4 Reasons Your Muscles Are NOT Growing (MEN OVER 50!)

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Trying to build muscle but not seeing results? There are a few reasons why that may be happening and I’ll cover those in today’s video.

Make sure to start applying these tips to optimize your muscle growth. Don’t let your hard work go to waste on your fitness journey.

Here are the 4 reasons why your muscles might not be growing:

Reason #1: MAKE SURE YOU ARE EATING ENOUGH FOOD. Doesn’t give you an excuse to splurge. But if you aren’t building muscle, you could probably stand to “up” the calories a bit. Generally speaking, adding 50-100 grams of protein per day can be a good goal to shoot for via protein shakes, chicken breast, or other lean protein foods.

Reason #2: RESISTANCE TRAINING. You need to be working out with enough intensity to get the best results. You may see results in the beginning, but after 1-2 months, you will stop seeing results if you are not increasing intensity and changing up your workouts.

Reason #3: PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. If you aren’t pushing your muscles with heavier weights that challenge you, then your muscles won’t grow because they don’t need to. Try going a little heavier on your lifts, aiming to make progress every week. You need to be focusing on continuously improving the reps or amounts of weight you are using in each exercise.

Reason #4: PRIORITIZE YOUR TESTOSTERONE. Studies show the higher the T, the easier it is to build muscle. And vice versa. That’s why I recommend adding our natural T booster to your routine. Anabolic Reload. We have tens of thousands of Anabolic Reload users who notice a difference in their ability to build muscle after adding Anabolic Reload to their routine. Click the link below to get your bottles and start building muscle.

On a side note, you also need to make sure that you are prioritizing your sleep. Getting good quality sleep and recovery is just as crucial as the 4 reasons mentioned above, so make sure you are resting and recovering from your workouts to get the best results!

Make sure to follow these tips to get the most out of your work, and build more muscle after 50!

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Who over 50 even sleeps 8 hours a night? I do every sleep hack i know and im lucky to break 6


Been a personal trainer for 35 years. Now 56 years old. Everything I agree with except the progressive resistance. If you have been training your whole life there is no way you can be stronger when your 55 than you were when your 30 this isn’t how things work. Otherwise you would be the strongest at 90. The other issue of course is your testosterone level. Extra sleep and compound movements do help, then they stop helping. If you are a lifter and are over 50 TRT is the answer. I am sorry this isn’t the answer most people want but it works far better than the other things mentioned. Get blood work done regularly and keep your cholesterol low. Thanks


I'm 66, weight lifting and a little cardio works wonders, but like Gary said, your diet and sleep are just as important if not more important. I work out 5 days per week hitting individual body parts each day: M-Chest; Tu-Arms (Biceps & Triceps); Wed-Legs; Th-Shoulders; Fri-Back...I work in ab work once or twice a week and end each workout session with 20 minutes on the T-mill. My weight lifting workout consist of both free weights and machines.


56 years old and working out for about 5 years started the three-day full body but it taxes me out seeing some muscle gain lost 25 lbs down to 200 appreciate your training input


Never took care of myself when I was young. Drugs cigarettes drinking watcing TV and alot of fast food. Found myself in my late fortys
145 pounds . Stopped everything at 55 . 57 now . 180 pounds now and ripped. Got my newbee gains 💪 at the age of 55. In bed by 8pm, in the gym at 4am. 4 times a week.
Cook for yourself.
Chicken and kale.
No breads!


Love the armor of God collection behind you. God bless you and thank you so much for the info. At 52 I have been concerned about this over the past few months.


FYI - "fly-type" exercises (like the one shown at 0:45 in this video) are potentially dangerous for your shoulders. So you should be very careful about using them with a lot of load, and only increase the load very slowly over time. Actually, it's best to avoid them entirely and work on your pecs with exercises like bench presses, pushups and moving plancks, which avoid an excessive backward rotation of your shoulder joints.


You reach a point when progressive overload is just not an option. Sarcopenia can be reduced but the reality is that nobody who trains consistently will be able to lift more or lift the same weight for more reps at 70 than they did at 40. Focusing on always producing progressive overload is a fast-track to injury once you start aging.


Thank you Gary👍, you are my main fitness instructor 👍


You are probably on TRT...not that it matters but this helps a lot.. especially if you are in the low range.


I will add that GRASS FED red meat (beef/bison, ect) is really important for nutritional value...


Proper nutrition, good hormone levels enough rest, plenty of calories, and stay consistent at the gym, work both smart & hard.


Eating egg whites not the yokes is old false news


Great channel. 👍 I only disagree with 4 days a week. Better to figure out what pace or days of rest you need to recover between bouts of training. Ie, Count days of rest vs exercise days on a lifetime path; your body doesn’t necessarily conform to a 7-day week, per week. Recover as needed to keep pace with hard training and worship recovery as needed. Over 40 without TRT you need time and probably more than you think. When in doubt, add a day (or 2) more rest. Yes, some weeks you workout 2x and other times 3x/week. Don’t force your recovery to adapt to a calendar. Keep records on sets, reps, AND monitor your rest time between sets too! As Tom Platz said “Train hard. Recover harder.” 😊


Upping the weight worked for me and not stopping my sets too early. Train to almost failure but not beyond.


I know you guys are against hormone replacement, but it has helped me I do bio identical I'm 60 my work outs habe gotten better and I can stay awake after dinner lol


Barbell movements, nutrition, recovery: I'm 52, and lifting heavy. It works.


I'm 54yrs old and I have been working out since high school. Eating healthy and have lean bulk look. Yes I'm Natty never took steroids. I eat high protein low carb, healthy fats. Great part is people think I'm in my 30yrs age.


4:40 carbs are bad for your average joe who has a regular life and doesn't exercise much if at all, if you're training regularly and training like a beast you absolutely need carbs and plenty of them this where too many people are getting confused with the subject of carbs, and something i try to go is have my carbs, pre, intra and post work out, i skip them on my first and last meals of the day which are protein and vegetables


I'm almost 66 and doing mostly as you
Are but I work out every day resting the previous days muscles. Working good for me !
