that Not Every Act Of Forgiveness Comes With A Reconciliation Clause. This Peace I have today is precious, and I protect it by any means. Keep pushin' yall! 💪🏾


You live within your limits, you change your limits & your world change., .. Powerful line


I am retiring from a warden position in a prison in June of this year. I am burned out and need to make changes in my life. Too much sadness and heart ache for one lifetime. Finding my tribe is my first priority. Thank you for the video. I may have a start.


Another beautiful human being reminding us how to be at peace, how to be happy, and what is truly important. All because of you Green Renaissance. Thank you.


A man who shows his emotions has won a battle, so he is very strong.
The purpose is to be and feel, to be here in the present moment, simple as this nice guy said ... this is being alive, not being weak.
Another inspiring video.
Thank you all 💚


I just found this channel & it immediately hugged my soul. There is So much noise in this world. I feel so misplaced & often like I don’t even belong in these times. I watch everyone around me glued to their phones indulging in their fantasies & illusions on social media & being controlled by algorithms. I wish people would snap out of it. This page is a breath of fresh air & gives me hope. I will definitely be contributing. Thank you!


'you live in the limits you set for yourself' ... couldn't be more true than this, wise words. My dream is to live like these people on this channel live, to have such quiet home surrounded by nature, with animals, quietness and Peace. Peace is the most important thing in my life. Beautiful video <3


I envy this man...he found his tribe and lives a life of such beauty and simplicity. It gives hope to the rest of us.
