2-Minute Neuroscience: Brain tumors

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A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. In this video, I discuss benign and malignant tumors, general symptoms of brain tumors, and a few examples of some of the more common types of brain tumors.


Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this installment I will discuss brain tumors.

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells that occurs in the brain. Brain tumors, like other tumors, can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors grow much more rapidly than benign tumors, and frequently spread into surrounding brain tissue, whereas benign tumors tend to grow slowly and do not typically spread. Only malignant tumors are considered cancerous, but a benign brain tumor can still be problematic as its growth can impact neighboring brain tissue. If a brain tumor begins in the brain, it’s called a primary brain tumor. If it spreads to the brain from some other location, it’s known as a secondary brain tumor.

The symptoms of brain tumors vary depending on what part of the brain is impacted and thus from case to case, but some common symptoms include headache, nausea and vomiting, sensory disturbances like blurred vision, loss of balance, confusion, changes in personality, and seizures.There are over 120 different types of brain tumors, so I’ll only discuss a few of the more common types here.

Gliomas are a category of brain tumors that begin in glial cells. The most common glioma is astrocytoma, which arises from the glial cells called astrocytes. One example of an astrocytoma is low-grade astrocytoma, which indicates a slow-growing tumor that is usually benign. Another example, however, is glioblastoma multiforme, which is a highly malignant tumor that grows rapidly and spreads.

Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumor. Meningiomas form in the meninges, and are usually benign.

Medulloblastoma is the most common type of malignant tumor in children. Medulloblastomas typically begin near the fourth ventricle, between the brainstem and the cerebellum.


Stayner CJ, Lopez RM, Tuzzolino KM. Brain tumors. In Umphred DA, Burton GU, Lazaro RT, Roller ML, eds. Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc.
Рекомендации по теме

My Dad passed away last year from a brain tumour but thankfully he never had any seizures, toughed it out until his last breath, miss you dad ❤


I just got informed that my grandpa has gotten one. I just want to find as much information on what the chances of survival are, because i love my grandpa so much and i would do anything for him to survive this.


My cousin has a brain tumour, the doctors told us that she has almost zero chance of surviving, she is only 14 plz pray for her 🙏


I started having blackouts, got booked for an appointment with the doctor, who asked if i had epilepsy, and i was like… yo man theres not even epilepsy in my family…! I had more blackouts and awoke in a hospital ward some weeks later, they had saved my life bcos one of the seizures caused non stop convulsions which almost killed me! Thank you to ALL of medical science and the angels that saved my life.. the tumor is low grade and benign, and has reoccurred twice, and iv had THREE brain surgeries within 15 years. If you get diagnosed there is no need to panic. Just allow the professionals to do their job. I promise you!


I am so glad you explained that benign brain tumors can still be problematic! Seizures and vision loss in my case certainly changed my life, but so many people assume benign means it doesn’t present every day challenges. Thank you for your honesty!


A very god friend of mine was diagnosed with a brain tumor and thus the reason for my being here to educate myself. He is scheduled for a biopsy tomorrow, so my thoughts and prayers are with him.


Found out today my dad has a brain tumor please pray for him


I had a grade 3 Astrocytoma in my right frontal lobe. For 6 months I had symptoms of nausea, blurred vision, fatigue, numbness in my left arm occasionally, and headaches. I didn’t get help sooner because everyone kept downplaying what I was going through and saying it was probably just anxiety. I got diagnosed 4 months ago and got the tumor surgically removed and I’m not doing chemo and radiation therapy. I’ve got this!

(I also want to note I had symptoms for 6 months but the doctors think I had the tumor for years)


My son was born with stage lll brain cancer, known as grade lll glioma. (We don’t know much about it, it was very aggressive and became more inflamed after every treatment. We were able to get all the tumor out during his brain surgery)


I had an anaplastic oligoastrocytoma when I was a kid. Over 10 years clear!


I feel like i have all the symptoms everytime i watch a disease explanation video 😁


Please Pray for my Husband he has Glioblastoma brain cancer and tumor is back and growing rapidly please Lord save him


My younger brother had a brain tumor when he was 10. He underwent surgery after struggling for 2 years to find the best doctor to do it and it was a success. But it is evident now 8 years later that the surgery also has had a negative impact on his cognitive and genitalia development. I just hope we find out what might have happened so we can help out where we can. ❤


My Nephew just got diagnosed Wednesday with a brain tumor still waiting for the exact type but the least type fits our situation perfectly .. lord I’m just trying to educate myself cause cancer has been my families curse.. anybody seeing this please pray for me, my family & most importantly my 7yr old nephew CAMERON


Can you do a video on the dorsal column pathway or the spinothalamic pathway? That would be really great.
Also God bless your soul your videos have helped out a lot!


Lost a great portion of strength last week with a stroke of my right motor skills while I slept. Don’t know what you had till it’s gone. Headaches left me 10 years ago now this. Never can tell.


I had a Meningioma when I was in my late teens. Frequent debilitating headaches, seizures in my left arm, and head rushes with temporary loss of vision were my symptoms.


My great uncle is dying from this and I wanna find out something about this and I’m only ten and while I’m writing this down I’m sobbing pray for my great uncle please. 😢😢😢😢


My best friend 24 just found out she malignant optical glioma tumor 😔 I've read there is no cure and most people die after a year of diagnosis 😔😔 i hope that's not true


The more I watch, the more I feel the symptoms
