NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: How We As Christians Need To 'Spend And Be Spent' For The Lord Jesus Christ

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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the words of the apostle Paul to the early Christian church, during a time of persecution so severe that nearly all of the apostles were executed by the Roman government for preaching and teaching Jesus Christ. Is it possible that in looking at these examples of how Paul and the others handled themselves, might we find the biblical path forward for ourselves in 2020? The answer is a resounding "yes!", unpleasant as it may be, this is how God has ordained it to go. The answer to The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is found within the pages of your King James Bibles, and tonight, we go mining for the gold, silver and precious stones that will make it through the fires of the Judgment Seat of Christ. The idea of "spend and be spent" has nothing to do with money, it is the giving of yourself for Jesus Christ, something much harder to give than mere money.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the words of the apostle Paul to the early Christian church, during a time of persecution so severe that nearly all of the apostles were executed by the Roman government for preaching and teaching Jesus Christ. Is it possible that in looking at these examples of how Paul and the others handled themselves, might we find the biblical path forward for ourselves in 2020? The answer is a resounding "yes!", unpleasant as it may be, this is how God has ordained it to go. The answer to The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is found within the pages of your King James Bibles, and tonight, we go mining for the gold, silver and precious stones that will make it through the fires of the Judgment Seat of Christ. The idea of "spend and be spent" has nothing to do with money, it is the giving of yourself for Jesus Christ, something much harder to give than mere money.
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