Testimony Of Jesus Christ, Testimony of His Soon Return in the Rapture

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Don’t waste another day by chasing money, women, sex with multiple people, houses, cars, better jobs, social status. One simple heart felt prayer will allow you entrance into his kingdom, he’s not listening so much as to your words as he is listening mostly to your heart. You must be sincere in your heart, you must believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead thereby proving he was who he said he was, which is God came down from heaven in human flesh to testify to the only truth there is. Jesus is that truth, he is the way, and the very life, you cannot enter heaven unless you go through Jesus first. You need washing of your sins and the blood of Jesus is the only thing that can cleanse you. He’s waiting and loves you more than you can know. Today is the day of salvation, your not promised a tomorrow. And you don’t know the day of your death. Do it now. He died in our place, taking a punishment that we deserved. He was our substitute.


Cried, cried, and cried some more. I sent that to my children. I pray his testimony does not return void. We know what the word says about that ❤❤❤


Im Alan, my 94 year old Hospise mother passed on this week. I’m glad she is with Jesus and looking forward to completing his work in me. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. I’m not the judge but you must have the love of Jesus or I doubt your salvation. Repent and forgive others like he forgives us.


Hello My brother and sister in Christ. Awesome testimony. 20 years on the job disabled now. So many hundreds of times Christ saved me on the job. Twice supernaturally and I’m so thankful because thou I was a Christian I was luke warm and well we know what Christ will do with them. He’s so graceful but for years now I’m growing so much more closer to him and it’s awesome even thou devil attacks my health and at 50 years old but praise God I will be here for the Rapture! Godbless and love all you brothers and sisters in Christ! See you here there or in the air.


During his testimony I felt the Holy Spirit. All glory to the Highest. 🙌 Thank you for sharing. God bless Marty !!! ❤


I left atheism in June of this year. I was an atheist for 28 years I used to blaspheme against God, Jesus, and every religion, and believers, I was a sinner through and through. But on June 28th at 3am in my dark living room I had a super natural experience with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I could have done what I've always done explain it away and moved on, but this time, the experience was so real, so amazing that I could not deny it any longer, or lie to myself any longer. I heard his voice and I followed I didn't even question it. Which now in retrospect that is totally not me, I used to question everything. But the presence of our Lord and Savior folded me like a wet noodle. I fell to my knees and surrendered. That very night I threw away all my vices, alcohol, drugs, p*rn, all of it it's gone and out of my life forever. It has been an incredible few months in my way to sanctification. I'm a total different person now, I still struggle with sin, and making bad decisions however, now I talk to God non stop, and it has been the most liberating experience of my life.


Thank you for your testimony, Marty! The Lord is good!❤


Thank you, brother Marty, for sharing your testimony - WOW! And thank you for NOT apologizing for tears - liquid healing from God. I'm always baffled as to why folks apologize when they cry. Thank God for you and your witness of Jesus - what an amazing experience! Come Jesus, come!!


Thank you for this message made me cry too...Im Rapture Ready praise The Lord ❤❤❤


Bless you brothers and sisters. By the powerful name of our Lord Jesus. Come Lord Jesus


Thank-You Amy, and Thank-You Marty for your Testimony. I BELIEVE IN MY "HEART OF HEARTS" WE ARE GONE BEFORE YEARS END!!!!


I will pray for everyone who watches this show.
Please pray for my unsaved family.
Time is running out!!

A-acknowledge your a sinner
B-believe Jesus shed his blood on the cross and rose on the third day
C-confess Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior

1-Corinthians-Chapter-15 1-4
Romans-Chapter-3 23-25

I hope to see you in heaven :)


God is so awesomely awesome and his mercy endures forever... Thank you Jesus for your wonderful mercy and Grace for a wretched sinner that drinks iniquity like water and was born with a wicked heart whose works are like filthy rags but you still did it all for me... I thank you I love you and I will praise you forever your humble servant that is not worthy


Thank you, sister Amy, for bringing brother Marty on your channel! What an amazing story! Can't wait to meet you both in heaven! Hallelujah!


so AWESOME, thanks so much Amy for continually encouraging the BOC with these amazing testimonies, what an amazing Ministry the Lord has given you!


Pastor Paul is a great man of God. Watch him often!!! What a blessing 🙌 🙏


Amen, brother Marty, what a powerful testimony, thank you for sharing. I like you have been a follower of Jesus for many many years, but for a long time, I didn’t always live my life like I should. the Lord gets a hold of each of us in different ways and there is no doubt that we are very, very close to his soon appearing and return for his bride. Bless you, brother.


I receive this testimony brother. I believe your testimony and I believe it was our Father! He has more than proved to me how much He loves me. I am 72, now, and all my life He has protected me and dellivered me from sure death many times. And He has given me dream and visions and many supernatural and miraculous experiences. His love is perfect love, I know that. I know how it feels to not be believed. I have experienced that too. All I can say about that is that it definitely made me think about Jesus… and how it hurts His heart when He is not believed.
I believe it was no coincidence that this came up in my phone. I had never heard of this young lady nor your story. I am very careful who or what I listen to about these things. But Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said to listen to this one. So I did. I belong to Jesus. Father, Himself revealed Him to me. We… are the church… Blood covered believers… and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us. He is coming very soon. For us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We are eternally His.


Wow!!! Praise the Lord!! Thank you Amy and Marty! Come Lord Jesus Come!! 🕊️


Thank you for the heartwarming story, brought tears to my eyes ❤🙏✝️
