Soresu (Form 3 Lightsaber Combat)

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Full explanation of Form 3 - Soresu lightsaber combat.

Some of the greatest lightsaber duelists of all time, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, and Luminara Unduli were practitioners of Form 3. Join me as I introduce Form 3: Soresu.
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Your commentating sounds so well it gives off the feeling that your commentating with your eyes closed haha


Form 3 is my favorite. The entire concept of it being a completely fluid, almost serene, absolute defense, being as efficient with energy and movement as possible is just awesome. Kenobi was, in my opinion, the only character to really do it justice.


obi-wan was one of the LEAST force sensitive and gifted jedi. he actually failed his padawan trials and was scheduled to work as a farmer and only got chosen as qui-gons apprentice after pure luck led them to the same planet where quigon was doing a mission and obi wan was assigned to work.

it was his pure dedication to the jedi philosophy and his work ethic which led him to be one of the greatest jedi ever.


feel free to tell me to shut up. But in my opinion; Obi-Wan Kenobi is the real protagonist of The Star Wars Saga.


In my opinion Soresu is a disciplin worth learning. A Defense as near to perfection as possible and your not wasting any energy. In episode 3 Dooku wasn't able to beat Kenobi with his blade alone and had to use his force abilities to remove him from the engagemend. If one of the greatest duelist the jedi/sith had ever known isn't capeable of defeating a soresu master with his lightsaber alone then the soresu master Obi Wan Kenobi is someone who deserves respect.


Obi wan is possibly the greatest soresu duelist ever. He beat maul as a padawan, he was defeating dooku, he beat grevious, & he beat the goddam chosen one Darth Vader.


Honestly form 3 is the purest expression of the jedi ethos. Defense instead of offense. When you have to fight, keep your center calm and be unmoving in your determination.


Kenobi killed both Maul and Grievous hanging from a ledge. Must be the Soresu special move :)


You know what I love about that Luminara quote? Obi-Wan was never defeated. He *chose* to die when facing Vader. He basically retired undefeated.


Soresu is probably my favorite form of Lightsaber combat. To me, it really best encompasses what the Jedi were decribed as in the OT; individuals who used the Force for knowledge and defense. And indeed, The Jedi path I believe described the form as the ultimate expression of Jedi pacifism. Obi-wan Kenobi, I'll agree with Rico Chico Malico,  perfected Soresu.

He really made the style incredibly potent; a lot of is due to Kenobi being such an amazing duelist. And it is because of this devotion to the form, plus his character, that Kenobi is my third favorite SWs character and really is the Quintissential Jedi. Zannah, I know plenty are mixed on her skills. But really, I see her as being competent in Soresu.

I cannot even compare her to Kenobi, because really Kenobi seems like such an outlier in terms taking the style to its zennith. But it also hadn't helped that Zannah tended to focus more on Sith sorcery. Still, great to see you cover this form and all the others. :)


Obi-Wan: It's over Anakin, I have the high ground
Ani: You underestimate my power
Obi-Wan: lol no bruh, I don't


It's hilarious to me that Luminara Unduli once said: 'a master of Form 3 is truly invincible', yet as a true master of the form, she got outdueled by Ventress in TCW!(Ventress wasn't even in her prime back then) Also, let's not forget about Jedi High Council member Coleman Trebor, well considered as a true master of Form '3' yet, got gunned down by Jango Fett in '3' shots!


This is why Soresu is my favorite form, protection in every way. Protect my friends from harm and in turn get them to give what I cannot while I keep the enemy focused on me. Build a wall that cannot be overcome and let my enemy break themselves against it, that is my mindset and what I believe the mindset of Jedi should be.


I've come back to watch these lightsaber form videos many times. Thank you.


"I follow the way of the Mynock!"

*starts chewing on a power cable*


I just wanted to say thanks homie for making such good videos. You do a fantastic job of explaining the different styles of lightsaber forms and I've learned alot watching them seeing as how ima noob to the star wars universe. I'm 34 and started getting into SW bout 2 yrs ago and I literally cant get enough. Its game of thrones in space


This is ad my advice and knowlegde thge best of explanation, voicepower and explanation, i've ever seen and heard in the entiere world of youtoube. and sorry for my english tryping, im an old german man without paratice in that. mya the force hold you save, for ever.


I love how you use Kotor music in your videos, always gives me that nostalgia every time!


Props to your narration, man, you sound both in awe of the forms and mournful of the people who utilized them. Honestly, you'd be great at making even the dullest documentary sound interesting.


Ur commentating is so great it makes me feel at peace keep up
The good videos
