NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Understanding That The Pretribulation Rapture Of The Church Is The Event Tha

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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are reverse-engineering the entire end times prophecy timeline, rightly divided and dispensationally-correct of course, and showing you the blizzard of activity that takes place in the frenetic aftermath of the removal of the Church from the earth. We will show you how the Temple gets built in an amazingly short time period, how the Daniel 9:27 covenant is already in place when Antichrist shows up, and a dozen other things that we will do well to instruct ourselves with. We are not setting any dates, but believe me when I tell you that things right now are moving extremely fast and we are incredibly close to flying. How close? Don't blink.
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Excitededly Awaiting Jesus" Return!!!!


This is a great thing because we can belong to a body of believers when we have no where to go in our cities


Thank you for your studies, they are a blessing. This helps clear up a false teaching I came across that the 10 kings have to be setup before the strong delusion before the rapture.


I will only stick with King James only, I won't even get a nkjv because there is only one King and thats Jesus Christ Almighty there is no new king always has been one King and always will be the everlasting to everlasting alpha omega the beginning the last king of kings Lord of lords there is none like him. Praise God Amen.


Greetings in Christ. Please enable subtitles for Spanish speaking people, we also want to be blessed with your programs.Maranatha!!


i believe in imminent rapture. by falling away it means rapture first.


13:58 thought I got a fb message. 😁 it was you. Enjoy your shows! Thankyou. I have subscribed to email when this ship sinks.


I would love to participate in the chats during podcasts but trying to find my way around the website is absolutely baffling me. I know how to find archives, but not live. I registered on Speaker, but didn't see any indication of a chat there. I think I found the podcast when it was live accidentally once, but it was ending by the time I did.🤪🤯


Geoffrey-please Increase your D3 to at least 5000 iu per day for awhile and ascorbic acid powder by biometrics with biofalvanoids at least 5000 mg per day and take wild oregano oil liquid by North American Herb and Spice (got it at Fresh Thyme) You only need two drops of oregano oil per day (take with banana or tsp of honey) Also- fresh ginger tea boiled and then simmered on low for a half hour and eat a whole clove of crushed raw garlic (followed by a glass of water and a little food) All of these will help you immensely! Not to mention elderberry syrup I have cured many a cold in a day or two just by taking 10000 mg (ten thousand) of vitamin C! The vitamin C is only toxic if you get diarrhea- and even then it's not gonna hurt you (saw a learned successful Dr say this when talking about whooping cough cures)


My friend and her husband have 7 kids one on the way...they just went through covid and kids only had mild to no symptoms.


I have been listening on YouTube. How can I listen to the live broadcast?


If they can build a fully functional hospital in China in 10 days they can build the temple is a very short period of time


I think the rapture will come sooner than most of us think or believe! “Untimely green figs” is a winter reference. Also, when we study how Antiochus Epiphanes as a type of anti christ, this occurred during the winter which is now the time of Hanukkah for the Jews. The true Hanukkah according to the sun, moon and stars has actually not begun, and begins on 1/15/2021. (The current Hebrew calendar is off, which may be why scripture references in the OT of God hating their feasts (not his).) I believe Hanukkah, the feast of dedication, Festival of Lights, could point to a winter time escape of the bride for Jesus to dedicate his Temple and the coming of the AC right after. John 10:39 shows Jesus escaping from the feast of dedication, which is in winter. Also, Jerusalem itself turns 71 on 1/23/2021...could the completion of a 70 year time period with something big happening occur in Jerusalem before then? We shall see! EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS!


Just want to say that I have heard you can take too much zinc over a period of a few months and it blocks other nutrients, , , anybody else heard that ?


With the great falling away, what about the church leaders that are openly gay? There’s a female priest who is gay and talks about how God loves all and it’s all ok. 😑


I love jd Farag but he teaches the great falling away is the rapture. That’s really stretching the obvious imo.


I’m sorry but that recording of Perry stone is hilarious. Does he have a toothache or what?


Isnt covid the flu? Also maybe the falling away started when Israel became a nation and the church age started its falling away


What does Scripture actually state concerning WHAT no man knows the day or the hour of? .... Matt 24:35, 36, Mark 13:31, 32.... check it out! It is the time that the HEAVENS ARE DESTROYED!
Mark 13;31, 32: "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father".
QUESTION: When does Jesus come "like a thief..."? 2 Peter 3:10
Rev. 16:15... Jesus announces that He is STILL coming 'LIKE A THEIF"... just prior to the 7th BOWL JUDGMENT.
Paul calls the event the "RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD".... not the fabled 'rapture"... 1 Cor 15:42-54.
QUESTION: When does the resurrection of the dead happen?
ANSWER: When the heavens are destroyed... Job 14:12
The Word of God DESTROYS your argument that suggests a difference between a "rapture" event and a "second coming" event.. You cannot have TWO events that happen "like a thief"... for the first would announce the 2nd... and all references to Him coming when no man knows would have to fall on the first event if their were more than one. Yet EVERY point of that declares the ELEMENT OF SURPRISE falls on the event that happens WHEN THE HEAVENS ARE DESTROYED!
